Your Imagined Self
Remember what you are on Earth for. Remember what you are not here for. You are here to proclaim and live My love. That is enough. That will do nicely.
Rather than think of what you are displeased with, think of what benefits you. Think of Me then. Think of Me as you would look through a rack of greeting cards, and pick out a congratulatory card. Pick out one for Me to give to you. Think of all the many things you have to pat yourself on the back for. Will you kindly think of those more often than you do all the possible errors you might have made? You have been quick to offend yourself, the same way you have been quick to feel offended by others.
Beloveds, will you kindly encircle yourself with love instead of recrimination? Will you look to see the light that I see? I think you need to give yourself a break. So what if you don’t meet some imagined high standard? So what if you sometimes flounder? So what if you even fall flat on your face? Perhaps that is what faces are for. Perhaps you are to trip over yourself and not mind.
Be like the little child who learns to walk. He takes delight even in his falling down. His parents do too. The child was never meant to walk perfectly at the outset. Everyone takes delight in his deeming to walk.
That is how I feel about you. You are learning to walk in the world. The terrain is not even. Who said you are supposed to be a prima ballerina? Who said you were supposed to be an expert in life? Perhaps you are supposed to be a novice. Perhaps you are supposed to help yourself along. Perhaps you are even supposed to laugh. At least give a little smile.
Perhaps you have been in the habit of making an effigy of yourself and sticking pins into it. You desire to be smooth, and yet you roughen up your edges. Some days you pull yourself apart. You make unnecessary demands. Beloved, now is time to rise above your imagined self. Perhaps it is time now to give yourself a little massage.
Dissatisfaction with yourself is a ploy of ego. Don’t for one minute think it is egoless of you to put yourself down. It is ego at its best! Ego imprints itself on you and tells you that you are to discount yourself in order to be humble. Ego has got you taking pot shots at yourself. So delighted it is, it does a gleeful dance, slaps its knees, clicks its heels in the air with ecstasy at your discomfiture.
I am telling you how it is. Now you must greet yourself as a good friend, someone you like, and like to be with. I know you give your friends an allowance of love. Be your own good friend. Tip yourself. You got up today. You found your socks. You tied your shoes. Oh, so you burnt the toast? That’s all right. Make some more.
You are meeting yourself this morning for the first time, and you must make yourself welcome; You are meeting the world. Say hello. Be generous. Today, consider yourself a celebrity, and give yourself every consideration. Roll out the red carpet. You are My beloved child today, and I ask you to be very good to yourself.
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