A Far-Seeing Star

God said:

You do not yet know the degree to which you are the instrument of My love. As a matter of fact, you have no idea. You have dark goggles on as you swim in the Ocean of My Love.

Your individuality inflated itself, beloveds, as your Oneness took a back seat, seemingly took a back seat.

What any one of you, fully and consciously connected to My love, could accomplish. What could you not? What could one of you seamlessly give to the arrangement of the world, simply by dint of being the musical instrument of My love? You are the great tool of the Universe. You are the key that opens the lock to the Universe.

In an open state of consciousness, you would know My power, and therefore you would let it run through you, and you would move your arms and legs, and you would move through the Universe as the holy light you are.

Your laugh would resound through the rafters of Heaven. You would realign the world through one thought of Me. You would indeed be Atlas, not bound, but Atlas free to walk the Earth, behold it, and delight in it. You would be the rumble of the Earth, and you would be the peace of Heaven, and you would enlighten the world. You would indeed silently claim the title of celestial body on Earth. You would be a far-seeing star close up. The world would adopt your vibration, and what a vibration that would be. You would know the power of your consciousness because you would have recognized Me. You would have given up every vestige of resistance to the Greatness that you are. You would bow off the stage, and you would have Me reign. Yes, you are My instrument on Earth, if only you knew Who You were and Who You are, and the power of God that reigns within you. You have to know, beloveds.

You are a power-instrument of the Universe. You haven’t known you were plugged in, and so you bobble on the surface of the very Ocean of My Heart. Oh, beloveds, how innocent you are in your ignorance. With one thought, one thoughtless thought, thoughtless because it would be pure, you would unite all the seas, all the continents, and you would turn night into day. You would have heard My signal, and you would have responded, you, the perfect instrument of My love.

Heretofore, you have laden yourself with decorations when you need none. You have laden yourself with all kinds of instructions, when you need none. The trumpet call of your heart is all that you need, and all I need of you. Your recognition of yourself is all that I need of you, that the world needs of you, that you need of yourself.

I walk the world in you, and I walk the world through you. You are the power of My thought, and you are the power of My love. My power, My love, My thoughts are one and the same, and they are one and the same within you. You have scattered the seeds of the God-given power within you. You have scattered them witlessly. All you need to do is to scatter one seed with all the power I have given you. One seed of My love will make all the flowers grow, will uplift the Universe, will nourish hearts, will make love multiply, will allow love to take over the distracted world and bring it back to Me, will center the world, will settle it in a bed of peace, will stop its tremors, will wipe its brow, will serve Me well.

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It is probably not my place

It is probably not my place to say, and yet I am a reader of Heavenletters just like everyone else! I am amazed at every Heavenletter. There are certain lines that simply melt my heart. No matter how many times I read them, they affect me deeply.

And every time I receive my Heavenletter, it is as if I had never seen it before.

What is your experience?

God is Great!!!!!!!!

God is Great!!!!!!!!

Hello Friends, God said walk

Hello Friends,

God said walk the Earth
As the holy light you are
You will serve Me well

God said turn to love
You have to know Beloveds
That you are the key

Love, Light and Aloha!

Happiness isn't happiness

Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat...

I love this A Farseeing star, we are all on a journey called life
and we are given choices to make, sometimes we make the right and sensible ones good for us and yet sometimes we need guidance.

Sometimes we stand at a crossroads and sometimes we don't even know our creative talents that are hidden deep inside of us... sometimes we need a map and a compass to, a signal to turn night into day

to find the key to our own beating heart which we inturn return back to you with all our love,and your bright shining light farseeing star gives us the Universe and we find we were an instrument of your peace all along...

Dearest Gloria, it is so

Dearest Gloria,
it is so true what you say, that certain lines just melt the heart, that is what I find really breathtaking, it can't be put into words I feel, it is so much love, so much! it is really like being deep immersed in the ocean of love. It does not matter how many times I have read and re-read the Heavenletter, it has each time the same effect on me like it was the the first time. It is like a spell that is cast each time anew, and what a wonderful Love spell this is !!
Love and Blessings

So true, so true, so incredibly true

Gloria said: "I am amazed at every Heavenletter." How true Gloria! They are quite amazing and transcend anything else I have ever expereinced. They are impossibly accurate about topics that no one understands. They are also the proof of what they purport to tell us of astounding complexity and beauty of the inner workings of Reality.

Berit said: "it is like being deeply immersed in an ocean of love." Berit is so right, also! The words carry power far beyond the normal human capacity to change and transform the reader. Somewhere, in one of the early Heavenletters, God expounds on how words carry the vibration of consciousness of the creator of the passage. When we read these letters, we experience a level of vibration that we cannot adequately put into words.

This is my experience.........Chuck

all the seas, all the continents

You do not yet know the degree to which you are the instrument of My love. As a matter of fact, you have no idea. You have dark goggles on as you swim in the Ocean of My Love.
Your individuality inflated itself, beloveds, as your Oneness took a back seat, seemingly took a back seat.
What any one of you, fully and consciously connected to My love, could accomplish. What could you not?

Whenever I hear God make such sweeping statements, I always wonder, Does He mean some of us? Many of us? Most of us? All of us? Are there not the ones who already are fully and consciously connected to My love? I would love to hear about those. But perhaps nothing needs to be said about them because they already are a power-instrument of the Universe.

But what a Heavenletter! Doesn't everything seem possible when you read it? Oh, how it makes me want to bee free enough to bow off the stage and have God reign.

With one thought, one thoughtless thought, thoughtless because it would be pure, you would unite all the seas, all the continents, and you would turn night into day.

What frightening power. Too much freedom. Too much love. Too much Oneness. Let's have instructions instead. You have laden yourself with all kinds of instructions, when you need none. I have been suspecting this for a long time, and I venture to say that as long a I want to rely on instructions (and I still do at least part of the time), I am the goggled one.

Your comments, friends, are just great.


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