There Are Many Stars in the Firmament

God said:

It may seem trite to say there is good in everything. This is a stretch for you, I know. You see horror, tragedy, mismanagement, and you cannot conceive of what possible good there could be in many circumstances that befall. This is hard to believe, I know. And yet this is the God's honest truth.

The world you live in is like a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces missing. The picture is not only incomplete, but what it is a picture of is not yet perceptible. You can't make it out. So far, you can only imagine. The picture is obtuse, unfathomable, and makes no sense. The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

I beseech you to stop thinking of events in life as reward or punishment. Look at it this way, beloveds: Life is not quite so much about you as you think. I don't mean that you are small potatoes. I mean that all of life is not directed toward you, even though you are a recipient of it. You are the star of your own life, yet there are many stars in the firmament.

Yes, I know that life can hurt and hurt deeply, and, at times, you see no reason to be grateful. Do not think I am cavalier about your pain. I don't scoff. I know the last thing you want to hear is: "Okay, your beloved died. But at least you had your beloved." It doesn't give you comfort to consider that many people have not even had the happiness you had. You are seeing loss. You are thinking something once given has been taken away, as if a promise given were retracted.

Time and time again, you learn that life in the world is temporary, and that life itself is eternal. This is a big forgetting, beloveds. Nothing in the world lasts, not life nor limb in terms of the world, yet life itself never dims, never flags, never leaves nor gets lost, never disappears. And, yet, this temporary way station on Earth matters very much to you. I will tell you, that in the scheme of things, it matters very much. As temporary as it is, it matters. There is more going on than meets the eye. Yet, beloveds, the details are not as significant as they seem to you.

Everyone on Earth is important. Death seems to come, and I tell you that there is no death, and you think: "Sure, sure, there is no death. There is no pain. There is no suffering. I just imagine I am accustomed to them."

You may further think: "God, You're not going to make a Pollyanna out of me. I do not wear rose-colored glasses. Furthermore, I refuse to. I call a spade a spade. My heart hurts, and You tell me that what I experience is only illusion. Well, I tell You, God, with due respect, this illusory experience holds plenty of real pain for me."

You may feel that you have had it with life as it is in the world. You may feel that you are at the end of your rope. Beloveds, the world as you know it is coming to an end. You won't need a rope any longer. You will be living life in a new way.

You have always jumped over hurdles. Now you will jump sooner. And soon enough, there will be a time, in your lifetime, when there are no hurdles to jump over. You will see life in a new light. Because how you see life determines how you live it, you will live a new life. New eyes mean new life. And I'm not kidding.

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You won't need a rope any longer

On my way out this (European) morning, in a hurry: Thank You, Dear God. I have longed to hear this.

See You and all my friends here from a mountain today!

" the world

as you know it is coming to an end'''
'this is a quote;and
"you will be living life in a new way"'/////
thank you gloria
these are words that is like love song to me ,and to the world, to us, we are "the world,"
and i am zestful to be here to live the new way
you see i am from Tel-aviv,{middle east}
and i feel it is my dream come thruth.
i love you, all of you,.
thank you,for the new play. NEW Era.

A rainbow at the end of the rope

You may feel that you have had it with life as it is in the world. You may feel that you are at the end of your rope. Beloveds, the world as you know it is coming to an end. You won't need a rope any longer. You will be living life in a new way.

The first sentence is the picture of my life experience on earth. There is a reason why it has seemed so very difficult. There was a purpose for it. But I NEVER want to come back for another round on earth as I have known it!!

Blessings of LIGHT and GRACE to the world,

We're so glad you're here

We're so glad you're here this time, angel.

thank you God,

thank God you always in our life for evry
moment we move of day life we have,
we ellnes or not illnes we injoy our life,
because of your love and energy give more
sronger and happy,
thank your messeges God for all of us
love and life,

daer Gloria, thank your

daer Gloria,
thank your masseges to me,
yes i know in our haerth only oneness
of God and we are belongs to God
and Gloria you have a wotherful garden
like a heaven, and weter snow,
love and ligth

Thank you so much for your

Thank you so much for your beautiful posts. You inspire me, dear Carmen.

The New Era

Of course we long for this new era, we are so very tired of the pain and sorrow that dominates much of the human experience.

The good news is, that we can bring this new era into our individual lives more quickly and do not have to wait for the world to catch uP.

We'd like the world to catch uP and it will, much quicker, if we catch uP first in our own lives.

To do so we practice as best we can, imbibing in Inner Peace. We imbibe and pour Light and Love on ourselves, others the World and fear not the consequences.

I think if we practice Imagining and feeling how good it is to see (at first) parts of the World waking uP and people organizations that are doing the right thing and let that be our main focus, well that can snowball and eventually become the norm.

It's not the norm yet, but we Light Workers who play in this World, in this life time to Imagine and feel how good it is to visualize a World as we desire do much

It may not happen over night, but as we hold our ground, in spite of what appearance offers, it will change, and like advancing technology, it will, eventually, be hard to keep up with all the good that will result.

A problem I'm sure we can all live with. :-)

The new era is dawning right now, it's seeds are breaking, growing and the nursery farms of a new World need to be nurtured, watered, taken care of and they will grow strong and vibrant and bear much fruit.

Oh, dear God, what a relief

Oh, dear God, what a relief to know that You know I am at the end of my rope!
I am so very tired.

"There is no death!"

This precious writer would have me believe that there's no death.
Holding my darling as she made the final journey sure looked like death at the time.
Looking back it feels like death.
Looking withing I find the process has become a sunrise of lovely LIGHT.

George, not kidding


I wish I knew,
I wish I could know:
How it feels to be a snowflake;
Drifting down,
Even for a moment -
Ice cold.

Snowflakes are dancing

Snowflake John :-) I would take the spirit and "feeling" you desire from your poem post and Imagine, feel the feelings you desire in that experience.

Be that experience as best you can. Live in that space. Become the snowflake you are and always will be, if that is what you desire.

Go to that space as often as you desire and drift, float and be free as the beautiful snowflake you are.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
There is good in everything
If you will see it

God said think sure sure
Can you imagine so far
Living a new way

Love, Light and Aloha!