You Are King or Queen

God said:

Your heart was meant for love. Why then would you use your heart for anything else? Why would you turn away from the love in your heart and make place for disdain and hurt and all the other lesser feelings you fill your heart with? Never were you meant to divorce yourself from your heart. Never were you meant to set love aside for a rainy day or for a more auspicious one. Love was never meant to be set aside. Love is the star of the show. There is no other.

Let’s get on with it.

It was never meant that your heart would be troubled. Remove the troubles you have heaped there. They clutter your heart. They shove aside love and vibrancy.

What if you were like My blessed sentient animals who do not carry troubles with them? If they lose a leg, then they dance on three, while you, beloveds, spend much of your life worrying about all possible losses and combinations thereto. Dear Children, you even talk about losing your heart. As if giving love could be a loss. What an imagination you have.

You speak of falling in love when it is love you rise to.

If you did not line your heart with all those encumbrances that hamper love, if you did not shove and paste them in your heart, you would know 100% love. What heart trouble could you possibly have then? What would it matter who loved you or who didn’t? Your heart would be full of love and your life lived in the fullness of happiness. What would you care what someone else did with their heart? What could distract you from the love in your own? It is your heart, no one else’s. Of course, it is My heart too, but We are One anyway.

The kettle of love that your heart is would never burn out. Steam would always rise. Your heart would always be bubbling, but it would never boil. It would consistently be as cool as a cucumber and as warm as toast.

What a heart you have, and how you have neglected it. You take EKG’s and discount love. You take your pulse. You measure the beat of your heart, but forget the love that your heart beats.

Dismantle the attic and cellar of your heart now. Take out what has accumulated there. Not needed. All the anxiety and anguish that you thought were so necessary to your survival were frivolous. You used your heart for a shed to store rusted things in when all the while your heart was meant to be a palace with stately rooms for all.

Take a stroll through the rooms of your heart now and discard what has been left around and never did belong there. Let’s do some palace-cleaning now. The judging maids of your mind have been throwing things into your heart and leaving them there. Take over your heart now yourself. Make it zen. Nothing extraneous in your heart from now on.

Make a decision for love. And that’s it. No longer make your heart a storehouse of unwanted things. Make your heart too full of love for anything else to enter. A heart full of love is empty of everything else. There is only space for love. Oh, see those arteries streaming love as you open them full-throttle.

Beloveds, if anxiety and anguish do not please you, why would you keep them? Remember that you are a King or Queen with a heart made of silver and gold. Throw out the old iron pieces. Your heart can be filled with whatever you want. There is no need to keep anything you don’t want.