You Are an Instrument of the Divine

God said:

You do realize that you have all the requirements of an angel. Without your body, you would more easily know that you are an angel. The body has its limitations, but you do not. The body, even with all its aches and pains and fear-engendered worries, is meant to be a means of evolution. Boundaries present their own means of expansion. The finite and the infinite are not that far apart. Restriction offers its own expansion. If your body is locked in a cell, you have an opportunity to grow in a way that life on the street would not afford you. In the finiteness of life on Earth, within the hamperings of the physical, you can grow marvelously. You already have.

Sooner or later you learn that confines are not confines. They look confining, they seem confining, but confinement is an idea in your mind that you need to break out of.

The physical has its merits, even though you have to go beyond the physical, even as you swim within its shores.

The Human heart and mind are for the purpose of breaking boundaries. Where can your heart and mind not go? Where can they not reach? What cannot be held in them? What is not held in them?

You have a full set of tools for every occasion.

You have expanded vision. There is no end to it.

All the possibilities that lie within you are not meant to be idle. They are meant to be realized.

The sooner you know that your life is not for yourself alone, that you are an instrument of the Divine, that you are here on Earth to serve a greater purpose than yourself, you will take giant strides. By letting go of littleness, you approach greatness. If the extent of your life is what suits you, what pleases you, what fulfills your whims, you have accepted great limitations. You are an unbounded Being meant to fulfill My Will. My Will is not opposed to yours, beloveds, but it is the promise of yours. You gain your Self by getting past your self. You will agree that ego matters do not fulfill you, and yet you pursue them and are petulant when you don’t attain them.

Beloveds, you have great opportunity here on Earth. It is not opportunity given to you lightly. You are meant for more than satiating your whims. The world needs you. In order to serve, you have to go beyond the trappings of yourself. You are not here to show off. You are not here to possess. You are here to shine My light. You may scoff at the idea of making the world a better place, but I placed you on Earth for that very thing.

You are not here to tell the world what it has to do. You are here to be a model, a true model, a natural model who serves a greater purpose than himself. You are meant to be God-driven, not ego-driven. Therefore, you do not indulge yourself. You free yourself.

Every time you think you are terrific, you have missed the point. Know your worth by giving it. Know that your worth is Mine, and do not squander it on littleness. Let Me enter into your speech. The world has enough advice. Give Mine. Look not to gain admiration for your personality, look not to expound on your woes nor to absorb others’ woes, for that is seeking to gratify your ego. Look to gratify Me because you know you are here to expand yourself and expand the world through your consciousness. Pay attention to what you put your attention on, beloveds. Go higher. Do not delay. Enough playing in your sandbox. Go higher now. Raise your thoughts to Mine.

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Our FatherHelp me God to be

Our Father

Help me God to be strong enough to let go off playing in my sandbox. I want to go higher, desire higher.

Every time I play in the sandbox it's like I sink deeper into the quicksand
The same way I get up stronger

I will realize - I will shine your light

Thank you God for the great spiritual ones you have sent us -

Thanks for the Bible and Heaven Letters
Thank you for the music
Beautiful poems

YOUR Love that drags me closer to you in my consciousness
Thank you for being a devine human being!
Help me to shine your light

You are SO great and good, help me to grow so I can see myself as you see me
Thank you for the great spiritual

Filius tuus - gratitudinis et amoris

You shine your light, dear

You shine your light, dear Light!

A thousand blessings!