The Storyteller of God

God said:

If there were a map drafted of your life, you would see your progress. Right now, perhaps you see only downfalls. Yet you do not need to draft a map in order to know that you are evolving every inch of the way. That you are here, reading My words, is proof enough. Of course, it is not the only proof. And, of course, any kind of proof is not needed. Is proof needed that you are alive? That you are alive is your proof. And that you are alive is also proof that you are a growing evolving Human Being, fashioned by My hands, and set forth to venture in the world.

Beloveds, you are the proof of Me. Not that proof is needed, nor that My existence can be proved. I am not on that skinny level of proof. However, you prove Me in your heart. Am I not your Partner in Love? Have We not journeyed together far and wide and near too? Have We not co-existed in a corner of your house? Certainly in a corner of your mind. Most assuredly in the coves of your heart.

What would exist without Me? The murmur of a lake is not the lake itself. Not even a murmur of life would be heard without Me, nor without you.

What book would there be to read if one had not been written?

So to speak, I wrote you down. There was an impulse bursting forth in My heart from which you were born. You are an offshoot of Me. And so you come from the Tree of Me. I am your genealogy, and you pass Me on, as I did father you from the depths of My heart. Nothing would have prevented Me from engendering you. I am the Creator of you, and you and your life are the storyteller of God. Whose story do you tell if not Mine?

You did not appear on Earth by yourself. It is a miracle that My children appear even while it is an everyday event. You are a miracle I created with no effort at all. It is no effort for Me to love. I created you of My love, and then I sent you on your way. I gave you everything to take with you. I provided for you, and I provide still. My love, once given, is never retracted, and I always give My love. There is no doubt that your love is Mine, and you have all My love. There is not one minute without it.

That you may forget the love you are, that is another story. That you have mislaid something doesn’t mean it isn’t or never was. It means you mislaid it. What you put down always turns up. You forget where you laid down your keys, and yet you know with certainty that your keys are somewhere. Know that just a little tap on your heart will jiggle your memory.” Ah, that’s where God’s love is,” you will cry out. “It was there all along.”

You will say, “Imagine, God is within Me. God is as much in my heart as I am in His. God loves me, loves me, loves me. Not for a year and a day, nor for a thousand years and a day, but for that continuum called Eternity. In this very moment of Eternity, all of God’s love is contained within me. Now I know that the way for me to know God’s love is to give it even in the unlikeliest places, even in out-of-the-way places, even in outlandish places.

“God gave me all of His love to keep by the practice of giving it away. With every gift of myself I give, I feel the rush of God in my heart. Oh, God, my Father, I shall give You away, all of You away for sake-keeping. For me to be happy, I must give You away freely. This is the key I have been missing, and now I have it. Now I give the key, and I give You in the full knowledge that We -- You and I and everyone -- are One.”

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God doesn't exist because we

God doesn't exist because we remember Him or because we think of Him . . . but "we" exist because God thinks of us and God remembers us. . . at requiem services and funerals, a traditional liturgical hymn is sung: "Vichnaya Pamyat" -- "Eternal Memory" . . . we sing that the departed be always in God's eternal memory . . . man may forget, but God never forgets . . . man may die and his memories vanish from the earth, but God never dies and His remembering is forever . . . and when God "thinks of us" we exist and live . . .and so we shall live forever in God's thought . . . and there we have "eternal life" and "eternal memory".

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said bursting forth
You came from the Tree of Me
An offshoot of Me

God said feel the rush
"God loves me, loves me, loves me
for Eternity"

God said proof enough
So to speak I wrote you down
Here reading My words

Love, Light and Aloha!

What if I still cannot love

What if I still cannot love this one and that and myself? What if I still resent and sometimes hate, thinking thoughts of revenge ... even finding pleasure in them? It hurts but I feel unable to stop it.

It’s nothing, son. Just keys mislaid. Be ready to receive that little tap on your heart that will jiggle your memory.

No need to get my act together?
No need to do anything right?
No need to be a good boy?
No need to jump through hoops?

Dearest Jochen, give all

Dearest Jochen,

give all your thoughts and emotions to God, see Him / Her taking them and turning you love. There's nothing to be fixed or stopped, just relax and give everything to God, feel the relieve and remember that God loves you most when you love yourself less. :wub:

I could send you a good list with the many things I still have to work on...... :Criying:

Much much love and a big hug dear

(Home from my day off, spent

(Home from my day off, spent in the Alps as usual; a little chappel on top of a cliff; and the view, wow!)

Yes, dear Berit, that is what I heard God say in this letter. You summed it up nicely. And, oh, the list! Yes, everything seems to be on it still. But so what? Or, as God likes to say, What does that have to do with anything?

And, Gloria, I know you know. There seems to be some synchronicity at present.

Good to know you are there, wonderful women,

Jochen, what a wonderful day

Jochen, what a wonderful day it must have been, I'm happy you had such a blessing.
Made any photos ?....

Indeed: "What does that have to do with anything?" God knows best, what a loving Father/Mother we have !

Much love and a big hug

Jochen, what a wonderful day

Jochen, what a wonderful day it must have been, I'm happy you had such a blessing.
Made any photos ?....

Indeed: "What does that have to do with anything?" God knows best, what a loving Father/Mother we have !

Much love and a big hug

I know what you mean, dear

I know what you mean, dear Jochen. You are definitely not alone. And it's okay! And you are breathtakingly honest. How humble honesty is. How easing for the rest of us. .