You Will Become Graceful

God said:

Begin to stay away from the idea that something is wrong. Even when your computer is down, have the idea that it is right. At the very least, you are getting a break from your computer. Maybe you and your computer both need a rest. Is that really so bad?

When your car breaks down, instead of thinking, "What is wrong?", have the idea that it is a good thing your car broke down. Odds are, it is a good thing. What has your car done? It has communicated to you that it needs some attention, and now you will give it the attention it asks for. How else can a car communicate with you? Would you fault it for speaking in the only way it knows?

When you have even what is called a terrible accident, as best you can, consider wherein treasure lies. You cannot know what even this accident may have spared you from.

This is My attempt to help you change your thinking, or at least to open you to the possibility of changing your thinking, having some say over what you think.

Heretofore, you have automatic responses to equipment breaking down and to any varying response from your body. Your body is also equipment. Equipment can only speak in the language it is equipped with. Your body has long been waiting for you to listen to it. Perhaps your car and your body both have requested that you slow down, or perhaps it could be the opposite, and they are requesting that you get a move on.

In any case, whatever may break down, you do not have to think of it as tragic.

In all cases, boundaries are slipping away. Attachments are slipping away. Is that not a good thing? You don't want attachment to stick its claws into you.

See if you can be free from attaching in the first place. If you did not become acquainted with attachment, if you did not adopt it and bring it into your life, you would not have to let go of it. Perhaps from now on, you can be free of attachment in the first place.

Something wonderful happens when you are free from attachment. When you are free, nothing has to be the way you think it has to be, and so you bring great freedom into the world. It can snow in summer, and you won't be horrified. You can be without electricity and anxiety at the same time. You can simply light a candle as though being without electricity were a fine thing. Instead of giving your power away to the utilities, you will light a candle and enjoy its flickering light. With or without this or that, you can enjoy life as it is meant to be enjoyed.

When you have attachment, you are stubborn and you balk at the unexpected that you did not invite. You stamp your foot, as it were, and say that life is amiss. You resist the uninvited changes. You push against them. You use your God-given energy to brace yourself in opposition. Better to embrace, beloveds, do you not agree?

Adhere to the school of thought that says that everything can be the way it wants. The sun can shine or it can rain, and you are fine with it either way. How beautiful it will be when you do not object, complain, fret, or mind at all. You will be as flexible as life itself. You will meet life fully but not head-on. You will greet life as a friend no matter what guise it appears in, and so you will accommodate this good friend of yours. You will know that life does not have to accommodate you. You will love life in all its array. You will not tell it how it must dress. You will not order it around. You will become graceful. You will no longer argue the unarguable. You will be easy-going. You will become peace incarnate.

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2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said from now on
Bring freedom into the world
Be peace incarnate

God said to embrace
Your God-given energy
And become graceful

Love, Light and Aloha!

Nothing wrong

I remember having read this Heavenletter some time ago, and after some research I found it was part of the Godwriting blog entry of June 12. The thought of snow in summer still makes me shiver but I'm amazed at how differently I read this Heavenletter today than I did less than two months ago! There certainly are a lot of things I would still automatically consider terribly wrong - like car breaking down, computer or even body finking out..... But "nothing wrong" seems to have become a real option in the meantime. And "boundaries are slipping away" creates a strangely unsettling and strangely enticing sense of vastness that is difficult to describe - almost like too much freedom. "....nothing has to be the way you think it has to be" - wow, I think I hear this for the first time today although it must have been said many many times. Doing what has to be done with broken down car or Putie oder body, but not objecting any more. This must be the strangest feeling I've ever had: I can'ty wait to finally be able to give in.

Several days ago, the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator already pointed this out to me, indicating some special importance of this HL for me - even though, funnily, it could not allow me to read it then.

Your history with this

Your history with this Heavenletter is amazing. Jochen, you underline its importance for us all.
What a shift in consciousness this would be to welcome whatever comes. You inspire us.
Thank you.


dear Gloria,
i want to thank you so much your beautiful words you give to me,
of this morning de same starligth, of my hearth and mind,
to read your words and spesialy of music of heaven letter,
for me you are de star of this aerth to show de ligth de way of heaven,
i want to thankfulness God and you,
my love to you,,


You will love life in all

You will love life in all its array. You will not tell it how it must dress. You will not order it around. You will become graceful. You will no longer argue the unarguable. You will be easy-going. Be peace incarnate

For me this is still a goal as I walk the earth holding on to God's Hand ( or is it the other way around!!) I am arising from the ashes of what I had known to be the experience of the wordly life. I anticipate and flow a little deeper every day into LIFE. I have to laugh sometimes at how I can be clumsy at life but I'm learning to walk with GOD! WOW! The voyage/walk is worth everything to me, to God be the Glory!!

Love and Light, Johanne

Greeting Life like a friend...

This is such a grand and pivotal heavenletter. To truly greet Life like a friend. And how do we treat a true friend?...with a peaceful, loving spaciousness...and certainly, not demanding or even preferring that they be a particular way. To be grateful with whatever life presents us with...moment by moment, day by day. I love life so much...maybe cause I love God so much? Loving you too! Jim.

What would life be like...

What would life be like?...if for the next five minutes...just five minutes if we "allowed" life to be like it wants to be...without our wanting it to be one iota different? What would it be like? The answer I get for me is:

We would be on the edge of our seats!!! Wondering with an expectant what would present itself in the next moment. There would be no room for a commentary or a complaint...we would be too busy in the now this pregnant host giving birth to the next miraculous moment!

Many happy deliveries...Jim.

Time to say," Enough."

I don't mean to object to this Heavenletter or your beautiful and precious comments, but the real challenge for me is in walking the tightrope between this HL and another, entitled "Sometimes You Have to Get Up and Say Good-bye"

I think the art of saying, "Enough", is easier to master when I know at least the basics of the art of allowing the world to be. That is what makes this Heavenletter "pivotal" as Jim says.


Yes, I understand perfectly Jochen. On the outside, there appears to be different messages here...but maybe not. The image that comes to mind is a river...and near the bank is an eddy...a kind of whirlpool where things are sent into circular orbits or even lodged hopelessly between rocks. Personally, i am quite familiar with this part of the river...from my past...where so much appeared almost stagnant and stuck. Yet with the passage of time, a surprise summer storm comes in and frees up everything...even me. And still another scenario is when I awaken to the fact that I am in a circular orbit and build an intent...make a be somewhere join the gentle currents away from the bank. Yet Life is so, so wise: I remember being in dizzying seemed that seemed to drive me crazy...and yet maybe it was so that I could build the courage to have an intent to be elsewhere. One thing I know for sure: blaming my predicament: the river, the currents or even the other floating twigs (people) that bump into me...doesn't work! and just causes more bumping and frustration. Go with the a very wise course indeed....and if you can't, enjoy the ride anyway as you build the intent to be elsewhere. (Love the one you are with as you plan your departure!! ha ha...) Blessings, Jim.