Whose Glory You Are

God said:

When you go by the physical alone, you will have warranted despair. If the physical were all that there is, who would not be dismayed? If the life you live on Earth is only bricks and stones and credit cards and territory and rights, how much happiness can there be? Momentary happiness now and then, filled with much plodding.

You are not meant to be a plodder on Earth. You are meant to be a dancer light on your feet. In order to leap high, you must have heights to reach.

Beloveds, beneath the fray and squabbles and delays and hurrying, lies a sweetness beyond description. You have a remembrance of that. You know there is more than the hustle-bustle of relative life. Please allow something more to grow in your life. Take a minute to settle yourself into that state of knowing what lies beyond the horizon of overt life.

Surely life comes from somewhere. There must be a source of it. There must be an energy it comes from. There must be a light that lights the moving screen of life.

Will you please conceive of Me?

What if I do accompany you everywhere, not as a watchdog, but as a Friend. What if I am not so critical as you may have thought? What if I am delighted in you? What if I perceive your greatness? If you did then weep, you would weep tears of joy.

Would there be less frenzy and madness in the world when its occupants have a clue as to how lovely they are and how worthy of love they are and how much they are loved and have always been?

What is My light in you meant for if not to shine? Shine it first on yourself so you will begin to know Who you are and how much love I put into you. I did not light you for naught. I lighted you in My image in order to reflect Me. It is by light that My image is seen. You are My pure light. Really, My light in you cannot be altered. But, oh, yes, you can hide it from yourself. You have hidden it from yourself very well.

So first you must see My light within you, and then My light will flow from you as effortlessly as a beautiful waterfall.

Imagine a light so bright from the Sun, so bright that you must reflect it back. What if it's true that you are this light? Will you not look up and beacon My light back? Will you not say:

"Thank You, God, for the light You have shone on me. I feel it on my skin, and I feel it in my heart. I have so much light of Yours that I must share it. I have no choice but to choose awareness of My own light. It is Your light I bask in. Rays of Your light overflow. I cannot contain them within me. I am glorified in Your light, and that glory I can only share.

"God, I don't really know where all my glumness came from, but I know it did not come from You. I know I am more than bones and sinew. I know my body and all it is heir too are inconsequential next to the Lighted Being You made me and that I am. I know now I cannot separate myself from Your light, and so now I shine unabashedly with the light of love that You have so generously showered on me. I am Your vessel of light. There is no more I can be and there is no less.

"Today I acknowledge to myself that I am Your Lightedness and Your joy extant, and I accept Your love for me.

"Glory be to You, God, Whose glory I am."

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