The Rightful King

God said:

There are moments in your life that seem more momentous than others, yet moments are moments. We can say that everything is momentous. We can also say that nothing is.

I will say with surety that you are momentous. You are of great account.

You are a traveler. Your travels are interesting and may be recorded. But you are the traveler who travels the route and who reaches his destination. A journey isn't significant unless you are on it. The terrain was always there. It was there before you thought of it. It was there before your feet trod on it. Your footprints will wash away, but you are eternal. With or without tracks, you are eternal. With or without a trail to travel on, you are eternal. Travels are nothing without you.

You are consciousness. You are exalted consciousness. You have no clue as to Who you are. You may say you know your Greatness, but, in truth, you don't have a clue. You want to see your Greatness, and you may give lip service to this. If lip service were a star, you go by another one in the far distance that you can barely see if you can see it at all. In fact, you don't really believe the star of your Greatness is there. It shines, and yet it is all hearsay to you.

Perhaps trust has to come before you can see. Perhaps awareness before vision. Seeing Is Believing doesn't go far enough. Believe and you will see. Even half-believe, and you will see. Even consider believing, and you will have a glimpse. How you long for a glimpse, even a reflection, even a sketch, even a drawing in sand of the Truth that is you!

Deep in your heart you know the Truth of you. Somewhere along the line, you abandoned your heart, as though it were a lesser quantity than your intellect, rather an illegitimate heir. The heart became the banished prince, and mind became King, and King was all.

Perhaps the prince of your heart was jailed instead of banished. In any case, your heart was put aside somewhere and kept only as a reminder of what could have been. Too often the Human heart is reserved for pain only, for twisting, a result of Truth ignored.

Bless your heart, and seat it on the Throne. The intellect does not have to abdicate. Heart and intellect can co-reign. But if you must favor one over the other, favor the King of your heart. The heart is never fooled. The intellect often is. Let your heart be your steering wheel and the intellect the tires that follow.

All this I say is not to discredit the intellect. He is a great royal. But he is nothing without the heart. The heart comes first. The heart comes before reason. The heart is always true when it follows itself. When it puts reason before it, it is weakened. Reason is too often a detour from Truth.

The intellect, so often considered discriminating, can support anything it chooses and come out unscathed. But the heart does not have choices. The heart can only choose Truth or it is scathed.

Your heart was planted in your chest for good reason. It was not an afterthought. From your heart came the intellect, not the other way around. Your mind is meant to be a servant of the heart, but sometimes the hierarchy has been cast aside. Too often the hierarchy has been forgotten.

Your heart is My heir. Restore the rightful King to the throne. Long live the King!