You Are an Enchanted Being

God said:

When you desire something that is good for you and good for Me (they are the same) and you have to wait for it a long time, longer than you want, longer than you thought, consider then that you are being given a simple opportunity to learn trust. Single-hearted trust. You have a destination in mind. You don't veer from your destination. Only you don't know how or when you will reach it. But you can know the train you ride on will take you there.

This is tricky. This doesn't mean to hold tight to an individual or your exact picture of what you want to transpire; it means to hold firm to a high desire and not necessarily your version of it. And, if your desire starts to fade, then let it. Maybe it was a temporary desire and it has had its fill. You have nothing to prove.

When your desire stays strong, and the desire takes forever to manifest, then consider that you are being asked to wait for reasons beyond your present understanding. What you do then is keep moving toward what you want while you wait. This is learning trust.

There are no false steps. Each step is a step. You may know the destination you want, but the destined path you do not know. Everything will fall into place, although it may not be exactly the place you had in mind or thought you wanted.

Accrued wealth is not usually a destination. It is a means. Do not mix up destiny with means. You do not mix up a train with where you're going. Wealth is something you do something with. It is hardly enough on its own. The Human heart longs for more than wealth. There is something deeper and broader that comes along with your desired destiny and feeds it.

How do you know when a desire is for ego-satisfaction or for greater than that? Well, you find out. Even egoed-goals can take you to your next juncture. Even ego-lessons can take you higher.

You live in a world of ego. Against its own will, ego takes you to less ego and deeper fulfillment. Every time you disappoint yourself, you do not go lower. You go higher. Lessening of ego is its own enlightenment.

Consider, as an experiment, that your whole life is a process of learning trust. Learn trust more than you learn doubt. Do not doubt Me, and do not doubt yourself who is an emissary of Me. I have a plan, and you are a beautiful part of it.

How do you reconcile My plan with your free will? You may choose to depart from My plan. That is your free will. You can fight it, stomp on it, twiddle with it, ignore it. You can do all kinds of things with your life, but soon or late, you will return to your destiny. You are part of the whole universe, and you cannot and will not depart long from your place in it.

In your life, you are finding your place. Trust is knowing that you have a place and you will find it. Your place will come to you. It will present itself to you, and you will breathe a great sigh of relief, for you will have found yourself exactly as I made you.

I sent you on a journey. I shipped you to earth. The stamp that says exactly where you are going and the route whereby you will get there is marked in your heart, and that is where you search for your route.

Soon or late, you will see that there has been a plan in your life, a wonderful configuration of people and events and you, all intermixed, creating something wonderful as you went along.

Your life is an improvisation, but there is always a point to improve. The point to this one is that you are an enchanted being discovering your own enchantment.

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When your desire stays

When your desire stays strong, and the desire takes forever to manifest, then consider that you are being asked to wait for reasons beyond your present understanding. What you do then is keep moving toward what you want while you wait. This is learning trust.

How do you know when a desire is for ego-satisfaction or for greater than that? Well, you find out. Even egoed-goals can take you to your next juncture. Even ego-lessons can take you higher.

You live in a world of ego. Against its own will, ego takes you to less ego and deeper fulfillment. Every time you disappoint yourself, you do not go lower. You go higher. Lessening of ego is its own enlightenment.

Consider, as an experiment, that your whole life is a process of learning trust.

Trust is knowing that you have a place and you will find it. Your place will come to you.