A Cradle of Love

God said:

To you, when you think of it, life is a mystery. How can this fantasy of life be? How is it that everyone buys into it when life looked at more closely is unfathomable, not quite possible, certainly not real. Life is an impossibility!

And, yet, life is a drama entered into most fully. Not always willingly, but fully. There is no way around that. You were born. You had no choice, or did you?

It could be said that you, the baby, did enter the world kicking and screaming. Even in your mother’s womb, you were kicking in order to exercise your legs and make more room for yourself. You didn’t cry by choice. The roughness of the world made you bawl, and the bright lights made you. And thus you were born to the world and have been inhabiting it ever since. What a strange thing. Sometimes it seems downright unearthly.

You were in the arms of strangers, and, to this day, you cannot know what you were like as a baby. If only you could have been your own mother or father, how you would have nurtured yourself. How gentle and kind you would have been. You might well have given yourself, the baby you were, a new start in life. You would love, simply love, for that unrecognized baby you were did not always have the respect you would give to it if only you could.

Nevertheless, you can give yourself a new upbringing now. It’s harder for you to love the adult you are, and, yet, you can do it. Inside you, that innocent child wanders still. You can raise yourself a better way now. You can raise yourself to new heights.

Even in the state of babyhood, there was a wiser you attuned to more significant matters than life in the world. Even as a baby, you knew more than anyone knew. An unseen mother or father of life in Heaven was rocking you in a cradle of love. There was always more for you than the world provided.

You can be privy to a new birth now.

Once you were a flower who curled up. Now you are a flower springing open. You are bursting forth. Today is the day of your birth. Today you get your land legs or your sea legs or your wings. Here you are.

Today you can fly to Me, and I will catch you. I catch you now. I hear your voice. I hear your heart, and I welcome you and your heart, and I bring you close. You are born to Earth in My arms, and I have never let you go. Never ever were you out of My heart. Always, you were right here. You are right here now, and I rock you with love greater than you can fathom. You are the most loved Being in the world, the most loved Being in or out of the world. You are the most loved Being there ever was. You are loved. You are a blessing that I nurture and love. I gave you as a blessing to the world. I set you free in the world, not so much to make your fortune as I made you to be the world’s good fortune. If truth be known, I made you to savor the world, to relish it, to bring it to life, to embolden it with all that is holy and all that makes life worthy of the name. The world does not need saving. It needs to be honored. In that way, you are the savior of the world.

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"You are right here now, and

"You are right here now, and I rock you with love greater than you can fathom. You are the most loved Being in the world, the most loved Being in or out of the world. You are the most loved Being there ever was. You are loved. You are a blessing that I nurture and love. "

Ha! I knew he loved me the most!

Your heart's Space

"Today you can fly to Me, and I will catch you. I catch you now. I hear your voice. I hear your heart, and I welcome you and your heart, and I bring you close. "

Dear Father... we are your birds and You Our Sacred Tree of Eternal Residence. To You we fly to everyday and even when we fly elsewhere... we still fly within the bounds of your endless heart. Thank you. With great love


The world does not need

The world does not need saving. It needs to be honored.


And, dear Santhan, this is

And, dear Santhan, this is the most challenging statement: " the world does not need to be saved, it needs to be honored".

In a certain way, it is fairly easy to proclaim our love to our invisible God. But what about honoring people that just represent the opposite of God's love? The problem is always what people say and do in their physical bodies. To honor the world means not to identify your brother as a body. You perceive a murderer as a body. And society will want to eliminate a body to exercise what is a so-called justice system. But we have to go as far as to say: be grateful to your ennemy because even your ennemy makes yourself complete. From our Self, no one is left outside. So be grateful to your ennemy, that is how you can honor the world.

That is where the challenge is.


Yes Santhan, That is the sentence that struck me to. So lets honour the world including all. Much love Jack

most loved Being in the world

Oh, my Father, you made my heart burst with loving pride and joyful happiness. My heart kept welling up with tears of joy while reading your words in this Heavenletter.
My little child experience was no Hollowood picnic. But I knew then, my life somehow would turn out just fine.

" You are bursting forth. Today is the day of your birth. Today you get your land legs or your sea legs or your wings. Here you are.

Today you can fly to Me, and I will catch you. I catch you now.".... GOD

Thank you my Father for loving me. Thank you my Father for guiding me. Thank you Thank you.
I fly to your open arms and we will embrace and hug like long lost Father and Son.For indeed I was lost in my growing-up years.... but I searched for you and you led me back to you.Thank you my Father.

For all my brothers and sisters in this world I send an ocean of love to all and to all of Creation. Maintain Integrity in your life and GOD will blosom as he did for me.

Beautiful, beloved Victor1.

Beautiful, beloved Victor1. Thank you for giving us an ocean of your love. Love back to you more!

"Oh Sweet Mystery of Life..."

Have we found the mystery of Life?

Gloria help point us to its many meanings.


New born today

Thank you as reminder that today is a new day and that we are born daily to create a more holy day of living! Thank you, Heaven letters, bring on the good news!!!

Thank you for your posting,

Thank you for your posting, beloved Cristiana. Please take a look at the guidelines and best practices for posting, dear one.


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