The Source and Object of Love

God said:

All of your life you have been practicing for the moment of your realization of Me. All the love you engage in is practice for loving Me. And all the other aspects you engage in are a practice in the release of the non-essentials that have kept you from actualizing Our love. Love joins. Anything else parts. But that which parts separates you from that which is not expression of your love. In that sense, parting is good. You are joined in love. You are separate from everything else.

That which is true, you can not depart from. Anything else then that you engage in that is not love is merely a departure from love. Love is the starting point. And it is the returning point.

You may think you have wasted your heart of love in the past on this one or that one who did not value your love or, in any case, chose not to keep it. But now you can understand how no love is wasted, for it was all practice for your uniting in awareness with Me, the Source of All Awareness. It was rehearsal. It was rehearsal for lines that you already knew. From some deep recess of your heart, remembered lines of love arose, and you practiced love on the stage of life.

All of your life has been leading you to this moment that you genially spend with Me. All the love in your life, requited or unrequited, was the surge of a tide that can go in only one direction. The Ocean of Love has only one shore, and you are fast approaching it.

The face of love is My face. All the faces that you thought you saw and thought you loved and now no longer do — they were really Mine. And I thank you for the love you so generously bestowed upon Me, thinking it was someone else you loved, thinking it was an individual that you loved, thinking that love could somehow be isolated and possessed.

For, can you possess the air? Can you possess the sky? But you have access. And so you have access to My love, in its form of giving and in its form of receiving. Give and give. Receive and receive. Do not admonish yourself for the bits of love you have strewn upon the world. You thought you had strewn it on someone unmindful or ungrateful, but you were strewing it on Me and for Me. Blessed hand that strew My love and let it land where it willed. It landed where I willed. Someone needed your love, if only for a little while.

Now collect all the love you sowed, and pour it back into your heart, so that you can sow it more and again. Do not look down upon the love you gave, as though you gave something of unworth. Love given is worth a great deal. Even unappreciated, your love blessed all Humankind, and all the galaxies and all the unseen horizons everywhere. And your dispersed love blessed you. Do not pull away from the love you so generously poured on the world. Do not hang it up somewhere to dry. Do not put it in a closet. Do not usher it away as though loving is something you should not have done.

Whatever the surface outcome may look like, the outcome of love is love. This is the truth of your Being. Love is. You have it. So does everyone else. Recognize love and keep giving and receiving it as if there is no end to it. And, of course, that is true. There is no end to it.