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Update on Translations and translators circle!!!!

Dearest Gloria and Heavenadmin and allll Heavenly CANs...

Inspite of all explanations and informative messages I have still had some questions :(

"Please send in plain text, not HTML. The font and font size will be standard."
I am a genius of computer science and the greatest rival of Mr.Bill Gates, soooooooooo,

"Make the Subject Field of your email look like this:"
"HEAVEN # 1 868 Il Libro del Vostro Cuore"

[B] means only one blank-space????

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove :wub:

Most beloved Engin, I think

Most beloved Engin,

I think the email I sent may have reached you a little differently than I sent it!

I'm going to post it here now in the hopes that it reproduces just right, and I add a few things as well. I will try to put those in color so it's easy for you to find them.

* Here is some clarification about the new way to send us your translations!

* If you haven’t already, please register for a user account on the Heavenletter website.
Use this same address you register with to send Heavenletters out.

*See below the email address you will send your translations to.

* Every translation would go to the same email address. (If we had two translators from your land, they would both send to the exact same address.)

* Please send in plain text, not HTML. The font and font size will be standard. (I am not familiar with Yahoo. I am going to guess that it is plain text. Try it, angel. Santhan will tell you if it's right or not. Remember, we don't have to be perfect. We are testing right now. That's all.)

* Please send as an email, NOT attachment.

* Also please continue to post every translation on the forum. Post as you go along, if possible, and not save them up to do all at once.

Make the Subject Field of your email look like this:

HEAVEN #1868 Il Libro del Vostro Cuore


(Please double-check to make sure you have the exact Heavenletter number. No space between number sign and the number. When you do it without a space, sometimes it shows a little tiny space but you didn't make it. That's fine. Nothing you can do anyway!)

No matter what language, please keep HEAVEN as HEAVEN, not translated.

Note for languages like Greek and Turkish that have non-Latin characters:

For the subject title ONLY, replace non-Latin letters with the phonetic equivalent.

For the text of the Heavenletter, have as many non-Latin letters as you like!

The Body of Your Translation

*Include the text of the Heavenletter only.

*Leave out dates, title, number, Dear God, translated by, and any comments. Text only.

*Do NOT indent paragraphs.
*Here is an example of what the body of a translated Heavenletter will look like:

Een tiran zou geen redden van bestaan hebben, als iedereen zijn eigen heer en meester is. Hoe kan er een bullebak bestaan, als iedereen sterk in zijn waardigheid staat? Er zou niet worden gekoeioneerd, noch zou jij koeioneren.

Regeer over jezelf. Wees niet stuurloos. Sluit je aan bij een grootsere regel.

Jullie zijn geen onderwerpen in de wereld. Je buigt je knie voor geen enkel mens, je buigt tegenover iedereen. Buig voor jezelf.

De wereld is van jou. Het is van niemands anders. Ik noem het niet eens Mijn wereld, hoewel ik het gecreëerd heb. Ik schiep het en zwierde het zo ver mogelijk in het Universum, en Ik gaf het aan de wateren, en Ik plaatste jou in dat beeld. Daarom, plaats ik jou in schoonheid, kracht, glorie en de zoetheid van liefde. Ik verzachte je tot een zacht wezen, geliefden. Niemand moet zachtheid aanvallen. Niemands moet één ons van je kracht of schoonheid van je wegnemen. Je bent veronderstelt het allemaal te geven, niet als een teken van je vriendschap, maar uit trouw tegenover Mij en hierdoor aan je naaste. Ik gaf je over aan alles wat goed is. Je bent goed. Geef jezelf nu over.

That’s it. The body of your email is no more than that!

Extra Notes:

The program will automatically put you as the translator because of the email address that you are sending from.

In addition to sending all of your translations to the new email address, please post on the forum as you go along. Thank you.

The email address given to you is all set up for you to use now. This is the email address to start sending to now.

Your translations will be sent out as soon as possible. Please know how important your translations are to all of us. Be patient because it may take a while, especially at the beginning.

You can send as many translations a day as you like! Even a thousand! Please send each one in a separate email.

Please keep copies of all your translations.

Santhan will review each translation you send and communicate directly with you to let you know that your formatting is just right or if it needs an adjustment. The main thing is not to worry about it. It's not a big deal. Santhan is very good-natured, and will be happy that you are translating. The important thing is the translating! And that only you can do. The details of sending will get taken care of. Pretty soon it will be automatic for you too!

Just to recap:

Subject title goes a certain way.

Inside the body of the email is the text of the Heavenletter, nothing else.

Please check the Expanded Light Global Translator Circle on the forum frequently. Because of your questions on the forum, you helped to clarify the process. Thank you.

Just so you know, here are the assigned Heavenletter accounts for each language we are presently receiving translations for:

Spanish: es [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Greek: el [at] heavenletters [dot] org
German: de [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Finnish: fi [at] heavenletters [dot] org
French: fr [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Croatian: hr [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Italian: it [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Dutch: nl [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Norwegian: no [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Polish: pl [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Portuguese: pt [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Tagalog: tl [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Turkish: tr [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Bulgarian - bg [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Romanian - ro [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Catalan - ca [at] heavenletters [dot] org

Here is what Santhan just wrote to me about Heavenletter translations:

“Translated Heavenletters are such treasures. They're like sparkling jewels on a crown. Every extra translation is another jewel on the crown.”

We are so grateful for your ability, dedication, and generosity, dear angel. You know how happy we are to have you here!

With love and blessings,

P.S. Leen just asked about sending back translations this new way. Good question. This is what Santhan wrote to me:

"ONCE we have the system in place, I WILL ASK the translators to send all the translations they have to the email accounts and the program will automatically add them to the site, after checking for duplicates and linking the translation to the original Heavenletter."

This is all going to be so marvelous! Think of a web site in each language! Think of what this is going to do for the people of the world and how happy God will be!

Dear Gloria and

Dear Gloria and Santhan,

thank you for this detailed explanation.

I have just sent a letter (second time) to TR e-mail address.

Could you get it? Is it OK?


My heart goes out to Gloria,

My heart goes out to Gloria, Heaven admin, translators and all others involved in this global...even ecumenical movement of Love. I feel a beautiful connection between this and the country prayer "project" that Jimi plays a part in. Love, Jim(i)

Dearest Engin, just yet I

Dearest Engin, just yet I don't know where to see your email. Of course, Santhan does, and as soon as he is able, he will respond to you. He could be surfing in the ocean! Have confidence that you did do it just right. I have no reason to believe otherwise! You are very conscientious, angel.
After you do hear back from Santhan, let us know the verdict!

To all postings, replies and

To all postings, replies and everyone here - this is really a miracle coming true !! I'm so happy about this worldwide expanding of God's Love Letters !!!!!! :Rolleyes:
Enormous love and work is involved and it can be felt, it's God's love that is shining brighter and brighter !!!! :wub:

Dearest Engin, most beloved competitor to Mr. Bill Gates, YOU MAKE ME LAUGH !!!! :thumbup:

Dearest Gloria: you posting seems a candid camera to me !! After one hour reading and trying to understand, I thought to myself, think if the last line of your mail was: ALL THAT IS WRITTEN ABOVE IS JUST A JOKE !!! :p
A part from joking, I thank you for the wonderful detailed explanation, so that even a slow one like I am can understand step by step, SO GRATEFUL FOR YOUR PATIENCE !!! :wub:

Dearest Jim and Jimi, indeed the word wide love prayer going round just now is PERFECT DIVINE TIMING !!!!!!!

Love and JOY JOY JOY to all

And thank you Berit and

And thank you Berit and everyone else on this site. I feel such surge of love for this is so lovingly expansive and perhaps even explosive in its love potency! What to do now? Oh my goodness just keep loving....everyone and thing. Aside from my heart...this site is my home base...(that didn't turn out exactly as I meant it but you all know what I mean) Jimj(i)

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

Very dear Gloria and

Very dear Gloria and Berit,

Canim ladies if I sounded panicky, so sorry, infact I am not :p really :big

(Berit'cigim I am so happy for making you laugh :wub: )

love you all...


Hallo, angels. Thanks to

Hallo, angels. :big

Thanks to everyone for their postings here – they’ve been all useful to get this beautiful idea going. I was glad to find that there is an email set for Bulgarian translations already. I just sent one. What I haven’t understood thou is if I still need to post my translation in the “Heavenletters Bulgarian” forum or once I’ve emailed it will be posted in the forum automatically by the system… help…? ;) Anybody?...

Engin, sweetheart, I use yahoo email too and I found a “plain text” button just next to the Subject line, on the right. Once you have the body of your translation, whatever the formatting, go and hit that button. A dialog box appears “This will change your message into plain text. All formatting will be lost. Continue?” You choose “OK” (just kidding). The text is formatted to Arial 10 black, the formatting bar disappears and the “plain text” button changes into “rich text” button. This is how you switch between plain text and rich text.

Love :wub: and hugs to all of you who contribute to bringing Heaven closer to earth.


Muchas Gracias, Vanya! (How

Muchas Gracias, Vanya! (How do you say Thank you or Many thanks in Bulgarian?)

Yes, please post on the forum as before. My understanding is that later, once there is a Bulgarian Heavenletter web site, then it will become an automatic thing.

God bless you, dear angel.

With love,


Thank you, dearest Gloria

Thank you, dearest Gloria :thumbup:
Now I know what to do.
In Bulgarian we say “Blagodarya” for “thank you” or “Mnogo blagodarya” for “Many thanks”.

Love, :wub:


Can Komsucugum Vanya, Thank

Can Komsucugum Vanya,

Thank you very much for your great advise. Are you using YAHOO-BETA, darling?

I think so, Engin it is an

I think so, Engin :)
it is an upgrade of Yahoo mail classic. I am not sure what they call it, but I just switched back to "classic" and there was not such "rich/plain text" button. So if you don't have that button you might need to upgrade :big



In my opinion, "arial-10-black" is a text which is plain enough... :p

I will try to upgrade my yahoo page to BETA form - which I did not like at all ;)



Thank you for your loud

Thank you for your loud THANK YOU, Engin :p
Apparantly I am not getting any notification on updates in the forum in my mailbox... I have ticked the squares for all the topics I've posted to... Why could that be I wonder... Huh:
It took me a while to get used to the Yahoo Mail Beta, but now I am OK with it. Just upgrade for the cause, Engin and not before long you've be looooooooooooooooving it. Just like youuuu doooo.

Flowery smiles,