Why Are There Worries?

God said:

Sometimes you feel crestfallen. Yet, beloveds, there are no heights to fall from. There is no higher nor lower. When you feel crestfallen, you are buying into illusion.

Events and conditions in your life change, yet the road you travel on is firm and straight. You cannot fall off. You may wander and take detours, but the road you are on is never out of sight. Only the physical trips you up, beloveds. Only the physical has that capability.

You bemoan this and that in life. You bemoan the small things and too often forget about the Ocean you sprang from. And now there are seas you cross, and your compass is straight and your destination secure. Why are there worries in your head?

That’s where your worries are, only in your head.

Yet it is your heart that wields the ship. Your head creates the need for repair and despair while your heart is always a good voyager. Your intellect presses upon your heart. Get it off your heart’s back. Your thinking mind likes to have its heyday, yet your mind is off-kilter. It veers to the left. The over-thinking mind pretends to be your rescuer, yet it is your mind that predicts danger.

I am not saying the mind is unimportant. I am saying it is very important. It has wheedled its way in to your heart and now pushes its way forward, thinking of its own favor and not your welfare. Logic lets you down time and time again. There is no logic in letting your mind be mightier than your heart. Your mind lets your heart take the fall, and your mind stands looking wise with its arms crossed and a smirk on its face as if it knew all the while what you should or should not have done.

Too often your mind thinks: “What is clever here? What is the smart thing to do? Let me shine. Let the heart be subservient. It is only a pump. I will regulate the heart. I will tell it what to do and when. I am smarter. Why, the heart is a tiny row boat, and I am a great ocean liner. I will lead the heart. That heart needs to be subdued. It has no mind of its own. I will protect it. I will prevent it from being bruised. I will give it safe passage. I shall put the heart below deck and let it out under my supervision. The heart is like a reckless child while I am a wise administrator.”

Yet no matter what control the mind seeks, no matter what havoc it creates and blames on the heart, your heart continues to beat, and your heart is too big to be kept in a confined place.

Frankly, your mind is a bully. It runs roughshod over your heart. The mind has no sense. It has only thoughts, and it will perpetuate its thoughts. Your mind puts itself first, its brilliance, its éclat, while your heart is My servant. Somehow your mind has yoked your heart and makes your heart pull a load of the past when the past is not a load worth pulling. Your mind whips your heart into submission, but your heart never forgets its true place. Your heart is the enchanted prince who is dormant in the disguise of a toady.

Come now, convert your mind to My way of thinking. Encourage your mind to think other thoughts. Encourage your mind to ask this question often: “What would love do here? What would love look like here?”

And then the mind will start listening to the heart and get down on its knees in thanks for the beating of the heart and its gifts for mankind and its fealty to Me.

Read Comments

This is one of my favorite

This is one of my favorite topics to wax on about.
I love it when we are all saying the same thing but in our own unique voices!


Worry, meditating on fear,

Worry, meditating on fear, meditating on illusion.
If we would only meditate on LOVE our lives would begin to blossom. Our lives would reflect our true nature.

Oh! what a

Oh! what a beauty.............

Mind is surely a monkey. Only the heart can keep it cool. This is a new wonderful thought.

Thanks a lot.

I wonder, if ever I can personally visit your organization and meet the persons responsible for creating such a beautiful site. What a wonderful way to make difference in the troubled ones.



Thank you so much for all

Thank you so much for all your posts. You give great insights.

Beloved Subhash, the troubled ones are the majority. Everyone, or almost everyone I know, is troubled by something -- when our mind is on it, as you so beautifully point out.

What a treat it would be to have you visit! Do you know about the spiritual center that Santhan will build in Argentina? Do you know I am moving to the spiritual center? Do you know about the road trip?

The plan is to leave here (Iowa) in November, go to Mt. Shasta in California, give workshops along the way, and spend three months on Pan American Highway, probably arriving in Argentina in late February.

Do you prefer to come to U.S. or South America? You will always be welcome!

With love and blessings,


1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
Come to My way of thinking
"What would love do here?"

Love, Light and Aloha!