To the Very Heavens
Calmness is not an act. Calmness is your natural state. Calmness comes from a depth of silence. Silence is your natural state. From the depth of your silence comes peace. Less than peace is heretic. Less than peace is an infraction. Be that state of peace that is yours to hold and to marvel over and to circulate across land and sea.
Peace be unto you.
Peace is not far away from you. It is your natural core. If only you could believe this. If only you could believe that you are your own peace, that peace emanates from you, and that peace from you blesses the entire world.
Peace isn't difficult. It is all the hullabaloo and noise surrounding peace that are difficult. Peace is easy. Anything that is not peace is a set-up. Accept the peace I give to you. You crave it, and yet you stir the pot rather than settle it down. The soup of life has been stirred enough. Let it cool.
Sail on a calm sea. And if the sea is not calm, then quiet yourself, and the sea will copy you.
You are meant to be an instrument of peace. Let your breathing play like a sweet flute. Hear the notes of the flute bringing peace with it. Its round mellow notes soothe all in its wake. Be the flute of God. Play the flute of peace for Me.
Be the snake-charmer. Uncoil the world from the basket it has wound itself in. Peace is not coiled. Peace is flat and straight. Peace has no secrets. It is out in the open.
If you go to the top of a mountain peak, what do you see? You see peace. You do not see havoc. Seek peace and give peace. Peace is not just a sigh, and yet peace is contentment. Why not be content. Why not see the world as I do see it and bless it and spread peace on the world. Be a beacon of peace. Be a beacon of peace wherever you are. Be a marker of peace. Be an inspiration of peace. Be a herald of peace. Be a flute of peace.
Let your heart be your flute. Let the music of your heart be heard near and far. Let your heart smooth out rough terrain. Let your heart climb over the rocks and create a plateau of peace.
Be the peace you so desire. Give the peace you desire. Peace is not dull. It is not unstimulating. Peace is a comforter, and yet from peace comes exhilaration. From the peace of exhilaration comes more peace until you are peace itself. What were the Great Ones, beloveds? They spurred peace.
We could say that the Great Ones lowered the flame on hearts. They made hearts heart-temperature, not hot, not cold, but just right so that hearts could grow and embrace all other hearts. Through their hearts of peace, the Great Ones gave peace. They emanated peace. This is what peace does. Peace is calm and fun-loving and spreads itself like wildfire.
Show Me a man of peace and you will see a man who enjoys to the hilt. He builds a mountain of peace. He sculpts it out of hearts, and he raises hearts to the mountain-tops. He puts your heart like a star at the very top of the Christmas tree. The star spreads its light from one house to another. From one peak of peace to another, from one heart to another, peace shines and raises the Earth and everyone in it to the very Heavens.
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