Where Are You?

God said:

How is it possible to imagine a world without Me in it? What a desert that would be. It is too terrible to contemplate. Forget I ever mentioned it.

Let Us think of a world with Me in it instead. And that is this world. When all on Earth are aligned with Me, then it will be clearly evident that Earth is Paradise, beloveds. You are already in Paradise except you have been unaware. This is like crossing a border from one state to another, and you didn’t know that you had crossed over the state line. You were in another state all right, yet you didn’t know it. You still thought you were somewhere else. Your mind hadn’t caught up to you yet.

Or it is like asking for directions to find a certain street, and you find out you are already on that very street!

Or it is like having an apple and not knowing that what you have in your hands is called an apple and that it is sweet. You don’t know its name, and you don’t know its qualities.

Beloveds, this is God’s world, and We reside in it together. Actually, we journey more than We reside, for even as We are still, We travel.

Certainly, you who have a path in life travel along it. That’s what it’s for, to travel on. And all in life on Earth have a path. Actually, there is a red carpet strewn out for you. Know it is for you, a gift for you. Come walk on this red carpet. Come walk on it with Me. It will never wear out. Its color will never fade, for the red carpet you walk on is life, this very life you walk on now, this glory-filled life.

Look at what I have provided you with. Look at that which you cannot even see. Look at the air. Look at beyond the mighty sky. See further. Angels are calling to you. Angels of love are calling to you. They call your name.

And the breezes through the trees call your name. The green trees call your name. Flowers pop up expressly to call your name. They say your name and are joyful that the same sap that runs through them runs through you too.

Beloveds, what beauty have I not supplied you with? What color is missing, what sound? What taste, what touch. There is a whole scale and range of senses to explore. I will modestly say that I have provided everything for you. I thought of everything. You already have at your disposal everything you could ask for. There is not one request that has not been anticipated. I have given you all the ingredients for the soup, and now it is for you to make it.

Even the process of thinking is a gift from Me. Thoughts may be yours, yet I provide the intelligence.

Everything is here for you. There is nothing that is missing. As in a bazaar, you may have to keep an eye open for what you are looking for. With more certainty than you can have at a bazaar, however, you can be sure that what you are seeking in life definitely is here for you. Remember your manners. Take only what you can carry. Fill your plate with only what you can eat. Keep your eyes from wandering and wanting what someone else has. Your plate is right before you. Clean your plate first.

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4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
Angels of love are calling
They say your name too

God said life on Earth
Know it is a gift for you
This glory-filled life

God said before you
Everything is here for you
Nothing is missing

God said what beauty
Beloveds this is God's world
All you could ask for

Love, Light and Aloha!

where are you is what god

where are you is what god asked of adam. we all need to know where we are in our lives and where we are going. where are you is not about your geography but about your journey through life. every philosophy and religion discusses the path and gates and of losing one's way was the original meaning of the word evil. the word religion meant a path to god.

Dear Bernie, what you write

Dear Bernie, what you write is so simple and profound. I always read your comments at least twice. The definitions you give for evil and religion are so insightful. I read over what you wrote, and I feel deeply comforted. Thank you.

"See further. Angels are

"See further. Angels are calling to you. Angels of love are calling to you. They call your name."

"And the breezes through the trees call your name. The green trees call your name. Flowers pop up expressly to call your name, They say your name and are joyful that the same sap that runs through them runs through you too."

"Beloveds, what beauty have I not supplied you with? What color is missing, what sound? What taste, what touch."

"Remember your manners. Take only what you can carry. Fill your plate with only what you can eat. Keep your eyes from wandering and wanting what someone else has. "

Many thanks dear Maria

Many thanks dear Maria (alias Tom) ! indeed very beautiful and deep.

"Remember your manners. Take only what you can carry. Fill your plate with only what you can eat. Keep your eyes from wandering and wanting what someone else has. "

Only love, just love, don't want to carry much more.

All my love

(Milan, Italy)

You are a such tease, Berit!

You are a such tease, Berit! :big