The Powerful Unification of Your Thoughts

God said:

The same way you know you are sleepy in the evening, the same way you know when it’s time to wake up, the same way you can know that nature does take care of you.
You don’t insist that nature make you sleepy. You recognize the sleepiness. You don’t insist that nature wake you up in the morning. You may even prefer to sleep longer, yet, nature says it’s time to wake up. The sun has risen. Nature on its own tells your body when it’s hungry or when it’s full if you listen.
Nature of itself will tell you when you have had too much sun. Nature will signal you in many ways. You may recognize you feel exceedingly well, or nature may say: “Hey, you are getting a little green around the gills.”
Nature takes care of many things without your instruction, yet, ultimately, you do signal to nature. Nature of itself does not decide that you are to have high blood pressure or low blood pressure. In some way, you send signals to nature that lead to the blood pressure you have and any or all symptoms that you may seem to innocently experience. No one, of course, deliberately and consciously orders an illness, yet every single illness was ordered unbeknownst to you, accidents as well.
It is not that you stand out on the road moving your arms in such a way as to direct traffic and call nature over, yet you are, nevertheless, directing traffic. It is for you to share responsibility with nature, not that you always know how to do this, for, if you did, you would prevent or you immediately cure. Here is more evidence of the many levels on which life is going on all the time. Somehow, somewhere, you do orchestrate your life even as you cannot possibly see how.
No one would invite illness, yet you do.
No one would invite heartache, yet you do.
You never would. Of course, you wouldn’t. No one in his right mind would invite what he doesn’t want, that no one would want, and yet you have drawn it to you. Whatever befalls does not come fully on its own, no matter how much it may seem so. Blessings and delights also come forth in your life and arrive through your bidding, consciously or unconsciously, all blessings, great and small.
This brings up the subject of karma and past lives. I have said there is no karma. At the same time, I say that your thoughts steer your life, that thoughts come home to roost, as it were. This is one excellent reason to let go of the past that continues in your mind -- just let it go. Get past all the past.  Step out of it. You don’t need thoughts about the past any longer, not that you ever did. Besides that, there is no past. That which is referred to as past disappears the moment the current present arrives. The past cannot be located except in your mind.
Desire all good for everyone, and all good for everyone will more likely to come to pass. It is not possible for you any longer to desire only for yourself, for, as you grow, you come to grips with the idea that you as an individual do not actually exist. If Oneness is true, then you exist as One with Me where ill thoughts and illness do not exist and cannot exist. That you can cure anything with the power of your thoughts is not your perceived reality, yet it is so.
I will tell that you have experienced moments of your thoughts so powerful and of Oneness, only you are not aware of them. If you were presently aware of these instances, you might well get caught into the study of  thoughts as alchemy. There is no studying the powerful unification of your thoughts. This would be off-track. The simplicity of this process is too simple to be studied. It is not a formula. In one sense, the comparing the power of  your ordinary thoughts is like comparing ordinary energy to the power of a laser. The thing is that your thoughts already are laser-strong.

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Letting Go

Hello Gloria,

Thank you very much for this post. I am really beginning to master letting go of the past. I try to find trends in the past to allow me to make decisions or explain decisions in the future but it is wasted energy. I really enjoy reading your posts as it allows me to let go fully like I never expected. Thank you.

Ah, I have more years of

Ah, I have more years of holding on than you. It must be I have more to let go of, dear Stephan. I would love to be done with the past. It keeps cropping up. This isn't to say that I haven't made great progress. I have. More to go. Congratulations to you, dear one.

I realize that everyone has

I realize that everyone has a story and no individual's story is linear. I feel that it is imperative to never look back or compare ourselves to anyone as it takes the focus off the present and future. I am learning this and getting better everyday.

I think we have to see the power of the mind to fixate on past situations and the idea that the past makes the future. I feel like this is a conditioning that the human race has been employed over centuries.

What if we reverse that and coax the mind to only see opportunities and the beauty of the present and future? I feel we have been brainwashed to think negatively and live in a fear based mindset.

I am not a scientist but believe in the mind and the power of the mind to create any form of life that is desired.

We have to really have belief in ourselves and say: "I make great decisions. I am beautiful. I am smart and successful. Everything will work out."

What if we heard early in life such things like Heavenletters as they are written? Imagine the power of the human race. I believe we have to deprogram and reprogram our mind to get out of it what we want. Our minds are worth more than every ounce of gold, building, stock, and company net worth combined. I am learning to unleash the power of the mind with no reservations. It is only then that we truly become One with God.