The Non-Knowing of Reality
Into My life, you have come. I have come into My Own. You are everything I am, only you feel at a loss. Feel humble instead. Who is the Greatest Servant of all? Why, I am. I humbly serve. I humbly ask you to serve as a representative of the Great I AM. You do not lack Wholeness. You lack awareness of Wholeness. You grapple with Wholeness, as it were, and you hold onto adriftness. You feel like a small thing in the middle of a huge Ocean when you are, indeed, the Ocean you swim in. I am the Wholeness and know Who I AM while you grasp a particle of Who you are.
You may feel you need to be rescued when there is nothing to rescue you from but your errant thoughts. Knowing Who You are is a humbling thing. There is no arrogance to it. When you know the extent of Who you are, your individuality melds and is no longer so apparent. I am the Power and the Glory, and you are Mine. We are Ours. Words, and especially pronouns, keep Us from being on the same page. They keep us from awareness. There is no Thee and Thine. One day you will awake to this as the Reality that it is.
Your individuality doesn’t really disappear. Your reliance on it disappears. The importance of your human role in life disappears at the same time as it becomes all-important but differently from before. Now you put your whole heart into your life at the same time as you let go of its grasp. You know Oneness because you know your Everythingness. The whole is, indeed, the sum of its parts, and you discover there are no parts in Wholeness. In Wholeness, there is Oneness. Sense of Oneness gives you a great sense of freedom. It gives you freedom, and freedom gives you recognition of what you do not yet own to but are. With this awareness, you become more innocent, and yet you know all there is to know, and you trust in Me Who has all the trust in you.
You have My trust. Isn’t that a wonderful eye-opener? Even so, to have full trust in Me has been difficult for you because you see yourself as a vagrant somewhere in a wilderness that is hard to get out of. You are already out of the wilderness. No longer analyze. There is nothing to analyze. Love is, beloveds, and what more is there to say?
You have locked yourself into the outskirts of life when you are life itself. You are a Being of Light, and you see not your light. You may be focusing on the shadows rather than the Light. You were not made of shadows, for there are no shadows to be made of. You are the Wholeness of Light, yet you may feel yourself as an outcast from a favored land. You have never left My heart. Therefore, you have never left Heaven. You are like a turtle who carries his own shell, and that’s that.
You are Well-Being, only you are a Being who lacks knowledge of the Tree of Goodness. Good grief, what else would I have planted? Come on now, would I have planted a tree that was not of goodness? Only in your imagination, would I. Of course, you have no lack of imagination. Your imagination is superlative, and you don’t like to change your mind, as if, by changing your mind, you would be losing something when there is nothing to lose but the non-knowing of Reality.
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