Within You

God said:

You can stop repeating patterns now. Keep your patterns of love. Patterns of turmoil, leave behind.

You would not wear the same dress year after year after year. You wouldn't wear the same dress your whole lifetime. And, yet, you may carry old patterns of living, and, still, be surprised at the turn your life has taken this time as if you were a bystander in life.

No matter how uncomfortable you may be with how life seems to have treated you, life has been at your bidding. I am talking patterns. I am saying to pay attention. Pay attention to choices you make. If you tend to run headlong into repeated circumstances, slow down. If you tend to leave yourself out and wait and wait, shake yourself up a little bit. You are not an outsider to your own life. This is your life on Earth We are talking about.

If you feel often taken advantage of, that may be a pattern you solicit. Do not acquiesce to patterns that are not uplifting. Uplift yourself. There is something in you that can agreeably change.

You don't have to yell nor do you have to be the one yelled at. You don't have to be dominant nor do you have to be submissive. There is no role in life that you have to bow down to.

If you are tall or short, what can you do? Yet, in many matters, what can be changed is, by and large, up to you, up to your thinking, up to the way you look at yourself and the way you look at the world at large and the world of your home and work, the world of your own existence.

What would it take for your life to be more of what you want it to be? I would like you to just hold this idea in your mind. I am not suggesting that you work hard at changing your view of things. I suggest that you be aware. If something is holding you back, it has to be you who holds yourself back. Obstacles lie within you, dear ones.

It behooves you to consider yourself responsible for your life and not hold others responsible for your life. Take responsibility for your own happiness. No one else can carry his or her own life and carry yours too.

Life has been offered to you. You have made many choices. You are free to choose now.

We are not talking here of working from the outside. We are talking of opening something within yourself, knowing yourself as capable of change. Begin with yourself. Change lies within you. You are capable of it. See life differently, and your life will change.

If you want to laugh more, you will begin to see reasons to laugh more. No one can see for you or laugh for you.

Across the board, I say to everyone: Love yourself more. Love yourself as I do love you. The whole world starts with you. People will come and go in your life on Earth, but you are here at this moment. Make it a moment of love. This one idea alone will move mountains.

Encourage yourself. Pat yourself on the back. Pat yourself on the back extensively. Even if you flunked a test, beloveds, you took it. Help yourself to feel good, not bad. You are seeking your own direction to go in, and you will find it. Be a harbinger of light. Lighten yourself. Because of your growing happiness, the world's happiness will grow. You are the initiator. You are the instigator. You are the institutor of a New World.

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Within You

The words "You can stop repeating patterns now." and "change lies within you" were illuminated when God spoke in my heart this morning and said that we are the editors and auditors of our journey through life.If God's Love is the pilot in your life, then change will automatically be welcome and not resisted when distructive patterns are practised in the name of Love. When Divine Love is not the primary force in your life, then change will be the grind stone that our human-ness bruises ourselves on continually.

Beloveds why do we accuse others of trying to change us when we scream out to the universe that our souls are not at peace. Change is within us, not around us. If we are accusing man of trying to change us, is man not God and God man. Then if we listened more closely would we not hear God talking within us and admit that change is necessary to fulfil our souls journey on earth-because we cried out HELP to the universe.Why do we ignore our own God-voices from within and reject those same words when God puts them in another's mouth. Did you not ask God for HELP.

Our obstacles sometimes is our stubborness to admit that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is not logical.We may be the common factor in the deeds, but God's voice within us is deafened by our stubborness. We have to unlearn man-inspired lessons to make space for God-inspired lessons. One cannot pour water into a cup that is full, we have to spill some out. Love has no form, we give it form. Love is fluid and energy, thus it does not end, it just changes form.
Why would one loved keep thanking another loved for not changing them, is that not giving life to change/or the yearning for change.That is proof that change was sought, but change was necessary and within because of the crying out to GOD. We give life and energy to verbs and nouns.
Love lways

Beloved Levern, you are sure

Beloved Levern, you are sure expanding right before our eyes. Beautiful.

reasons to laugh more

"What would it take for your life to be more of what you want it to be? I would like you to just hold this idea in your mind. I am not suggesting that you work hard at changing your view of things. I suggest that you be aware."
"We are not talking here of working from the outside. We are talking of opening something within yourself, knowing yourself as capable of change."
"If you want to laugh more, you will begin to see reasons to laugh more. No one can see for you or laugh for you."
"You are seeking your own direction to go in, and you will find it."