The Leap from Illusion

God said:

Beloved Beloveds, your hearts sing to Me. I hear every heart and the longing of each heart. I know your aches and pains and your heartaches. I know all that troubles you, and I know all that brings you happiness. I know more about you than you know yourself. Most of all, I know all you are capable of, and that includes great happiness and power.

There is a tendency for you to think that you don't amount to much. Now is the time to get over that. You have illustrious power. You have the power of love. Now demonstrate it to yourself.

With every inch of love you give, your sense of self will grow. This sense of self is not ego. The higher your sense of your own self-worth grows, the less will ego be able to hang around. Ego attacks those whose sense of self-worth is not what it merits to be, and so ego finds great openings.

You don't see Me strutting around, trying to be important, adding this or that to make Me feel mighty. I feel as mighty as I AM. You may not feel the might of yourself. I say it again and again. All that I AM, are you also.

I know you see yourself as little you, and you see Me as big God somewhere else, perhaps in the sky. I do not exaggerate. I am certainly not exaggerating when I say all that I have, you have. All that I am, you are. You are an expression of Me. You are My masterpiece. I created your body from the dust of the Earth, and your soul came from My very love. You are not a foster child of Mine. You are of My very own soul.

I see clearly, and yet My heart does not ache. My vision is not obstructed. When it comes to seeing yourself, it is like you have your hand covering your eyes. You peek through your fingers every once in a while, but most of the time you are convinced that I speak in hyperbole. You must think I exaggerate, or you would know that what I say is true. I say only what is true.

I speak to you in a voice you can hear. I try every trick in the book to get you to see and to hear. You do see, and you do hear, yet only so far. Are you timid to embrace all that I say and make it your own?

You are My own creation, created from My very heart and soul. What more would you want? And yet that is not enough for you to take the leap over from illusion to reality. If you believed only 25% of what I say, you would be way ahead of where you are now. Oh, beloveds, you would leap over tall buildings.

It is perhaps ego that keeps you from making that jump from illusion to truth. Ego would trip you. Ego would make a play for your attention. Ego would bolster you up in some way, yet, My most beloved, in truth, you need no bolstering. You need no humbling either. Without ego, you would not hide behind yourself. You would step right up and proclaim yourself. You would say:

"I am the gift God gave to Himself and to me. What an amazing thing. I am of God's lineage. God has made me the heir to His fortune. I only have to claim it, not as My due, but as God's gift to Himself and the human being I know as myself. How can I not be grateful for my heritage? I belong to God, and He loves me. I am the most loved being on Earth. No one is more loved than I. No one is more capable of doing God's bidding than I. I will go forward with God. I will follow in His footsteps. This is what God's Will is for me."

Read Comments

I try every trick in the book

It starts feeling good to be told I am so much more than I thought I was. And there is nothing vague or metaphorical or hyperbolical about this. We have heard it many times, perhaps most bluntly in Heavenletter #2508:
Now, no more nonsense. Now, pure light. Now, you need no confirmation but your own. Assume your rightful status, beloved souls. Say now:

“I am God. I am God. I am God.”
One part of me has always believed this, another hast strictly rejected it. One part just knew that twoness is impossible and even, if I look more closely, unthinkable; that space, time and matter cannot exist as entities in themselves. So there is no difference, no this and that anywhere, oneness being so seamless that "I am God" is a silly statement, really. Well, I love silly statements. The strange thing is that as long as you feel that you don't belong and that God hates you, your deepest intuition, that of oneness, hurts more than words can say. But the worst of it is over now. Thank God for Heavenletters, and this one especially.

Okay, if leaping over tall buildings is the gauge, I'm still not believing 25% of what God says and no one I know is. But that also means there is much more to discover, which is lovely.

Isn't it strange how long and arduous the path to love seems to be in a society that goes on and on and on about love 24 hours a day? Isn't it absolutely amazing we are still trying to build empires, still not feeding, healing, housing the hungry and sick and homeless? Perhaps we will start in earnest tomorrow. Perhaps we are over 20% already.

Dear Jocken , can you write

Dear Jocken , can you write me the link of HL you declare? I have always difficult with "Search button". It is very beautiful, thank you.

Of course, dear one, it's a pleasure.

«It is no big deal to be

«It is no big deal to be God.» (#2508). The big deal is to accept it. Where then do we stand on that 0%-25% scale? Jochen, you have expressed it in a very evocative way.

Jochen also hit a home run!

Jochen you help us reach for and possess the "I Am" consciousness that Jesus tells us so clearly is all ours. It's the way, the truth and even the life. Wow! We shouldn't say it, we should SHOUT it with all our might! Thanks sweet voice!



When I was a child I used to dream, almost every night, of flying, not high, but low over the Earth. I convinced myself I could do the same when awake. I tried many times to jump from my bed, or a wall, or a tree, to see if I could take off and make a tour around.
I always failed. I put trust in that, although, I must say, I never tried to jump from the roof. Was I a wise child or was it mistrust?
I suppose my present resistance "to leap over tall buildings" comes from there.

Dearest, there is a splendid

Dearest, there is a splendid book, "The Earth Hums In B Flat" - La musica segreta della Terra, in Italian - with a story of a young girl, but she really could flying during the night but not at the day and nobody believed her. I don't want tell you the end, but it is a wonderful book.

Thank you, dear, I will try

Thank you, dear, I will try to find the book. I love the title ( often the best part of a book ).
We know how our dream will end.

Gloria hits a home run! With this Heavenletter!

I can hear Gloria saying in miffed, muffled words: "Now George, you know I don't even get to swing at the ball. God does it all." I know sweetest One, but this Heavenletter went way off the charts in mystic veil lifting and cosmic door opening. "Every trick in the book" is just starters for what God wants us to hear and to see. This kind of letter requires open eyes to read it but can you imagine how open the ears must be to hear this kind of true mystery? For Him it's all trick and treat; reach in His Bag and grab all you want!

Gloria hears Him say: "Tell them that I love them, I watch their every sneeze, I have given them abundance, and that each one is one of My heirs. They'll get it all at their next Rest Stop. Thank you precious one for giving us this deep, precious word right from the Father!


1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said proclaim it
You have the power of Love
As mighty as I

Love, Light and Aloha!


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