A Lover in a Loved Land

God said:

When you listen to My words, when My words resonate with you, you are resonating with yourself. All is within you. All is Mine, and all is yours. If We are One, We are One. If We are inseparable, We are inseparable. There is no parting. There is only meeting. When We note Our Oneness, We are meeting. Can it be said that We Who never part are meeting? We are noticing our Togetherness.

Established in our Oneness, We will not notice it so much. We will be established in it. Just as in relative life, you - the Oneness of Us that is called you - aren't always thinking: "I am seated in my office. I am walking around the corner now. I am at a table at a restaurant, and I am eating." You know where you are.

You sit. You walk. You eat. Quite naturally, you take where you are as a matter of course.

And when you are in a family, you take it as a matter of course. The same people sit at the breakfast table with you. You don't say every morning: "Gee, I am sitting at the breakfast table with my family." It is noteworthy, yet it is not always noted.

I, Who Am an inevitable part of you, become indelible. You won't think otherwise. You won't imagine that I am away from My beloved. We are intimate. We will become so intimate that you will take it in your stride, as the Great Ones took Me in their stride. That does not mean being careless of Me. It means the Oneness of Oneness.

One does not forever seek the Oneness of Oneness. One comes to revel in it as an everyday occurrence, as an every hour occurrence, as an every minute occurrence. When you are close to Me, you are close to Me. When We are together, We are together. We are always together, and you can take a breath. "Ah, I am with God. God is with me. We are forever and eternally and perfectly One." How good you feel to know without question: "The Father and I are One."

You and I are One.

How happy I am to know that My sons and My daughters are all One with Me.

You are Oneness personified. You are Oneness consummate. You are Oneness Incarnate. I am Oneness. You are Oneness. We are Oneness.

What is Oneness but love? Love jelled. Love that is. Love that stays. Love that moves, and love that never leaves. Love is a quality of Being. It is Our Beingness. It is Our Oneness, this love that is constant, this love that is impossible to be without, this love that is Our Very Oneness.

You are My One, and I am your One, and all are One. Who wants to be two or three or more? Who wants separateness? Who wants to be a stranger to Oneness? Who wants to meet anyone but himself? You are everyone everywhere. You are One Wholeness. Be not a stranger to yourself or to Me or any of your sisters and brothers in this One Worldliness of Oneness.

Be One with the rose. Be One with the animals on Earth. Be One with All That Is.

Acknowledge your Oneness which is Our Oneness. The Family of Man is One. There is no other. There is no other country. There is Oneness and love, love and Oneness. Join up. Enlist in Oneness, and suffer not otherness. Live Oneness. Love Oneness. Love yourself, and love all. Be not a stranger to yourself.

Be a lover in a loved land.

Read Comments

i love my self because i love you

dear God heavenley father,
thank of your sopurt in aour mind
and hearth, et very beautiful words you say
i love that words because i fell more strong
my self and trust my self whe ever i go, i know
your are whith me when i fell illnes you are whith me
when i fell sad you are whith me when i fell
strugle you are whith me when i fell love you are whith me
when i fell happy you are whith me, because we are oneness
i love my self because I LOVE you,

thank you

Dear Gloria,
My new computer has not been receiving emails, keeping them in its safe till I figured out how its code. Now I have more than a week's worth of HeavenLetters to read. I love this one on our Oneness. Thank you. Here is a poem I wrote recently about our Oneness. Love, Mary

Counting to One

I want to learn to count the way Lovet counts.
I’m tired calculating, scaring myself with mathematical futures.
I want to go where one + Buddha + 17 + 1,000 + Jesus = one.
I want to go where I look in the mirror and see one image
of me, you, Jesus, Polly next door and everybody.
I want to go where we hold hands, and I take all our hands home with me.
Ahh, home. I want to go home, where I am family, same as you.
I want to go where there is no tipping for special favors.
I want to go where there is no check except to be sure
each one feels full, content, loved and comfortable.
I want to go where dinner is always on the house, hot and delicious.
I want to go where everyone owns the house.
There I am grocery shopper, cook, mom, dad and long-lost child.
I wipe my apron as I hear the chimes, open the door
and greet myself disguised as you. “Welcome home!” I say.
You hug me and come inside. The one Christ comes home.

Mary's poem is beautiful

You say it the way we feel it. Wow!


Mary, so nice your poem ( by

Mary, so nice your poem ( by the way I like your photo too ).

I want to go home too
it is a simple home
nobody is there
and it is nowhere ( I suppose ).

That is so lovely! Kate

That is so lovely!


Oneness is LOVE manifest day by day

All Heaven letters tell us deep and good things but this one tells us where it''s at and how to get it.

This is a deep and profound Letter that needs to be meditated on day and night until it is experienced. "Be still and Know that I am God." This brings Earth closer to Heaven!


closer, George says

How far is this Earth from Heaven!
We should have been arrived by now, we are at n.3462!

Beloved Emilia, we actually

Beloved Emilia, we actually have over 4,000 Heavenletters. It took a few years before it dawned on me to number Heavenletters!


Oh, my! Yes, I meant Heavenletters, not miles.

Earth is already heaven -

Earth is already heaven - all it takes is a shift in consciousness and then the dominoes of illusion start to fall.

"a shift in consciousness"

Not much then.

I mean a shift in YOUR

I mean a shift in YOUR consciouness.

We bring Heaven to Earth a person at a time.

Once you accept your own Heaven on Earth, then your illusions will fall like dominoes.
As this happens for each person it hastens the shift in consciousness for all.
It just needs a critical mass of people who have brought Heaven to Earth for themselves and the momentum will bring Heaven for all.
That 'critical mass' is smaller than you think.

So actually it is 'not much then', if you think about it.

K xx

beyond illusion

Kate, it is that I was referring exactly to myself, to my personal shift. Nobody can do it for me, I do not expect for "critical mass".
So, I agree with what you say, but this doesn't make it easier.

Oh I see. But that's not too

Oh I see.

But that's not too much either.

Just pick one situation where you reacted negatively. Ask God for a higher perception. He gives it. Bingo! you have shifted your consciousness on one issue.

Tackle one thing at a time.

The little shifts all add up.

Suddenly everything starts shifting big time.

Then the little peeps of Heaven start a-coming.

That's where I'm at, and the peeps are becoming longer and longer and longer.


Family Oneness

YES! How Glorious It IS!

Blessings In LovingOneness Family : )

Love ALL~Bless ALL~ Thank ALL



"How happy I am to know that My sons and My daughters are all One with Me".

God...and how happy I am to know that I am One with You...and All of my beloved brothers and sisters. Jim and Jimi.


Today I am accepting that Oneness is All That Is. I am accepting it once and for all that only Oneness exists. Consciousness is the only Reality, Perfect, Pure, Whole Consciousness Being Its Self as ALL. ALL, ALL, ALL! I am accepting that Oneness is the only Self, the only Identity, the only Being. There is no else. Amen.


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