Vaulting across the Universe
You are growing in love and wisdom right and left. And the growing is not always easy. Your ego is being wracked right and left, and that is how you grow. Ego is forced to step aside, at least for a while, and you see yourself rising to the sun. You did not get burned. Your ego did.
Ego doesn't go up in flames without a fight. I talk about ego as though you have no responsibility for it. Never mind, you are learning to get along without it or without so much of it.
You are really beginning to learn that there are no affronts to you, only to your ego. Oh, beloveds, think of what it will be when ego no longer pesters you and gets the best of you and when you stand above it. Picture yourself standing tall, ego on the floor beneath, and with your foot on ego, you keep it down. Now ego submits to you, instead of your submitting to ego. Now you have risen, and you are vaulting across the Universe knowingly with Me.
Ego has cramped your style. You are just beginning to find out what your style is, your true style, your true way of being unshackled from ego and ego needs. When you don't have ego, what do you require? Without ego, you who are everything have everything you need. And, if there should be something you don't have, then you don't need it. You did very much need to be without commandeering ego, that selfish twit of an ego who got in your way. I say this as it is.
We do not make an ode to ego, nor do We hold animosity toward the now fallen ego. Although ego has been an opponent, it had its purpose for you. It brought you to where you are now. Now you are a hero to yourself. Without ego, you can truly love your God-given self. Ego was like a rash, hot and itchy, and now you are not inflamed. Now you are calm and cooled down. You have removed the hair shirt of ego. No longer do you bow to it. Now you bow to the sun and to the God in you.
Let Us thank ego for helping you and the world to see what ego really looks like, hardly the picture you had of it and the importance you held it in. Now you remove your foot from the prone ego and let it go off with its tail between its legs. Ego was all an illusion anyway. It never existed except as you gave homage to it. Ego had you twisted around its little finger. How presumptuous ego was.
Now you are free of ego. Even though it had you in its power, it had no power except as you granted it. You fed ego's ego. And now you are free. Or almost free. You certainly are getting there.
What is there to say about ego when it is gone or well on its way out? Ego really never had anything to do with you! It was your ego! Instead of your training this errant ego, you let it train you! And now you are getting out from under ego. You used to be prone on the floor of life, and ego had its foot on you. You let ego go. Avast, ego, avast. At last, you are releasing your hold on it.
Let's have a party. Let's have a Thanksgiving Day. Hurray, you are outliving ego and all the pictures of the past.
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