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2 questions...
Posted January 31st, 2010 by Shanthi
Please I have 2 questions :
1) I receive the posts every day in many languages, Can I receive them only in English ?
2) I am French and I will be very happy to find an English correspondent in Heaven letters's subscribers to improve my English language and I could also help him ( her ) in French,
Could it be possible to post this announce If it is allowed ?
Thanks you very much
Beloved Shanthi, How did
Beloved Shanthi,
How did this happen!!! You are subscribed to every language! This is not supposed to happen!
What name are you subscribed under? I was not able to find a Shanthi in the data base. I can easily fix this for you. It will take only a minute, and I am happy to do it, yet I have to first locate you in the data base.
Shanthi, there are a whole lot of us who would love to help you with English. Can you use the forum for this? We could all chip in our two cents' worth!
There are two people who post who have been learing English through reading Heavenletters and posting here on the forum. One is Pitta from Italy, and the other is Carmen, originally from the Phillipines, now living in Denmark. I am so proud of these two ladies.
It seems to me that you have studied English. It must be.
If there is someone here who wants to excel in French as much as you want to excel in English -- what a great partnership!
Tell us more about yourself, dear one.
With love and blessings,
Dear Gloria,
Sorry, I have badly phrased what I want to tell you...,
I received every day in my mail comments in foreign lenguages like this :
" Dear Shanthi,
A recent heavenletters to which you have subscribed has been updated.
Here is the title: Ein neuer Refrain
Here is an extract of the contents...
Im Leben bist du wie ein Scherenschnitt von Wer du bist. Die abschließenden
Kanten des Bildes, das du von dir siehst, mögen ja durchaus klar ersichtlich
sein, jedoch siehst du das Zentrum von dir nicht. Du möchtest gerne glauben,
dass du mehr bist, als dein Auge zu erblicken vermag, und doch kannst du
deine Pracht nicht sehen. Du steigst mit schwerem Gepäck auf einen Hügel,
und wunderst dich, wieso du deine Füße hinterherziehst und derart langsam
Lege dein Gepäck ab. Du wirst den Bergrücken wie eine Gazelle hinaufrennen,
sobald du dein Gepäck ablegst.
Here is the latest comment..."
I want to receive the diary comments only in English,
Yes I have been learning English for many years but I don't manage still to day to speak and write fluently, so I am going to post my announce to find English correspondents who perhaps would want to improve their French,
I am very glad to have met you,
With love and gratefully
I would be honored to help
Gloria, I too get many letters and comments everyday in other languages that I have to delete. I believe I mentioned this to Santhan a while back and he was going to look into it when he had time. If I were to disable the option that produces these translations in my email, I think I would also lose the comments that automatically come to my email from the forums, which I wouldn't want to miss. I suspect this is what Shanthi is referring to.
Shanthi, dear, it would be an honor to help you with your english at any time. I am sure many others would feel this way, too. You could post your question anywhere on the forums, or if you want a more private discussion, you could email any of us through clicking on that person's name at the header of any of their comments and then click on the "contact" tab that appears on most people's personal profile page. My French is almost non-existent, but I still think I may be able to help.
Chuck, I may well have
Chuck, I may well have misunderstood Shanthi's question! I was thinking she received Heavenletters themselves in every language. I found you on the data base, and that surely is not the case for you.
So it could well be that Shanthi was talking about notifications of postings. Ah, that I don't know what to do about, though I expect there is a happy solution.
Thank you for your most beautiful response. I know you work eleven-hour days as a doctor, and still you make time to help everyone.
I have just post..
Dear Chuck,
Thanks for your answer,
I have just post my announce...
Best wishes
Dear Gloria,
Sorry, I have badly phrased what I want to tell you...,
I received every day in my mail comments in foreign lenguages like this :
Dearest Shanti, a most warm
Dearest Shanti,
a most warm welcome also from my behalf. I love what you share in your account and I was drawn to look the wonderful name you have!
Big hugs from Italy to you dear !!!
Beloved Shanthi, you
Beloved Shanthi, you expressed yourself just fine. I am hasty and jump to conclusions!
Hello Berit
Dear Berit,
Thanks you for your very kind message, I don't know Italy...
I have just post an announce to find English correspondents , because I would like to improve my English language and I can also help for the French language,
Big hugs to you too
Shanthi, you already had
Shanthi, you already had some replies! Did you see them?
Yes thanks you and I have post my announce on the forum
With love
Welcome Shanti, I've reset
Welcome Shanti,
I've reset your subscription settings so that you will receive updates only on pages that you manually subscribe to or comment on.
For everyone else...
Log into the website
My account > Subscriptions > Content types and de-select everything.
Our subscriptions module does not distinguish between languages. A subscriber to the "Heavenletter" content type will receive notifications of all new Heavenletters posted to the website. A temporary fix is to turn off subscriptions by "content type" and subscribe by individual pages you interact with. I'm looking for a better solution.