The Ocean from Which You Arose

God said:

Perhaps this enlightenment you seek is your coming to the point when and where you realize what matters -- the merit of life itself on Earth, life and love, the Oneness of All Life. As you discover the Fullness of Love in its entirety, you know, once and for all, that your cup runneth over.

Yes, life and love matter, and they are inevitable. Life and love are soaring and unstoppable. And so it is. In life, you discover Life itself and the quality and abundance of love, the discovery of Self, the finding of Self and recovering of it, uncovering what was always there yet hidden from your view and the view of the populace. Now you are finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the bluebird of happiness in your own back yard, and God in Heaven, and you find that all is well.

As you arrive at this point, what uproarious laughter We, you and I, will have. We will roll on the floor. We will not be able to get up. We will not be able to stop laughing. You will see what has always been, and you will begin to discover your True Standing in the Universe.

For so long, while on Earth, each Child of Mine, including you, plays the part of a fool, a serious fool, a joker in a deck of cards, taking himself and current events with such seriousness and naiveté, perhaps a scholarly fool yet a scholar who is fooled, who fools himself and becomes one of the crowd on Earth, taking a fool’s errand as if that were the sum and substance of life when, all the while, Infinity stares him in the face.

For much of life on Earth, My children do not even scratch the surface. My children are in such a hurry to accomplish foolishness, to complete it, to take care of it only to find more of the same foolishness to undo or take care of in another most serious way.

Be less serious about foolishness in the world, and you will know the freedom of joy. You have been active in a fool’s world while you are in My Paradise.

I hope you don’t mind My saying you have been a fool on a fool’s errand and that you have made much of it. Now, no longer examine life in such a detailed fashion. Instead, live your life and keep your abject objective mind out of it. You are living the Greatest Show on Earth. Just sit back and have a good laugh. Why wait to laugh? Laugh now. Be delighted to realize the nonsense that life in the world offers. Enter into life more as a sport, a game you play after school is out.

You are free on Earth. You do not have to be tied up. This is recess. Enjoy a break from manmade seriousness. Your life depends upon nothing but life itself. You are not dependent upon the appearance of life. You are not your appearance. In life, you have placed great effort on appearance, therefore, you have placed great effort on fitting into the mold of a world of appearance. You have worked hard at achieving appearance, to convince yourself and others that you are worthy. You were worthy to start with! This is the best joke of all! Come on, admit it!

That you have been a fool on Earth isn’t all bad. It has led you to where you are now. You thought you were going somewhere else. Now you find, to your amazement or dismay, that mainstream living is not really mainstream. You live in the Ocean, and you have been swimming in a kiddy pool. You confined yourself there.

And now you enter the Ocean. You see the difference. You are different. You have a longer view. You see what you did not see before. Now you are learning how to swim in the buoyant salt water of the Ocean from which you arose.

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mainstream living is not really mainstream

It's all foolishness but what tasty sweet foolishness, that, it's very hard to let go of. And then I get into the feel-good craving of habit. I do the same things over and over.
Look, I enjoy Life on Earth. There is nothing next to being alive and living everyday; waking up, sitting in my computer room most of the day doing whatever I choose, then later joining my wife, or watching the news or my many sport teams play on TV, then retire to bed at my own freedom of discretion after a full home-cooked dinner. What a life? I thank you for giving this lifestyle to me my Father.
I did discover on my own that there is no such thing as death and Life is just is and can never come to an end. You would think that I would be filled with laughter... but my mind gets in the way. Infinity looks scary.
I still am trying to understand LOVE, maybe too much from the side of the mind. But I love LOVE!
When I saw you in form, I wanted to laugh so hard, but was hesitant, as I was more baffled and confused. My Creator in form.Is this who I am?
I know that when we meet again, we will be rolling on the floor with laughter.
I don't understand this energy of Love that is all around me. And I know it is there for me to play around with. I am slowly learning that the ocean is indeed huge and wide. It's Infinite and many layered.

Yay! I don't mind at all, it feels amazing to laugh at oneself!

Earth and Heaven are announcing themselves as One.

Invisible no longer, Heaven is rising, and it is rising within you.

No longer will you feel it necessary to try to identify what is Heaven’s and what is Earth’s. That is much the same exercise as separating Us from each other, wondering whether an idea was yours or Mine, and which of Us said what.

Beloveds, when there is no separation, that is when there are no boundaries. When you accept your boundlessness, boundaries, those imagined things of the past, become obsolete.

Let the boundless start magnetizing you. Let love and light and beauty magnetize your thoughts.

A candleholder holds a candle, but it does not limit the light. You are a holder of limitless love.

Love is the flag within you that is to be unfurled, certainly not folded up.

There is no heart that is not unfurling now.

(Excerpts from Heavenletter #1935 :-)

I love how you take

I love how you take something God said years ago and match it up with something new.

Beautiful, Adam.


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