This Moment of Eternal Love

God said:

Are you beginning to see the gifts that I send to you on every day of the year? In every hour, in every moment? The gifts are there, beloveds. Some you can’t help noticing. Others you may need to be on the lookout for. Look for little signs of my love strewn along your path like bread crumbs.

There are many gifts left along the way for you that you did not see. It is necessary for you to see the gifts in order to know that I thought of you with Great Love. I cannot think of you in any other way. Your eyes race over my gifts and notes, perhaps intent on something else. I tell you that today you will trip over blessings when you are on the lookout for them.

Now, you can’t be demanding the blessings. You can’t start out by thinking: “Okay, God, where are they? God, You say they’re here. I don’t see them.”

When you feel tense or demanding in this way, how clearly can you see? You may have your mind made up that I perhaps don’t know what I’m talking about, that I can’t possibly know what your life is like, or you cannot imagine I would have the effrontery to tell you to look for gifts from the Universe.

I do know what your life is like. Therefore, I urge you most of all to start looking for the gifts I have sent you and that you perhaps previously overlooked. They are right out in the open.

Hunt for these gifts, not in the way a hunter hunts wild game, but rather like a lovely soul in a meadow looking for butterflies in the summer, or, perhaps, like a child on an Easter Egg Hunt in the spring. The child knows that his mother or father tucked little gifts for him all over the yard. He has no doubt at all. That’s how you want to spend your day as well. Have no doubt. Know that good by the bushels is on its way to you.

Let your eyes be like the sunlight that looks over the whole horizon and doesn’t miss one spot.

Let your eyes look with love and miss nothing.

Let the treasures of life enter your vision and enter your heart. I say, “Amen.” I say. “Amen,” every day about you. I am so grateful for the sight of you. What else can I possibly be?

When I see you in some kind of disquiet, I do not love you less. I do not apportion less love to you. If you have thought of yourself as unlucky, will you now please start thinking of yourself as lucky? Lucky you. You have God in your corner. You have God rooting for you. Beloveds, I am your Greatest Fan. I love you more than all the tea in China. I love you more than all the ways love can express itself. I love you as I love the whole wide world, and, oh, I love. Be loved. Be My beloved. Be My One. You are the One I love. My love has never skipped a beat. Oh, yes, We can come back to your not seeing or listening, yet My love is the One Constant in the world. No matter what, rain or shine, you are surrounded with My love. You are inundated with it. You are caught in the embrace of My love. You are like the gentle butterfly I have caught in my net of love. Of course, I have caught you only to let you go, and then catch you in My embrace again and again. How carefully I hold you to My breast. You are caught in the beat of My heart. You are caught in this present moment of Eternal Love.

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There are days when even

There are days when even God's Love Letter looks like just another to-do list. And you already have drawers full of them, old and tattered ones from home and school, more recent ones you gleaned from all of those spiritual books, self-help books, workshops.....endless lists of to-dos, all of them preceded by that maddening "just" or "simply", spoken or unspoken. Okay, so today it's about beeing on the lookout for bread crumbs. I'll be a good boy, I'll try to find some. I'll even do the right kind of thinking while looking for bread crumbs. Oh, my.

And then, without warning and effortlessly, You break my heart by pointing out that this is about butterflies in a meadow and all the tea in China, really. It's about what is most precious and dear, it's about looking with love. Looking with love is what transforms the world and everything in it like nothing else can. You say that I can try to look with love even if I don't feel like it at all. You demonstrate to me again and again that this does indeed "work". And You say You are not even being patient when You do so. Your love must be.....I don't know.

Dear God called

Dear God called Jochen,

until we deceive us with what we consider to be, do and have, we remain trapped in illusion.

What we believe to be, because thought and feeling of the self, it's what separates us to be Truth. Truth is not to understand but to be. We are Truth, but Truth that we are, it is not what we seem. Truth is pure being but, in the absence of what appears different and apart from it, we cannot test it, we cannot us like Truth.

Since we are already the Truth, as we are already God, and only God, then, to also to experience ourselves as God, as All That Is, we (God) need a contrast, we need what seems like non-God, as a separate identity: the little man in his little world.

We are not what they seem, we are not anything we can see, think, indicate, know.

But we are. To be, simply to be, it's to be God. We are God: everything else appears.
We can never find ourselves. When we wake up from fascinating dream of being a single person, with his possessions, his private dreams, with its private dramas, when we stop to look at the thought and the body as ourselves, we are not any more, and then again we all.
You are All That Is, and you are God because You speak to you in a human form and in a divine form: all is the same. There is only God. God is not a person. But all persons are God. So you cannot be anywhere because you are everywhere, in everything you see. You are seeing, not what you see. You are change, not what changes. You are being, not what it is. We do not need to go nowhere. We do not need to do, have, be, nothing if not what we want to experience of infinity that we are.

I don't speak to you, Jochen. I speak to God. I speak to Me. This is God, who we already are, to write these wonderful Heavenletters to us. These are love letters from God to God.
This is just a game, a joke, infinite. We are The (One) Playing but we see ourselves as players. Players entering and leaving the game and have never peace. But the game is Peace, and Love.


(a Go(o)d form, a form of You.

Jochen, this is what I felt

Jochen, this is what I felt like telling you,
He will see You through. Hold on to that thought no matter what you are “feeling” I struggle at times too with some ideas and when I do I give it to God to correct my Vision. It comes together slowly and these are the blessings and LOVE I feel God is trying to share with me!
God Bless You brother, much much love and light :)

"Jochen, this is what I

"Jochen, this is what I felt
On January 18th, 2008 Johanne says:
Jochen, this is what I felt like telling you,
He will see You through. Hold on to that thought no matter what you are “feeling” I struggle at times too with some ideas and when I do I give it to God to correct my Vision. It comes together slowly and these are the blessings and LOVE I feel God is trying to share with me!
God Bless You brother, much much love and light "

Johanne...If I may add: It is so sweet when we give things to matter what they are...when this happens, we are emptied and at the same time filled with the gentle love of God. Thank you for saying that dear one! Love, Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

Jochen: you say in

Jochen: you say in part:

"...You say that I can try to look with love even if I don't feel like it at all. You demonstrate to me again and again that this does indeed "work". And You say You are not even being patient when You do so. Your love must be.....I don't know"

This is so beautiful what you say here: just feels so much truth coming through your heart...and especially having the courage to love even when you don't feel like it...this is so great...this is like priming the pump of love! Love and many blessings and thank you for your loving presence here! Jim(i)

.Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said have no doubt
Know that good is on the way
To you Beloveds

God said be My One
Moment of Eternal Love
Caught in My embrace

God said lucky you
You have God in your corner
God your greatest Fan

Love, Light and Aloha!

Jochen and Karen, how

Jochen and Karen, how especially lovely Heavenletters are when I see them through your eyes.

One of the first things on my list, after I Godwrite, is to read the comments on this forum and know what love is like.

Wow, Danilo! You are really saying something great!

".....You are like the

".....You are like the gentle butterfly I have caught in my net of love. Of course, I have caught you only to let you go, and then catch you in My embrace again and again. How carefully I hold you to My breast. You are caught in the beat of My heart. You are caught in this present moment of Eternal Love."

This is so sweet...and I like to catch loved ones with my net...but my net has such big openings that they just fly right through. By loved ones I mean anyone I love...and that means everyone. Here is a quote from that: "My loved ones are everyone". And Of course, with my net, because of the big openings, I catch no one...but each one gets a tender embrace from my heart.

I would love to catch you next! In love with you, Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

On some days the energy

On some days the energy flows more intensely, like today. Approaching full moon.
It hurts when a scab is peeled off. The scab aids the healing. So too when removing layers over the heart.
When sweeping a forgotten corner behind a cupboard, clouds of dust arise and sting the eyes.

During the high energy days there is greater change.

Knowing where one is going helps when the storm hits.

The beauty after the storm is worth it.

Ride on oh warriors of Love!

Oceans of Love

I wanted to add... Have a

I wanted to add...

Have a chocolate cookie or many!

One Love



How I love God telling us

How I love God telling us how much He loves us !!! This here is really a most beautiful Love Letter, it is beautifus beyond words !! It is His loves that takes me over problems and difficulties, I could never do it without God's love and all the most sweet blessings He showers on us.

No matter what, rain or shine, you are surrounded with My love. You are inundated with it. You are caught in the embrace of My love. You are like the gentle butterfly I have caught in my net of love. Of course, I have caught you only to let you go, and then catch you in My embrace again and again. How carefully I hold you to My breast. You are caught in the beat of My heart. You are caught in this present moment of Eternal Love.

Thank You sweetest Divine Father !


AMEN!!!! we are gods

we are gods AMEN..or so to speak "and so be it" LOVE LOVE LOVE
and if we are filled with love..what else can we give to eachother but love....
Then, we are "god a like" and doing the best we really can. So let us start knowing we deserve it. Lots of love for ourselfs first...untill it flows over out of our hearts! Peace will be ours....
love Iris

Beloved Iris, such beautiful

Beloved Iris, such beautiful comment.

Dear One, did you have to change your name again in order to get in to post? Thank you for doing it. :)

No wonder this beautiful

No wonder this beautiful “Heavenletter” got so many responses! It is caring, generous, uplifting, encouraging and tremendously loving! All responses, are also filled with Love and Truth.

Coincidently (I know, there are no coincidences), I received one of those .pps slide shows in my mail, with exactly the same message: look for blessings along the way! Often, we discard or even curse some occurrences and yet, in hindsight, it is the best that could have happened to us.

Yes, I will keep my eyes open some more for the gifts and blessings and love of God!

How amazingly

How amazingly BEAUTIFUL!!!
Beauty that caprtures our hearts, swells in the depth sof our soul sadn reaches out to the world...forever present..forever unfolding..God's love...God's synchronicity to our deepest desires, to our heart's most poignant sonata. God say sfor u sto dream and watch reality fill thos edream sand desires, to be drawn by the mystery, awe, & expectation adn be pleasantly surprised at the unfolding miracle that brings that deepest dream to life...Never a loss in God's arms, Beloveds.

Listen. Listen deeply.

God is never frugal, or deprivating.
He, she ...God is everywhere.
We are in God's embrace & JOY IS OUR SIGNAL..our navigation system.
Be in awe of life, beloveds, in awe of God's love & the miracles that are pervasive in your life,for as sure as stars fill the sky, miracles fall upon you all easily.
...easily & bountifuly!
fear not that your miracle will pass you by..for miracles are as breathe itself...constant & life-gining.

Take a Breath, dear ones..Breathe as every dreamer finds their reality!!take a deep, deep, deep breathe & feel the kiss that is your life!!

Dear God I thought I would

Dear God

I thought I would stretch my imagination and try to comprehend the world that you speak of in Heavenletters.

So, is this close to what it would look like?

First, there would only be Joy, and freedom as well. There would be a myriad of joys abounding each and every day. We would be happy now and eager for expansion. And expand we would!

Work would be fun, we would do what we enjoy doing, perhaps it would not be called "work" at all. There would be a lot more time for pleasure and relaxation.

The school system would be more evolved and democratic, so kids could CHOOSE what they wanted to learn, and have fun in the process. Teachers would be fulfilled, not tearing their hair out! (Like Dead Poets Society)

All traditions would be honoured, and the value seen in all, no religion would be seen as particularly "right" or "wrong"

Governmental systems would undergird these principles.

Causes of crime would be eradicated as solutions would easily be found, not based on punishment...

Imagination and creativity would soar! Indeed we would create the world of our dreams.

Contrast would still exist, but not to the extreme degree now.

Health, prosperity and wellbeing would abound, and anything else would seem like a bad dream that we finally woke up from.

Forgiveness would be pointless,because nothing would have been judged!

Greed would be unnecessary, because it would be understood that the premise of LACK it was based on was false.

Perhaps festivals honouring diversity would happen.

We would be so connected to the NOW, that aging would fade.

We would understand emotions as communication from our spirit, and resonate to the high ones.

Money and abundance would freely circulate, why wouldn't it if there is no shortage?

Radio DJ's would be elevated to the highest posotion of honour in society (joke)

How am I doing?

Very very well.

Very very well.

Mr. Longie, regarding Radio

Mr. Longie, regarding Radio D.J.'s, ones like you will be elevated to the highest positions of honor, maybe not ALL D.J.'s.

The only one I've not sure of is the one about emotions. My understanding was that low emotions will no longer exist, though, of course, you're right that we will resonate with the higher emotions only!

It's possible you have even a complete list. I couldn't say for sure.

Nevertheless, this is a glorious list!