The Golden Cup You Raise

God said:

You have asked and others have asked of you, What in the world do you want?

The answer is very clear to you actually. What you want is everything, certainly everything nice the world offers.

The very expression "in the world" suggests that you also know there is a realm "out of this world". You sense that there is something amazingly wonderful that you have not yet quite reached, something amazingly wonderful that tantalizes you and lures you, but you can't quite locate.

The question, What in the world do you want? is asked because nothing in the world is quite enough. Even, when you have everything in the world, it is not enough. Everything in the world is not satisfactory, and you are dissatisfied. You know there is greater bounty, and you know that you are supposed to have it.

Then I come in and tell you that you already have it all, and you look around and you blink your eyes, and give Me a blank stare. You know you are lacking, and then you hear Me blandly say, "No, you're not."

All that ever can be lacking in you is awareness. I will grant you that lack. And what is lack of awareness but ignorance? The reverse of ignorance is knowingness. The word "ignorance" also implies that you are ignoring that which will bring you the infinite blossoming joy you seek. It is right before you. You have been ignoring the very avenue you have been seeking. What you are looking for is on a higher shelf.

Pause a moment in your search, and think where to look.

You have been looking for satisfaction. Your whole life is a search for satisfaction. Of course, "satisfaction" is too small a word for what you deserve and what you desire. Yet it is also possible that dissatisfaction is the grist for your mill and will lead you to fulfillment.

Certainly, desires are based on a sense of need for more, and more is what I want you to have. Much more. It is My Will that you have more than the world as you know it offers.

It is My Will that you see more, see further, see as close as Truth.

It is My Will that you look higher.

It is My Will that you find the Golden Cup of Life that eagerly awaits you.

It is My Will that your thirst be quenched, and that you then hold up your Golden Cup to quench the thirst of others.

It is My Will that the world resound with your joy.

It is My Will that the age of suffering on earth be repealed, and that bells ring the age of joy on earth.

It is My Will that joy-seekers become joy-givers.

It is My Will that the medium of exchange be love, far-seeing love, generously bestowed love, bounding abundant love bouncing to and fro and everywhere.

It is My Will that you know there is no other, that all is yourself, and, so you will greet yourself magnificently again and again forevermore, and so place My seal on all of humanity.

It is My Will that you raise yourself off your penitent knees and raise the fallen world and return it to the Sun.

It is My Will that ignorance fall from your shoulders and that it be replaced with a cloak of light that encircles the whole universe, the light of your shoulders a halo that encircles the universe in a ring of light.

It is My Will that your light be known, and, indelibly to yourself.

The Giver gives you a gift. The gift is yourself. It is all within you. Search deep in your pockets, and find the glowing treasure that you forgot you had. All the time, it was there, only you had to reach in. Reach in now and discover the riches within. Then toss goldenness everywhere, again and again, until everyone knows that goldenness is all that there is, and that goldenness alone is enough, and thoroughly satisfactory.

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The Giver gives you a gift. The gift is yourself. It is all within you. Search deep in your pockets, and find the glowing treasure that you forgot you had. All the time, it was there, only you had to reach in. Reach in now and discover the riches within. Then toss goldenness everywhere, again and again, until everyone knows that goldenness is all that there is, and that goldenness alone is enough, and thoroughly satisfactory. into the pockets...into the depth of your heart! is all you will find! And...I love you so, so much! Spread your love today...share your heart today..(Could something truly be more important than this?).make this a priority...Peace, Love, Joy. Jim and Jimi.

Thank you Jim



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