The Truth Room

God said:

Beloveds, today you receive My love. You may feel it in tingling chills of the body, and now you will know that when you do, you are in Truth. Truth is cooling. It settles everything down. It takes away pressure of any kind. It plucks out from you what does not belong to you, and any non-truth does not belong to you.

Only dredges of non-truth still remain. Only left-overs. Only vestiges, and now We will remove those as well.

Non-truth is like an oily fingerprint. Just an imprint is left. Not visible to the eye, yet still there nevertheless. Incriminating nevertheless. Muting one thing, saying another.

The vestiges of non-truth are like sticky glue. You can struggle to peel them off, or you can soak them a bit and they will all come off as if on their own.

They will come off, one by one, and all at once, when you soak in My love.

My love is most assuredly available to you. My love will remove anything that is foreign to you. All that is foreign to you does not belong. My love knows what to keep and what to wash off. Sometimes there is more to wash off than there is to keep.

I will be gentle in My cleansing of you. I will not scrub. I will simply apply My love and let it stay with you. And I reapply again and again until you are fully immersed in My love.

Once the film of non-truth is removed, you are solely in My love, and you will be in love with everyone and everything. You will know only love. Nothing will interfere with it.

Anything that is not love will be laughable to you. You will walk right past it, and you will know it has nothing to do with you. Non-truth will flee from you because it will sense that the radiance of My love within you makes you uninhabitable for anything less than Truth.

It is not that non-truth is kept out. It is that it will not wish to enter where the climate is not right for it.

Truth does not rebuff non-truth. It is neutral to it. Truth rebuffs nothing. At the same time, it allows no choice.

Right now, be settled in the wash of My love. I will remove only that which is not yours and never really was. Because something adhered to you doesn't mean it was yours. Something got stuck on your shoe, that's all, and now We get it off.

I have never seen non-truth covering you. I cannot see non-truth. I can see only the Truth of you. This does not mean I am blind. Nor does it mean that I am blinded by the radiance of you. Non-truth isn't there for Me to see simply because it is non-truth.

Yet I am aware of its hold on you. Gently I pry your fingers off from non-truth, for you have held it dear.

Truth is like a room you enter. You have choices. Now you choose the room called Truth. You stand tall in it. Only the brave-hearted may enter, for it is brave to let go of non-truth that has held on to you so tightly. Uncertain as to what is true and what is not, naturally you hesitate.

But I invite you to this palace of Truth. The same way you would wipe your feet, I suggest you leave behind what would sully this pure room of Truth. Truth alone belongs where you are going, what you are coming to, what you actually are and have always been. Take off what is less than you, and come with Me.