What’s Happening

God said:

Life in the world is like an avalanche that keeps coming or like a fresh waterfall. You are your own destiny. You are the actor and the reactor. You ad lib. You also memorize lines. You are a car that steers itself. With sight or without sight, you steer, and you follow. Life is a surprise only because you couldn’t see around the bend.

One point on an unseen map nevertheless leads to another point. In one sense, your life has been mapped out. Somehow you followed it. Perhaps your map is ever-changing. Perhaps the route was not mapped out until the moment you reached a place. You set your life as you go along. Was there an irresistible force that led you to go this way and not that way? Could your choice have been destined, or was it a spur of the moment decision? Were you the decider or not? Certainly, there was a choice, or was there? If you made a choice, when did you make it? Was there really a choice to make, or, at the moment, was there only one way open for you to go on?

If there had been two ways open for you, or a dozen, and you chose only one, what drove you to that choice, if anything?

You had a choice whether to keep going or not. Or did you even have a choice to go or to stay? Before you chose the way you were going to go, could you have meantime had a picnic or taken some photos?

The sun changes every moment. Does the sun choose its orbit, or did the sun choose long ago, and yet make his choice perpetually? There are so many factors. The position of a tree, a branch, a leaf, a mountain. I think the sun is happy to go where it goes. The path the sun takes is new to him. Each day it’s new. Each day it’s a new beginning. The sun is a tried and true traveler, and so are you.

In your life, there is no repetition except as you think so. The sun does not have wild thoughts. The sun is too busy covering its territory to think of unseemly events. The sun is never tired. The sun is not in a rut, for every moment is a new day for the sun, a new sunrise, a new trail to follow, a new never-seen before light seeming to circle the Earth even as the Earth circles the Sun.

Are you the Sun or the Earth? Is the Earth your body and the light of the sun your soul? Who are you anyway, and what are you doing? What is the sun doing but fulfilling its path, even as it stays still? And you, the same, even when you don’t grasp what it is you are doing or when or why or how.

All you really know is that you seemingly are somewhere doing something, playing at life. You do a pretty good job of it, or you fool everyone, or you fool yourself in passing.

The sun in the sky seems to go to sleep. It is said that there is a sunset and a sundown. The same goes for you. You go to bed at night, and you get up in the morning, and yet you have not been out of living your life. Like the sun, you keep rolling right along, so to speak. You are up to something. You are in the stream of life, and you follow an inner path that is of your making although some of the time you think you are simply riding the rapids.

Is life happening, or are you happening?

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All you really know

Is the Earth your body and the light of the sun your soul?

Yes yes, certainly. Or vice versa.

Thank You, dear God, for dismantling all philosophies and views, whether spiritual or scientific or common sense and everything in between. It is such a relief to see them go, they have been so burdensome. It is hard to believe that we lost ourselves in words and thoughts so deeply, that we assumed the existence of time and space and matter, hopelessly entangling ourselves in homespun nets. Thank God none of it ever happened. Thank God all of it is only the imagination of this very "moment".

We have a strange urge to pinpoint. We name a mountain a mountain, doing it quite innocently, assuming it's necessary for communication. And, bang, we have a disenchanted world, a world named, pinned down and in a sense dead. How incredible is a mountain not called a mountain. (There is a calendar of mountains sitting on my desk.)

Well, I don't want to dramatize this. Once we have rescued the mountain from its name and definition, once we have rescued Being from assumed time and space and causality, once we hve salvaged all things from the wreckage of thought, it will be all right to call a mountain a mountain, even Matterhorn. Somehow, innocently and so gradually that we didn't notice, we have reified this wonderful world and sun, forgetting that there are no things.

What a glorious Heavenletter again. Truly divine. A proof of God. Really, who would be able, without the assistance of Heavenletters, to go so far beyond the known land of human thought?

All you really know is that you seemingly are somewhere doing something, playing at life.

a new something

"In your life, there is no repetition except as you think so... The sun is not in a rut, for every moment is a new day for the sun, a new sunrise, a new trail to follow, a new never-seen before light seeming to circle the Earth even as the Earth circles the Sun."

"No repetition", we choose each moment anew, but unfortunately we choose to see what we have seen a moment before, we look at the sequence of same moments and think "this is life, it is so". But if we stay open to a new something appearing before our eyes and to hyperboles and paradoxes, we have some hope to see a mountain as cotton candy and taste it, or a wife as a hat and wear it, or a husband as a wallet and spend it...you have infinite possibilities.

The MAP is NOT the territory but:

The "unseen map can and must be seen by our inner eye. Each turn is marked. The marking is done by the thoughts we think and the things we read.

This is why the Heaven Letters help us read the "MAP" which seems unseen. You'll love them.
