A Lesson in Smiling
Let Me brush away that frown from your forehead. It doesn’t belong there. It is like a wisp of hair that has fallen out of place. There is no place for a frown on your brow.
Let go of the past, and you will not know frown.
Be puzzled at life, but befuddlement does not require a frown.
What if all the puzzles had beautiful resolutions – would you then frown?
Christmas morning, you did not know what a package contained, and yet you did not frown. You had expectation of something joyous. Carry that expectation, beloveds. One smile from you is worth more than a hundred frowns. Get your proportions right. You may have had it backwards, beloveds. Frowns and smiles do not carry even weight, not by a long shot.
Be serious about your smiles. They are such a boon to mankind. Smile at the next stranger you see. Smile at all your beloved ones, no matter what misdemeanor they may have done. Smile at all your loved ones no matter how you may feel. You are being true to yourself when you smile. You are not smiling to incur favor. Your smile is not false. You are smiling in order to increase the world order. A smile will open your heart. A smile of good intent from you will create more smiles.
Well, if you cannot smile in this minute, perhaps you can laugh at yourself, laugh at how seriously you are taking yourself and events in your well-worn path from house to work and the grocery store. Why not walk through every room of your house and smile in recognition of a world that God has created and set before you.
You do create your world quite a bit. I suggest you create it with a smile. Surely there is something to smile about. Give that something the recognition it deserves. Even when you slip in the mud on the street, you have to smile, don’t you? Wherever you land, you can smile.
Today I give you a lesson in smiling. No longer are you to be a grump, even when you are by yourself.
Come, My children, look at Me. How can you not smile when I gaze upon you? How can you not laugh for joy when you remember I am looking into your eyes? Can you really resist My eyes of love? Why would you? You can have Me for a song. Actually, a smile will do. Give Me a smile. Give Me a little smile. That’s it. That’s how you do it. You have a beautiful smile, and I would like you to smile often.
It is a natural thing to smile.
Remember how happy you were when you saw your baby’s first smile? Once you were that baby with a first smile. May your smile have been adored, and nothing since taught you to stop the joy of your smile. Be smiling still. Alert other hearts that smiles are here to stay.
As you smile, you teach others that this is a friendly world. Make the world friendly, beloveds.
In whose presence will you smile today where you may never have before?
What corner of the world are you going to brighten today with simply a smile? I think you will find that you have more than one smile to give. I think you will find that one smile leads to another and another, until your smile has been passed around the world, lighted up hearts, and taught other beautiful souls to smile.
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