You Are Moving to a Higher Plane Now

God said:

Indeed, circumstances may not be what you like, yet that doesn’t mean they are wrong. That you don’t like the circumstances is valid. To get into the wrongness is a pitfall that you want to stay away from.

Debating the wrongness takes you down a winding street that turns out to be a dead-end. You may consider certain circumstances wrong, and by everything you know, the circumstances are wrong to the nth degree, yet where does it get you to review the circumstances again and again or even once? You are not a policeman of life who is to collect evidence of wrongdoing. You are to let wrongdoing go from your mind. There is no point in your refreshing whatever troubles you.

I do not say or mean to imply that unkindness, inconsiderateness, cruelty are okay. Kindness, consideration, and friendliness are much better. Small-heartedness and big-heartedness are quite different from one another They are worlds apart, yet there is no benefit to you in going over a sad and rocky tale.

You are moving to a higher plane now. Now you lift your heart. You do not carry your heart over the coals of yesterday. It is not for you to rake over the ashes. It is for you to get up from them. There is no gain to anyone in going over renditions of what has already occurred. You are not a policeman who must gather all the evidence. You are not a trouble-monger nor are you to point a finger. You are someone who commits errors too.

You cannot even right your own wrongs let alone someone else’s.

Each day you must start anew. Don’t restart the old car. Start a new one. Regurgitating is not for you. It never was.

You are not a collector of bad days. You do not mark them on the calendar. The wrongs done to you are not part of your shopping list. Wherever you have let the hurts of the past accumulate, now you toss them out. You have carried too much baggage as it is. Sweep it all away. What do you need it for? Is this the luggage you want to take with you? Absolutely not! It doesn’t matter how right bad acts might make you. It matters that you let them go.

You don’t hang up post-it notes in your mind.

It is good to grind grains but not to grind thoughts over and over again.

Sweep out the thoughts from your mind that don’t serve. There are some rooms you have to walk out of. You don’t track mud into your house. Keep your mind ready with upliftment and free of bad news. There simply is no percentage in it. You throw out the dregs of coffee. Now throw out the dregs of your thoughts from yesterday and yesteryear. Tidy up your thoughts. Begin anew.

This is as much as there is to say about wrongs. You don’t want to have much to do with them. You have had enough of them. There is no point in carrying on about wrongs. They are nothing to harbor in your heart. They are to walk away from. Just as you have to throw out old food sometimes, you have to throw out old thoughts. They’re not good anymore, if they ever were. Maybe they should have been thrown out from the beginning.

Mondays used to be wash days. You would wash clothes and hang them on the line. Don’t bother washing old thoughts. They have to be thrown out and good riddance. Thoughts about wrongs are never right. Don’t wash them. Don’t mend them. Toss them out.

If you want a clear mind, this is the way to clear your mind.

Read Comments

#4425 and Moving to a Higher Plane.

I always pause before teachings like this one: To pivot or dispell negative thoughts or past experiences. I thought that in order to grow we need to not avoid, but to embrace the shadow or that in us which holds us back or buried wounds that need healing. On the surface many of us are positive, and optomistic. It's "new age" to be so. It's very creative and empowering. Yet our greatest leaders in the understanding of the human psyche tell us that to ignore or suppress the shadow will only cause it to shoot out sideways. We are, life is, both dark and light, destructive and creative. I know that fear, the worst negative, is at the bottom of the pan after all else has boiled away. It is not easy to see.

Perhaps God means here to NOT identify with the negatives, and our wounds, nor lead with them, not wear them like costumes but to courageously observe, gently own, realize that it's illusion, discard and move on soon as possible and to effort to consciously use this tool. It is life work I believe. Some saythat this is the way we dispel Ego, the source of the negative.

I find it very helpful in this letter, to remind us that there is this querky thing we humans habitually do: Critisize or judge a like cops, too quick to seek and point out and analize the wrongness of a thing or act.. I see myself in the mirror here, but it's very hard to change my view in a world so seemingly full of abuse, war and negatives, without becoming too pollyanna. Negative contrast gets my attention and stimulates a preference and desire for something better, or correction, or the pursuit of excellence, or new solution...or my desire for balance for self and others, and the world. Those aren't bad things. I crave peace and balance. And yet the sneaky tendancy to critisize from the need to elevate ourselves is too often the motive. This is a human negative that can only come to light by surrendering to the truth of it. I cringe that I am so critical for a life time. This is enlightenment, though, for me. Human ego balks and denies it's faults or it's errors because it is afraid. But we are never done,-- life in not ever done. Nothing so valuable is easy to acheive. Existance is a game with God as the prize, and I love that letter which said, "Do not make the mistake of thinking you are God, but know that I am you." What an adventure.

You have given a lot of

You have given a lot of thought here, dear Joyce.

It is simple

What GOD means is for each indevidual to translate If something is not to my liking I go for a walk and enjoy Gods beautyin a tree or bird or whatever and the negativity disapears instandly. Love to all Jack

Jack, your comments are

Jack, your comments are simple, true, and down to earth.

Dear Joyce!

You say my thoughts my beliefe and result of lifeexperience about the human psyche, the shadow, the fear. I see it same as you, what God is saying to us, to not attache to negative but to look honest and careful observing to your own behaviour and where it comes from within you. From the shore of love or from the shore of fear.
And I love your idea that "existence is a game with God" and thank you for sharing the letter you love, where God says "Do not make the mistake of thinking you are God, but know that I am you." I will look at it, if I find it at the surch-tool.
Your words are a big gift to me! I want to tell you which word of God changes my behaviour slowly:
Small-heartedness and big-heartedness are quite different from one another
Namasté and a thousand blessings!

"Sweep out the thoughts from your mind that don’t serve."

This will move you into higher places in your consciousness. You don't try harder, you think different thoughts. Be sure they are positive, LIGHT thoughts so you will be filled with LIGHT.


George, your comments remind

George, your comments remind me of God.

How are you, dear one? Are you out of the hospital?

Loving you and grateful to you more than you know.


I am not computer savy and I am not able to post a picture of myself...however....I must say that something had happened personally a few minutes ago and I went onsite to read this...and it was exactly as needed. Pure and simple. Thanks once again for the safety net and the reminder that beauty is always near. Love, Sherry

Beloved Sherry, will you

Beloved Sherry, will you email your photo as an attachment to me? Will someone help you, dear one?

Can you tell us more?