What Do You Want to Be Most in the World?

God said:

Balance in life looks like an elephant walking down the street. How large an elephant is, and how firm his step. The elephant can carry weight and take it in his stride. Solid and balanced is an elephant.

Imbalance in life is more like a fidgety monkey. A monkey goes fast, it goes high, it jumps, it scatters itself, and little sounds come from it like gasps.

What can shake an elephant? What can make the elephant tremble? On the other hand, what can calm a jumpy monkey? An elephant is born an elephant. A monkey is born a monkey.

You are born a human being. You are neither an elephant nor a monkey, and yet you can develop qualities you desire. That you have choice about. Something falls from the sky, and you can jump. Something can fall from the sky, and you can look up to see what it might be.

An elephant cannot fit in a small place. A monkey can. A monkey can hide.

Please do not think that I am favoring an elephant over a monkey. In delight, I created each. Each has its advantages, and each has its limited range of reach. You, beloveds, on the other hand, have full range. Your choices are infinite. You can have the virtues of any creature on Earth. What virtues do you want? What capabilities do you choose?

This metaphor so far is slanted toward being a stolid elephant. The fact is that you don’t have to choose between being an elephant or a monkey. You can choose the qualities you want. You are unlimited. You can be as loyal as a dog, as self-possessed as a cat, as scampering as a mouse and so on.

You have the whole world to choose from. And you have choices. That is what you are doing all the time. You are making choices.

Now aspire to the choices you want. You are not stuck. You have plenty of room to roam. On this day, you can be what you want to be, and you don’t have to be what you don’t want to be. What do you admire?

I have great love and respect for all the animals that were created on My behalf. With deference to My animal beings, I ask you, have you wanted the slyness of a fox or the fleetness of a deer or the agility of a goat? What qualities do you most desire? This is My point. What qualities do you want, and what on Earth would prevent you from having them?

A lion can lie on the grass and be content to be a lion on a fine sunny day.

You can lie on splendid silk on a sunny day and not be content. In this case, would you be a lion content on the grass or as you are in splendid silk on a sunny day?

If you have ten doors to choose from, what would you want the names of the doors to be? You don’t want them blank. You don’t want to guess. You want to be able to choose, so name the doors of yourself and open them to what you want to find. You are opening yourself to yourself. You are a treasure chest, and you are to fill yourself with what you desire to be. You don’t have to leave it to chance.

Perhaps you have left your chosen qualities to chance. Perhaps you have been lucky, or unlucky. Now I say to choose. How do you want to be known? What do you want to bequeath to the world? What do you want to be most in the world? Be it.

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name the doors of yourself

I never liked the word "choice" as it is used in New-Age contexts. It always made me feel rather stupid. I did not understand what people were talking about when they went on and on about "making the right/wrong choices." I thought: Isn't choosing a conscious mental activity? When I'm seriously ill or broke, how could I have chosen that? But since God is using the word, I will get used to it. I like "aspire" much better, glad He is using it as well in this Heavenletter. Aspiring to something means that I'm "breathing" there, my conscious or unconscious intention is going there, and in this way I can understand how I am "choosing" the things that seem to happen to me. I have been aspiring to them, I have been leaning there wittingly or unwittingly.

You have the whole world to choose from. And you have choices. That is what you are doing all the time. You are making choices. I'm scratching my head. Does all the time meen all the time? Is the whole of my experience choice then? Did I, for example, choose all the unwanted things in my life by aspiring to them, by unconsciously leaning or gravitating towards them? Did I go on and on choosing the unwanted until it arrived more and more copiously and I began feeling it was happening to me, done to me, that I was at the mercy of a blind fate? If so, the solution is very simple. If so, I can understand why that simple solution never occured to me.

This Heavenletter is finally giving me the solution, making it very graphic by citing all kinds of animal traits and qualities (and even educating me on why a lion is called a lion – he likes to lie on the grass).

On this day, you can be what you want to be, and you don’t have to be what you don’t want to be … What qualities do you want, and what on Earth would prevent you from having them? … name the doors of yourself and open them to what you want to find. You are opening yourself to yourself. You are a treasure chest, and you are to fill yourself with what you desire to be.

This is very exciting, it is hair-raising. Not because of the wonderful me I'm now going to manifest but because it restores to me something which I intuitively knew is mine but which I never dared to claim. It is very hard to put into words. I am a child of God, and as a child of God, there is nowhere I cannot go, nothing I cannot reach or have or do just like that. I don't need to be powerful (which is something I despise anyway). As a child of God, I simply and lovingly aspire to whatever I desire, trusting that my God nature is what does the desiring.

power is the gist

It seems to me that you "lovingly aspire" to the greatest power in the world: to have "whatever I desire" as my birthright. Of course you wouldn't need "to be powerful", you would be power itself.

I politely ask to be allowed

I politely ask to be allowed to disagree. Just this one time, cara, I promise. And only because I really abhor power in all its forms.  


But I love power, you will not abhor me now? I can't allow it.

Ample horsepower is okay if

Ample horsepower is okay if that's what it is.

"If that is..."

Maybe...maybe not.
"Blame no one and nothing. Rise" ( from today's HL ), even above me, if you can.

Jochen tells me about getting our stuff.

You have a way, Jochen, of bringing us into a beautiful loop that always ends on the Inside.


Allez hop! Ending on the

Allez hop!

Ending on the inside is a beautifully graphic expression, accepted as a big compliment.

Dear George, I totally and

Dear George, I totally and wholeheartedly share you comment. Jochen, you have a wonderful talent in your way of "always ending on the Inside" through a musical labyrinth.

And I am always amazed of the diversity and the unity in diversity of all those wonderful people who post on this forum.



I don't know what I want to be MOST in the world, except to be more like Jeshua ben Joseph all the time, but what a task that is !!
Never has there been such a MASTER in the history of mankind !! Oh, Francis comes to mind, the one whom animals and birds
flocked to in great trust. He, too, must have been a delight to be around. You know I got such a great kick andcharge out of your
saying what a delight you had in your Being when you created elephants, and also monkeys. But then you created men / women
with unlimited range of capabilities.

Well - I would also like to write a novel, I think that would be great fun! What an accomplishment !! YOUR SPIRIT LIVES AT THE HEART
OF ALL OF US, and so what is it that we are not capable of accomplishing? That IS YOUR gift to each of us. OPEN DOORS THAT

Mary Moon's thoughts just ooze love.

Mary, your words are so soft and inviting to have the kind of relationship with God that you have.


it nice to know

dear God heavenley father,
thank for your suport to os every words you given,
even am not comment or writteng to you,
but am comment of my heart and mind to you always,,
it nice to know all animal you created in the earth, from now on i have to respec, to al the animal,,
you give a question to os ,, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE MOST IN THE
IN THE WORLD ? am already choice som of room,,
specialey am choice to be of santa carmen, is that what i am now,
aslong i can aford from your help,

Carmen dear, loving you

Carmen dear,

loving you always !

infinite love and tender hugs to you dear.

Choose to be what you know yourself to BE!

The Elephants pulled up stakes, grabbed little kids and ran to high ground during a ptsunamie a few years back. Who told them to do that? Your right, it was The Field of Light, the VOICE!

Did the Elephant choose to be an Elephant? To say yes or no depends on what you think. (To you.)

Did you choose to be human? To say yes or no depends on Who you know and, perhaps, how fast you grow. Several old Shamanic tribal leader took their tribes to high ground because they heard the Voice.

How do we hear the Voice? Don't worry, you will, it's in the Script of your journey. God loses nothing.

That's why death is so very beautiful at any age, but trying to those who long for the forms.


Yes, God loses nothing and

Yes, God loses nothing and my heart sings for you dear George to be here now !

love and peace to you dear.

What do you want to be most

What do you want to be most in the world?

Love, never ending, boundless, sweet and gentle. Amazing Love, Universes and Oceans and Dimensions beyond Dimensions of Love. Breathtaking, joyious, sparkling, ever expanding Love. Softly flocking in all of Creation.

Loving you all

To Be or Not To Do

"What Do You Want To Be Most In The World?"

This question— as well as all those statements we hear saying "You have all the powers, you have no limits. All your desires can come true"— is, for me, the toughest of all. And most of the time I feel helpless in expressing any desire. I don't have any specific desire neither wanting to be "most".

Or I think I should put it in another way. Unless I know for real who I really am, what's the point of having desires or wanting to be most in the world?

There are two basic questions that need, for me, to be asked before desiring something or to be something. The first question is: "Why do I want to be on earth and stay on Earth?" and the second is: "Do I want to stay here or not?"

How do I want to experience my life? I am not sure at all. I cannot imagine with my current mind what I am going to do on Earth. Because in our mind dominated relative world, we automatically confound between "what we want to Be" and "what we want to do". Even if Being is more fundamental than doing, we think the other way around in our mind.

Now adding the fact that we are sleeping and dreaming of what "it could be", we are only dreaming of the times that were, that are and that will be. And we know that this isn't real. This is memory stuff and it won't be of any help.

So, dear God, for today, my answer to Your question: "What Do You Want to Be Most in the World?" is YES. I can only say Yes in the moment. I want to ACCEPT TO WAKE UP TO WHO I AM. What other desire could I have?

Unless I know

Very clear, very precise, I'm sure you are speaking for many who are not so good with words or for some other reason choose to remain siltent.

Unless I know for real who I really am, what's the point of having desires or wanting to be most in the world?

Normand, as far as I understand Heavenletters, the point is that we do know, but – for some reason or other – we don't wholeheartedly want to know. Occasionally we dimly sense we know, but since we don't yet recognize what it is we know, we tend to shrug it off as useless or at least inconsequential. In truth, it is momentous, but for someone having a precise mind such as yours it may be difficult to take it for real. There is nothing precise about "who I really am." And the mind does not, cannot know who I am.

Some time ago, I read Heavenletter #558, http://www.heavenletters.org/so-that-all-may-see-better.html, stumbling on a short passage that I now find is resounding on and in my mind and heart:

Yes, you have to discover yourself. It is easy. All you have to do is turn around, and ask yourself: "Where do I want to go?" And then go.

These words opened up for me when I tried out several "destinations" and found they are not quite It. That was when I knew that God is speaking to something far in the background, a very vage sense of (paradoxically) knowing precisely where I want to go. My mind can only come up with more or less irrelevant things; my heart or soul knows unmistakably where I want to go, but this knowing may be no more than a sense of longing that has no name and no face. It has no name and no face and yet you sense a knowing there that is absolutely certain. Mind struggles for a while to figure it out but then, at least in my case, it gives up because something – I don't know whether from within or down from Heaven – tells it lovingly that it is no use. I know it's silly to make recommendations, Normand, but look out for that clear sense of knowing that is not of the mind and cannot be understood by the mind. And then go.

Well, one day even clumsy old mind may be able to follow. But before that date, it's only, "Gosh, yes, I do know. What is it?"

It is obvious that the mind

It is obvious that the mind will never know who I am. Well the mind is a very paradoxical thing. It seems to try to wake you up and yet it can't because the mind is what is putting you to sleep in the first place.

"...a very vague sense of (paradoxically) knowing precisely where I want to go". For me it is not a vague sense. That vagueness is in fact to grow the awareness of Totality. It is more precise than what the mind will ever be able to imagine. And of course the mind is scared because it is only a content for our illusion, not for the real content of ourself. So it sets limits because it thinks it is safer. "When you start to feel close to Me, you begin to feel a stage-fright…" I also think that this is how deep it goes or must go.

"You need not fear that you will fly too high. You cannot fly too high. You need practice in flying altogether". And it all starts with saying Yes, "it means to accept My radiance in you". That is where the limits dissolve themselves.

P.S. Thanks Jochen for bringing to my reading this absolutely wonderful Heavenletter. I will definitely translate it, asap.

desiring and wanting

I coudn't have said it better, Normand.
"Desires" and "wanting to be most", from the present perspective, still imply the play of mind and will, they still imply a gap in awareness and a tension. God didn't decide to create, He didn't even create. I take both activities of desiring and wanting as an inner stirring, but not as the real goal.