Who Owns the Sun?

God said:

From My heart to yours I issue love, and from you, My love goes out to all the world. And, yet, how to say this -- there is no My love. There is no such thing. There is love, and love flows from one heart to another. There is no other way.

There are no packages of love, and there is no ownership. In Truth, there is no ownership period. What is owned in the world? How can illusion be owned? Many can have it. All can have it, and, yet, love is in no one’s possession. It is everyone’s. It is all’s. Illusion does not stand on its own. Poof, and illusion is gone.

Who owns the rain? Or the sun? Who can keep anything to himself? I suppose one can keep food to himself. Eat it all up. But then it is gone. I suppose one could say the food has gone into his very cells. Yet who owns his body, fat or lean?

We could say that you own your soul. It is your soul, after all, and yet, and yet, are souls owned? Certainly, your soul is in your keeping. And your soul is something you do take with you, and, yet, bye and bye, your soul melds into Me. Yes, We can consider that you own Me. You own Me more than anything else. I am yours. My arms are wide open for you.

Now, getting back to My point, does a mother own her child?

What is the merit in ownership? You may say you own your house. You may live in it all your life. Ultimately, you have leased your house. Whether you like it or not, it is a rental. Even if you live in a house deeded to you all of this life, it is a rental. You will leave it.

In another sense, We could say that you own the world. There is Truth in this. The world is yours to do with as you choose. The world is in your hands. You do own responsibility for it.

Perhaps you own when you give. You can own up to that. You own the nightingale you free from the cage. You own its beauty as it flies and as it sings. You own its happiness. The freer the nightingale, the more you own her. You own what you give to her.

I like how I’m thinking. When you give a smile, you own it. When you give happiness, it is yours.

What you keep under lock and key, you do not own. Nope, you do not own diamonds. If you are attached to them, they own you. You pay insurance for them and for a vault in the bank. You may own the key yet only for a little while in the illusion of time and ownership.

And, so, We come back to the realization that you own nothing.

The richest man in the world owns nothing. He hardly owns his own freedom.

Who has more freedom in his life, the billionaire or the swimmer at the beach? Who owns the Ocean? One can surf. It may be said that you caught a wave, yet who can catch a wave? It can’t be put on the wall. Waves cannot be kept. Waves can only come and go, just as that is the truth of your body on Earth. Your body is a fluctuating thing, and then it is no more.

And, yet, you, you the image of Me, you ARE.

Read Comments

You own nothing -- you

You own nothing -- you ARE.
This Heavenletter made me laugh -- but this doesn't mean, that it didn't shake me up.

Life is like a long water

Life is like a long water slide in an amusement park. When you want to possess something, you try to hold on to the slide instead of sliding down and having fun. Everything is there for you to enjoy and in that sense everything is already yours. Posession only limits the choices you can enjoy. Posession blocks the flow of life between you and the thing you want to posess. Magic happens when you loosen your grasp and let life flow through you :D

A great metaphor!

A great metaphor!

I have this voice inside my

I have this voice inside my head that guides me. Do you think it can be God?
It says the voice itself is created by my mind based on the messages/guidance being given and hence sometimes the message can be distorted by my own mind due to my own thoughts and predilections. These days I'm trying to understand the essence of the voice through my feelings rather than hearing it in words(this also I have been guided to do). The messages get "broken" when trying to put them into words. But with feelings they come in complete and whole "packets".

I just want to know if it could be my imagination. I have a very friendly connection with this guidance, like two old friends meeting up and having a laugh.

Beloved Eknoor, it is not

Beloved Eknoor, it is not for me to say. What does your heart say? God always tells us to listen to our heart.

In regard to what I call Godwriting™, God has said not to analyze, not to even ask anymore: "Is this from God?" He has also said: "If it's 90% God, aren't you glad? Or 80%?" and so on.

St. Catherine of Siena was asked by critics: "How do you know it's God you hear?"

She answered: "Because His messages give me joy, charity and..." I forget this minute what the third one was!

The critics then asked again: "How do you it's God talking to you?"

She answered: "Because He says so."

On the Godwriting blog www.godwriting.org and on this forum, you will find lots about Godwriting.

God bless you, Eknoor.

My heart says to do away

My heart says to do away with thr label of God(as in something seperate from me) for my personal use. Everything is connected and one so it doesn't matter "who" guides me(God or my own imagination) as long as it works for me.

Beloved Eknoor, if God is

Beloved Eknoor, if God is not separate (and He says we are One with Him) then there is no you and the point isn't that it works for you.

I would like to include someone else's experience. Her name is Carol:


All of this is excerpted from Carol in an emailed correspondence over a period of months. I share it with her permission. Carol wrote:

"The question that resonates with me is what if you doubt? How do you know it is God? What if you do not believe in God as a separate Entity, with separate thoughts and ideas and advice? I feel the human mind is expert at imaginings. The way I experience this whole creation is a projection of a less than a fully expanded state of consciousness, a limited perception, and to project a God into this imaginary realm we inhabit and call reality is just to add another layer of ignorance and call it Truth.

"If I say to myself, there is a God and I am speaking to Him, or hearing Him, that is my own mental projection. It seems subtly dangerous to claim the words come from infinite wisdom, infinite truth…humility is missing. Ego could be prevailing, calling itself God…like when people quote the Bible as the world of God and justify their own opinions that way…really believing they are hearing God’s Word…

" I am sorry to be such a skeptic…I am sure what people write is very beautiful because they are attuning themselves to what is highest in them. Just I guess I do not trust the scope of my own perception to encompass the Absolute yet…”

Interestingly, on one of the same days that Carol proclaimed her skepticism, she also wrote:

“I just forwarded #907, Life on Earth in New Light, to about twenty people. Sometimes it is my experience that my heart swells, and I appreciate and enjoy everything and everyone so much that every stimulus, every sight, sound, touch, even the scent of a cigarette (this happened once) brings another wave of bliss, but this comes and goes…

“Because we have been writing back and forth, Gloria, it has stimulated my thinking, and last night, I said (mentally) to God:

'I think you are just a figment of my imagination.'

"My God has a sense of humor, and I got back:

'No, you are a figment of My imagination.'

“The answer evoked delight and surprise. Also with the reply that I am a figment of God’s imagination, came a sense of freedom -- a sudden lightening of the load of my problems -- a release from my identification with them. If I am just a figment of God’s imagination, then there goes my so-called suffering…it evaporates into the ether…

“Yes, ok, maybe there is Someone to address…maybe…”

Thank you very much Gloria!

Thank you very much Gloria! And to Carol too. This helped me open my heart a lot more to the possibilities that exist. I donot doubt the existence of God for this realisation has come to me through experience. I just doubted that i could have a direct communication with him.
These past days I've realised (through experience again) that I'm always in a direct communication with God, though not always through words. Like we're not aware of the air we breathe.. Maybe God is just here, its me who is unaware. And doubting will surely
Not help me become aware. So Its better if I am in an open state.
Thank you very much again!

Again, another great

Again, another great metaphor from you -- like the air we breathe.

You expressed very well our wonderment -- that God would actually talk to the individual we believe we are.

A blog went up just now that

A blog went up just now that relates to this Heavenletter.


“On the path of Love we

“On the path of Love we are neither masters nor the owners of our lives. We are only a brush in the hand of the Master Painter.”
― Rumi

So beautiful!

So beautiful!