The Waking Dream You Walk Through

God said:

Souls are touching other souls. Amidst the ins and outs of common life, souls are touching one another, and alliances are made. There is so much going on in what might be called the subterraneous field of life. There is the level on which all is known. The fact is that you do know everything, and you forget so easily. You don't even remember that you have forgotten. It is like when you go to the store. You know you want to buy tomatoes. At the moment, you forget. Only when you get home do you remember you forgot tomatoes. You may have gotten sidetracked with avocadoes.

Life as it is lived in the world is not enough for you. You can't survive on it. In the first place, the depths have to be there for the surface to exist, and the surface, for all its benefits, cannot sustain you. Even those people who seem to run solely on the brick and mortar of life gasp for the depths. You must have air to live, and yet you do not live on air alone.

There is more to you than meets the eye. You have to know this. You have to give yourself credit. You have to give Me credit.

I made life Technicolor before Technicolor had been invented. Black and white was never true. And yet beneath the vitality of colors and beneath the white and black and gray lie dimension after dimension. There is no space for you to fall in or rise to, and yet you ride an elevator that goes to many floors. You go from floor to floor, and you slip through the dimensions, and yet you leave off your awareness of what is what in the Vastness. You don't really conceive of how vast the Vastness is, and yet you have visited it many times. In fact, you have never left it except for moment after moment of unawareness.

What you pass by bears no street signs. What you pass through has no names. We can say that the sap of life that sustains you is colorless as well. Even so, you suspect the Truth and, somehow, can't quite bear to reach out for it in your hand.

There is a bejeweled treasure chest waiting to be opened. It is waiting for you to open it. It yearns for you to open it. It is not Pandora's box, beloveds. Within the treasure chest lie all the dimensions of life that you skip around in. You are an ice-skater who only knows ice and doesn't quite grasp that there is That which supports the ice you skate on.

When you dream at night and remember your dream, you have some awareness of the varying levels of dream that you went in and out of. Why not for the waking dream you walk through?

The dream you dream as you walk through the sunlit day is filled with myriads of Vastness. Walking, thinking about your walk, all of it, goes deep. You are more than you know. The world you live in is more than you know. Now you can begin to know.

You walk through the Halls of Heaven every day. I would say that you reach the top every day, and yet there is no top of Heaven to reach. Heaven is borderless. Even as you walk the common borders of everyday life, you are not obliged to the borders. You think you are, yet every day you cross the Seven Seas that make up the life you know. You are not a one-level Human Being. You travel in circles of the Universe. You might as well know that you travel with Me, and I with you. You are Earthed and Heavened at the same time.

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The sight of unlimitedness.

The surface of the Earth displays the outside world, the world of boundaries (objects, people, colours, sounds, textures, emotions, thoughts, etc.). Deep inside our subterraneous Self, we know that these boundaries or limits are no longer significant because they are only appearances. They have signficance ONLY in this 3D surface world and they are transitory. But what prevents us from exploring consciously the other layers or dimensions of our Reality?

Perhaps it is because that when passing consciously from one dimension to the other, we have to cross an inter-dimensional zone which we perceive as VOID or VOIDNESS, even death (which is in fact a state of voidness). Nature makes us forget when we are changing dimension (for example from waking state to dream state) by putting us into unconsciouness (which is basically forgetting who we are in our surface mode).

Unconsciousness is like a fall into Voidness but without the conscious fear of it. It is a painless momentary death. Our brain produces "forgetting or oblivion" drugs to avoid us this fear every night!

But if God invites us to discover and explore these numerous layers or dimensions of Ourselves, we have to consciously cross that inter-dimensional zone, which also means that we have to forget our Surface Self to integrate our Deeper Self.

It is like if we had to jump from a cliff into Voidness BEFORE God pulls out the net! An it is so. That is what Faith is all about. The net is created exactly when we actually jump with Faith. Our fear of Voidness is the fear of not having the security of our surface boundaries and limits. Our body is a limit, our thoughts are limitations imposed on our Being, our emotions are a prison. We seem often incapable of living without those limits (even if we often hate them). We became wingless birds by accepting our boundaries, by refusing any kind of Voidness.

Reality is Voidness but Voidness is not emptyness. Voidness is like the empty space in a house. If there were no Void, how could we circulate in the house? Let's think of Voidness as a synonym of Unlimitedness or Infiniteness. Voidness is our real Self, it is also Heaven. Faith is confidence in God, is Abandonment to Him. He is asking us to forget our surface self and unite with the limitlessness of our deeper, subterraneous Self.

But, Normand, could it not

But, Normand, could it not also be that all the grand things like "to jump from a cliff into Voidness" are really human inventions and projections? Since I never hear God in Heavenletters say anything like that, I suspect as much. Between those chasms and among all the huge things that need to be done, we stand trembling, petrified, staring at our self-created bogeymen in terror.

What I hear God say is: "If you don't have courage, I have courage for both of us. If you don't have faith, don't worry, I have faith enough for the two of us. Just take the tiny and insignificant looking step you can take. There are no Herculean tasks for a Child of God. Small is beautiful, you will see. Small turns out All, you will see."

I had my share of big interdimensional things from the world's spiritual traditions. God in Heavenletters ist telling me it's over. What happy news! Projecting fearful images of the well-nigh impossible, we never got round to doing the possible. And it's over now!! Phew.

Are we already falling into orthodoxy?

Dear Jochen, I think in a sense that there should not be any comment or forum field supporting Heavenletters because they can support themselves without our help. Words are useless.

But we still have to use words to say that they are useless. Heavenletters are like a musical theme that is proposed to us and whoever feels to make a jam session on that theme is welcome.

But if we restrict them to our vision, they will soon become a Religion, even if it is an unprecedented one. From Religion comes interpretation, from interpretation orthodoxy, and from orthodoxy evaluation and judgment.

This is simply wonderful,

This is simply wonderful, Normand! You are quite right, a "forum field supporting Heavenletters" would be a funny idea indeed. And to answer your question: No, I dont think we are into orthodoxy, orthodoxy is where we come from and what Heavenletters mean to gently relieve us of. We are only into jam sessions of quite diverse kinds, it seems.

I believe that words are only useless when they want to be of use, when they want to explain and interpret things not within their reach. But words can slap or caress or be indifferent. Soothing words, uplifting words, kind words, heartfelt words, words that are close to experience – who would call them useless?

We don't have to worry about orthodoxy and judgment. Restricting things "to our vision" is just one of the things that happen, nothing serious. After all, Heavenletters are being given to us now and are certainly able to make the necessary corrections as we go. Yes, I'm going to repeat that to myself.


Jochen, every day I am here to hear God's Word and also perchance to hear your words because so often you speak for me. God says, "Let go, it's easy," and you might reply, "Yes, I believe that, but I seem to be having a problem doing it. In my illusion, life on this planet too often seems hard."

I share much of the baggage you are trying to set down. It helps to know that someone else finds it difficult to do and speaks of that difficulty without guile. Too often I feel like a weed in the flower garden, but "weed" is just a word with baggage and weeds have their purpose, quite often unique flowers as well. To call them "wildflowers" changes nothing and changes everything.

Orthodoxy? Doctrine? Hmmmm. How about a touchstone such as GOD IS LOVE. The more man-made doctrine I can set down alongside the road, the lighter my load, but I think I will hang onto that touchstone, call it what you will. Comes in handy sometimes when the road forks and there is no sign.

Charles, I can't think of

Charles, I can't think of much I could say in reply except "Yes" and "Yes" and "Yes" which might become a little monotonous...

But I do know that I'm grateful for your presence, your photo which I love, the great sense of humor you have lavished on us and will again.

For that forking road with no sign, I will use your touchstone if I may, adding this from the above Heavenletter:
What you pass by bears no street signs. What you pass through has no names. We can say that the sap of life that sustains you is colorless as well. Even so, you suspect the Truth and, somehow, can't quite bear to reach out for it in your hand.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said it goes deep
Souls are touching other souls
Through the dimensions

God said all of it
Through myriads of Vastness
You travel with Me

Love, Light and Aloha!