The Truth of Your Own Heart

God said:

There are times when you have to stand up for yourself. And I am yourSelf. There is a difference between ego and yourself, Myself within you. There are times when you have to stand up to the Truth of you. Do not let anyone or anything dissuade you from the Truth of your own heart.

There have been times when you let Yourself down. You downplay Yourself. You give over Yourself in order to win favor. You think there is some kind of reward for you. You listen to the logic of the world. And you sacrifice your truth for another's truth or convenience.

Life teaches you that you do not have to have your own way. Nothing has to be as you want it to be. And, yet, when it comes to Me within your very Self, it is better that you stay with your Truth and not give way even if the whole world does give sway to less than Truth.

There are times when you cave in. You give up your heart's truth for a false coin. You give up your heart and let something else come before your heart. You give in to popularity, perhaps. You give in to someone's will that is more definite than yours. There is will and Will. Do not give away My Will for you.

Everything in life will support your evolution. Mistakes will. And, yet, do not forfeit your evolution in order to be accepted or gallantly tread or for your billfold. Do not let someone else's esteem of you be your guide.

It is so easy to get caught up in what is untrue to your heart. I speak of your True Heart, not your whim. Give up your whims. I am speaking of the Truth of you. Do not be less than you are. It matters. Don't be led down the garden path because someone else seemingly knows more than you. Concede. Be humble, but do not sell yourself short, for it matters.

You do not have to win every time from the world's point of view. Nor do you want to send yourself down the river in exchange for a moment of a salute to you.

The question here is: What is your Truth, beloveds?

The whole world can sanction acts and perspectives that are not right to your heart. The whole world can say it is okay to steal from the innocent. The world may say It is okay to steal under certain circumstances and in such ways. The world can talk about wily ways. Because you can get away with something does not make it right.

What I am saying to you is: Do the right thing, even when the world says it doesn't really matter.

I am not asking you to become a hero or heroine of the world. I am asking you to be true to your own heart. Stick with your integrity, even when the world's integrity is different from your own.

Do not be the world's plaything and move your heart the way the world says is all right when your heart says: "I am not sure about this."

Do not kid yourself. Do not get away with being less than true to yourself.

Honor the God within you. This is what I am saying. Do not let yourself be detoured by the majority unless your heart truly agrees. Stick to your guns where it matters. Your heart matters. Be true to Your Self.

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Yes God

Yes God, You taught me not to let others influence my truth. Thank you for that. I am now happier than I ever was and I had quite a enjoyable live. Later on while we were talking, you made me your own and Now all is so good. You also taught me to respect other's thruth even if it clashes with mine. I will still learn that way. Thank You God For Everything and ALL. LOve Jack

"And, yet, do not forfeit

"And, yet, do not forfeit your evolution in order to be accepted or gallantly tread or for your billfold."

The use of "gallantly tread" here in the fifth paragraph makes absolutely no sense to me at all. I have thought about this for hours and the only thing I can come up with is that it was intended to read "gallantly treated". Is anyone else baffled? Jochen?


My Dearest God of True Love, Purest Love,

As usual, a heart gladdening HeavenLetter. I love the idea that this heart of mine is a most blessed and sacred thing and is

Your precious gift to me and to each one of us. That's what makes our hearts truly matter...Our hearts are God-given gifts to

listen to and to be true to always. love maryann