The Petals Within

God said:

Life has layers. Nothing is flat. When you look out your window, you see the sun through the leaves. You see another tree beyond. And then a street and a sidewalk and a house. Beyond what you can see is another house and other trees and leaves. The sky may be as far as you can see, yet beyond the sky is more that you yet do not see.

Everything has a repercussion. Everything touches another and another. Everything has its own spinning vibration. Everything is many-layered. Rocks and sky.

You can always look higher and deeper. You can always look beyond. And you can always look within.

How many layers are you made of? Do you think they are countable? There are so many, you will lose count. There are so many they are countless. They are infinite. No limits on you, My beloveds.

You have barely scratched the surface. You can move on now. You can even skip some layers. You do not need to spread them all out to dry. You do not have to take them in order. Today you can go deep. Tomorrow you can go high.

When you lift a layer, you are seeing unseen dimensions of yourself.

This is not systematic. Layer-lifting is not arbitrated by the logical mind. The mind is not fit for it. The mind may take you down blind alleys.

Where does your heart of hearts want to go today? Surely you want more than to pass the time. When the day is over, the question is not: What have you done today? The question is: What have you glimpsed? And what have you gleaned?

Where did your heart travel? What ore were you mining? How far down to the mine of your heart did you go? And what have you elevated?

You are a flower with limitless petals.

You are a discoverer of what you previously overlooked. You are not done with your discoveries. Say Eureka a hundred times today.

Within you lies everything you could ever desire. Truth is there. Love is there. Beauty is there. Heroism is there. The other things you used to think you consisted of existed only in the surface of your thoughts.

You had an incomplete picture of yourself. Now reverse the picture of yourself. If you thought yourself cowardly, now know you are brave. You only had a craven image. It was not true.

Make the pictures before you the pictures you want.

You were created to be a hero on earth. You do not yet accept what you are made of. I am telling you to make new thoughts about yourself. You will live up to what you think of yourself. You are meant to uplift yourself now. Uplift yourself to your rightful place. Now you are sitting up straighter and standing taller. You are rising to your own height. Were you aware of how stooped down you had been?

You are far more than what you have let anyone see, and you are far more than what anyone has beheld.

Get to know the glory that you are so that you can be a stirrer of hearts. All hearts long to be stirred. The surface layers have been mere cover-ups of the Godness of you. Now reveal to yourself the petals within.