Tweeting on Twitter

Are you interested in sending selected Heaven quotes out to Heaven's Twitter followers? Here's the way we do it and how to set it up on your system.

Heaven's Twitter page:

1) Heaven does not follow anyone. You will notice Heaven is following 0 people. So once you have access to Heaven's Twitter account, please make sure you don't follow anyone.

2) URL shortening service: - this is the service we use for shortening urls of the Heavenletter the quote comes from. Create an account there. From your account, you will be able to post directly to Heaven's Twitter account.

3) Keywords. Examples: #heaven #perfection #enlightenment #relationship #DivineRelationship - create related keywords for your tweet and put # sign before it. Notice that there are no spaces between words in a key phrase. Instead, each word in the key phrase is capitalized like in #DivingRelationship. Another example: #SanthanIsCool

4) Not all quotes have to point back to the original Heavenletter. Let's say you tweet 5 quotes from 1 Heavenletter. Then only one of those tweets should have the permalink of the Heavenletter shortened by

5) Get Heaven's username and password for Twitter from Santhan or Gloria.