Your Strange Dream

God said:

Ships that sail the seas have ballast.

For you who walk on earth, I am the ballast. I am your balance wheel. I am your stabilizer.

Even in the midst of fog, you can hear My Voice, for I call out directions to you. "This way. Come this way."

You can also consider Me your mooring place. Where I am — this is where you hang up your hat. This is where you sit back and relax. With Me, there is no performance. There is no keeping up nor lagging behind. There is just being. We hang out together.

We lie in a hammock. We gaze up at the stars. We hold hands across the universe. Our hearts leap in joy, or they stay still in joy. We exchange love. We are entrusted to each other. We have a mutual arrangement. It is named Peace.

We have a tryst. We have promised each other that Our eyes will meet. In crowd or isolation, Our eyes connect. Who could ask for more?

We drop in on each other. We stay a while.

You somersault in time. You gallop across the moon. You warm your hands in the sun. You tweak the stars. My eyes never leave yours. My heart is in your hands. You are the fulfiller of destiny. You are My fulfiller.

I am your Servant, and you are Mine. We serve one another. We aid one another. We each carry ourselves and the other.

We sprinkle the stars across the Heavens. We sprinkle each other with the light We are made of. Like comets, We convey light to the world.

Yet you had a strange dream that there was a great swath between Us. You thought We were at separate ends of the universe. You thought you had been flung to an outermost corner and told to get back on your own. You thought there was darkness, and there was no way to find Me nor the truth of what I say. You could not even hear My voice. You could hear only your own, and you didn't know what you were saying. You were sure you were in a forest that continued forever. You stumbled. You sought a clearing, but there was none.

And then you awoke from your strange dream, and you knew exactly where you were and in Whose arms you lay. You saw you were in a clearing of light and that there was nothing in the whole world but this light that outshone time and space and that whole strange dream.

When you are in a dream, it seems real. But when you awake, you know it isn't.

In the world, you have mistaken dream for reality, and reality for dream. You think that what you crave cannot come true, and that you are stuck with what you see as reality. You think nothing can make a difference, that nothing can be changed, and that you will always be in this terrible dream enshrined as reality. You have thought you would never wake from that dream of reality, and that it was smart of you to accept that.

Those who see clearly — you have called dreamers. You, who have been the one dreaming, called those who saw further than you dreamer, when that was your name. Call them seers of reality. They know there is more than the eye in your dream sees. They see beyond your dream which you call reality. You see the forest. They see the clearing. You can too. Look up to seek the sky. Awake from your strange dream now.