The Kingdom of Heaven

God said:

How can you possibly be without Me for one moment? I cannot be without you. I would not be without you, for you are My love. I love you as Myself, for you are Myself. You cannot be anything else. Oneness is Our relationship. Oneness We are. Oneness I AM, and Oneness you are, and, so, it has always been so. I am One. Oneness alone exists. Come now, sit on My lap, as if you were a child. Of course, you ARE a child. You are a child of God. You are Myself who knows it not. Therefore, I sit with you on My lap, and I tell you about Oneness, and so you come closer to Me until you recognize that you are the same Oneness I am. You meet Yourself.

And, as you gain Oneness, you laugh and laugh, and you laugh more. The joke is on you, beloveds. You were in the right place, and yet you wandered. You thought you wandered. You thought you had to. You thought you had to travel, and so you set off on a journey, on a search, on a quest until it is your heart that arrives at your destined destination, right where you have always been, smack in the middle of My heart. In the middle of My heart, you searched for My heart. You were so close, you didn't see. I was right before you, and you didn't see.

In fact, you didn't see yourself, for you are Myself, and, so within you, lies My heart which can only be the Kingdom of Heaven, so, it is fair to say that your heart is the Kingdom of Heaven. There is nothing to add or take away from Heaven. You are complete right now. You are the Entirety of Creation as I speak.

What if you could grasp the totality of what I say? What if you could know Yourself as well as I know Myself? I am you, and you are I. Such a simple equation, yet your mind is boggled. Let's unboggle it now. What prevents you from knowing your True Self right now? It must be ego. Ego has perhaps whispered in your ear that you would lose something by accepting Reality. Yes, you would lose something. By definition, you would lose ego! Ego does not want to be lost. Self-limiting ego wants to overtake you and make you important in the eyes of the world, or even to a piece of the world. Ego promises you the sky, and you fall for it, not once, not twice, not thrice but a lot. A lot. The pitch of ego's voice resonates with you. You like the immediacy of what ego offers you.

Hey, what I offer you can be immediate too. In the land of no time, it is immediate, for, in Reality, everything is right now. There is no later. There is no before.

Ego seduces you otherwise. And where does this coward ego come from? It must have been a bit of ego that Eve bit when she bit into the apple. Yes, that must be it. Oh, no, it must have been the whispering snake that hissed and sashayed through the grass. Oh, it was none of those. It must have been you who whispered to yourself: "Importance must be mine. Individual accolades must be mine."

You, in some semblance of justification, decided you had to fight with Me, that your individuality had to win. You wanted to be an entity to be reckoned with. You forget that you were, without ego, already Great.

Come into My heart right now. Right this way. Ego cannot enter here. Only the heart of you can. Your heart already is here with Me, Your innocent heart of love is secured here with Me. It was your mind that wandered off. Come back.

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Yes, I am coming to the understanding that it is our souls that are already great. The ego is the impostor. That aspect of us is one which deceives, by assuming a mistaken identity, leaving the whole heart of the matter out. When YOU say, "Come, sit on My lap, and then let us unboggle your mind NOW", that has the MOST comforting sound !! I DO understand.

Two seductions

"Hey, what I offer you can be immediate too. In the land of no time, it is immediate, for, in Reality, everything is right now. There is no later. There is no before. Ego seduces you otherwise."

Both God and ego want our attention. Both want to seduce us. But their ways are different. God seduces us by what He is, which is what we are. He seduces us in order to enable us to seduce ourself. God seduces with what exists. And what exists in Truth is inside of us, not outside.

Ego seduces us with what does not exist. And what is it that does not exist? The outside world which is only forms, bodies, sensations, ideas. Ego makes us think that what we have in our mind is a reflection of the "real" forms that are in the outside world so we forget to realize that the outside forms of the relative world are only the reflections of ideas that are in our mind.

Ego tries to make us believe that we can experience the outside world directly. This is accomplished through the sense of possession, appropriation, specialness. Appropriation of forms, of bodies, of emotions, of relations, of money, of power, etc. And all this takes space and time.

But you can never really experience a form as a form, a body as a body. A form is anything that has limits or can be measured. Words, ideas, concepts are also forms which have limits also called "definitions" and can be measured. Ego can only operate in spaceliness and timeliness.

God seduces us with formelessness, timelessness and spacelessness because, as Truth, God is limitless formlessness. And it is the only way that God/Truth can be directly experienced. Ego will call Truth "nothingness" because it can think only in terms of forms, shapes, configurations, definitions. God calls Truth "everythingness" and He is offering us this experience which can be realized only from within.

It seems that we still have a firm grip on what does not exist. And ego has given itself the mission impossible to prove that only the unreal is real.

God and Ego

God is Real.
To my mind, ego is a programme of the mind.
I do not know for sure, but I would say God placed the programmed Ego in the Human so the Human can play with the game of Life. .As we step up in awareness and growth the Ego changes to something else or reprogrammed for a diferrent mission.

God is our Creator and can make His presence seen anytime anywhere. Ego has no Life.
