The Temple of Christ Within

God said:

Do not let pain flummox you. It does not have to be the master of your heart. Even with pain, love exists. Do not be embarrassed that your body hurts. Holler your pain, if you must. You have a right to be heard. You do not pretend pain away. And yet you can make peace with it. You can hear it as if from a distance. It does not have to yell at you. As with music that is too loud, lower the dial. Raise your threshold. Listen to a different station.

Even if you hold Me responsible for your pain, call Me to your side. Let Me sit by you and hold your hand. You can have Me and have pain. Pain does not have to keep you away from Me. Pain does not have to serve as a battlefront. It is not a cause for strife. Pain is hard enough. Do not absent yourself from Me for any reason. Do not shake your fist at Me, beloveds. With pain, love Me just the same. The other side of pain is love. Look to love. Whatever pains you, look to love. Bring Christ to you. He knew how to deliver himself from pain. Let his freedom from pain enter you. Behold the Christ within you, not a suffering Christ, but the Christ who put physical pain in its place, and love first. You are not meant to be Christ on the Cross. You are meant to be Christ resurrected.

Within you is a temple of Christ. Let your heart be the altar. Let the pain be the threshold then. And you cross over it. Enter the chamber of love, of love golden, of love more powerful than anything the world conceives of. The world conceives of pain, but pain is not your God, and pain is not your Christed Self. Do not give homage to pain. You may feel it, but it does not have to own you. Do not be consumed by it. Be expanded by it. Turn every wave of pain into a wave of love. This is not lying to yourself. This is admitting Truth. With every cry of pain, your heart still beats love. The greatest pain does not light a candle to the power of love. Bless all who are in pain, and bless all those who are not.

Bedridden, agonized, be yet a symbol of the power of love. Whatever the pain, let your eyes be eyes of love. The pain does not have to display itself in your eyes. Let go of the fear of pain, and replace it with love. Let your eyes be full of love. See with your heart and not the pain. Pain is not holy. You are.

My love for you is a given. You have My love. Let your heart be full of it. Make love your beloved. Make love your every thought. Hand over your pain to Me. You do not have to keep it to your bosom. You do not have to take it to heart. Take love to heart. Take My love and make it yours. I give it to you. I give you love.

And now I place My hand on your body where your pain sits, and I would stroke it away. It is needless the pain. I will ask it to leave. And if it does not, then I ask your sense of pain to leave. You have been acquainted with pain long enough. The physical is all imagined anyway, beloveds. The physical is not real. It is physical. No matter how real the physical may feel, only that which is beyond physical is real. And what is beyond physical is love, Our love, and Our Oneness of love. Know you are loved. With or without pain, you are loved. No one is loved more than you. Be you triumphant over pain. Supersede pain with love. You are My beloved. Pain will end. Love will not.

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I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to say. It's chilling. It's warming.

Since some serious surgery when I was very little, severe pain has always felt like the end of everything to me, like ultimate abandonment and despair, the extreme opposite of love. Now it seems that in reality they are the two ends of a circle almost closed. How very strange.

Hallelujah! Love YOU!

Love YOU!

The world conceives of pain,

The world conceives of pain, but pain is not your God, and pain is not your Christed Self.
Let go of the fear of pain, and replace it with love. Let your eyes be full of love. See with your heart and not the pain. Pain is not holy. You are.
Take My love and make it yours. I give it to you. I give you love.
And now I place my hand on your body where your pain sits, and I would stroke it away.
And what is beyond physical is love, Our love, and Our Oneness of love.
No one is loved more than you.
You are My beloved.

Such true and loving words, God gave us - LOVE is the way to heal and to be healed.