The God Dial

God said:

Desire every day that you grow a notch in consciousness.

Say: "Today, help me to grow, dear God. Help me to expand my horizons. Help me to grow out of self-centeredness. May I become God-centered, for I know You are on the right track. Let me follow You. If I do not experience that You are right beside me, then let me seek You. Let me chase You. Let me go on a foray for You. God of My Heart, help me rise to a place of happiness where it is only possible for me to see Your rays of love and to claim them as my own and spread them out like cloth on the Universe You have created."

Do you see how this seems like you are praying to Me, and yet, really, you are reminding yourself of your higher aspirations? I am here listening, yet you are talking to yourself. You turn to Me, and you raise yourself a notch. You hear yourself, and so the dial is set.

As on a radio, you can turn the dial to any station you want. You can also turn the dial of your heart to God. Certainly, you know you have a God dial. It is in your heart. This dial never wears out. In fact, the more you use it, the more easily it turns. You will discover that you can automatically set the dial, and it will always be on.

On this God dial, there can be no interference. Attune it correctly, and you are set for life.

Well, you are set for life in any case. I am always on. Yet, when you turn this dial that doesn't really need to be turned, you are turning yourself in the direction you want to go. This is not the game, Blind Man's Bluff, yet you may have thought I was out of sight when, all the while, it is My eyes you are looking through. Do you feel this sometimes? Do you have that sparkle of awareness that the only eyes that exist are Mine, that they are no longer your two orbs but Mine? When you sense this, is it not spectacular?

Of course, I have loaned My eyes to you. I have given you My heart. Why wouldn't I give you My eyes and My ears? If I am a God Who has given you everything, and I assure you that I AM, then what of Mine do you not have?

Are We getting closer to the mystery of Oneness?

You may think that when you speak, no one is listening to you, and yet your words cross the entire Universe. Mine do, whether heard or not. My words, even before they become words, My thoughts, My love, My unuttered speech, reach entirely, and so then do yours the same. Every breath of yours, of Mine, spans the continents and reaches every heart. Noted or not, all reaches all. Tell Me, where is My vibration not? To whom does it not enter? Heard or unheard, whose heart has been untouched by Me? And whose heart has not been touched by yours?

Knowing this, now you know you are meant to be happy. According to your happiness is the whole world's. Don't tell Me that you can't change the tenor of the world. Where is the dial of your thoughts set? What music do you listen to, and what music do you play, and who does not hear the music you play whether he is aware of it or not?

You cannot turn the dial of your broadcasting off. You are sending transmissions all the time, and you are receiving. Turn the dial to Me.

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WGOD Radio -- Broadcasting LIVE (and Receiving) 24-7!

What a great post! Several years ago, I actually used a graphic of a radio-dial to talk about prayer, or thought; and Jennifer named the "radio station" we were trying to tune-in to: WGOD Radio. If you've ever tried to tune-in an AM radio, you understand this metaphor and how it relates to the difficulty most people have getting centered, calm, and focusing their thoughts. On my diagram, if we were a little Left of center, we are tuning into the Past; and, if we were a little Right of center, we were projecting our thoughts into the future -- usually worrying about things that may or may not happen rather than focusing on our own inner guidance and wisdom. But, when we are "Centered," we can clearly transmit and receive. The operative word is indeed, "Clearly;" because we are absolutely sending and receiving all the time. Usually, however, our environment is drowning-out the incoming messages (or we just ignore them), and shaping the content of our outgoing messages. In other words, we listen to the din of our world rather than that still, quiet voice within; and we let our external conditions shape and drive our thought-life.

There is a verse by Emerson that I included in The Belief Formula because it speaks to this message perfectly:

"And though your knees were never bent,
to Heaven your hourly prayers are sent.
And be they formed for good or ill
are registered and answered still."

There is no "on-off" switch to your thoughts/prayers that is activated when you kneel, or clasp your hands together in front of you, or stand in a particular building; churches are not radio-stations -- you are. Where you go, there goes your Creator and Its Creation. Wake-up, tune-in, and turn-on to life! It's the thought that counts! ALWAYS.

Thanks for another wonderful letter, Gloria!

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said turn to Me
You know you have a God dial
It is in your heart

God said knowing this
You are meant to be happy
Entirely so

Love, Light and Aloha!

Freshly from the CHG -

Freshly from the CHG - amazingly beautiful, isn't it ????

Today, help me to grow, dear God. Help me to expand my horizons. Help me to grow out of self-centeredness. May I become God-centered, for I know You are on the right track.
Certainly, you know you have a God dial. It is in your heart. This dial never wears out. In fact, the more you use it, the more easily it turns. You will discover that you can automatically set the dial, and it will always be on.

Every breath of yours, of Mine, spans the continents and reaches every heart.

Boundless love to all

Yes, beautiful Heavenletter.

Yes, beautiful Heavenletter. Thanks, Berit.

What does CHG mean?

Cosmic Heavenletter Generator

Cosmic Heavenletter Generator

♥ ♥ ♥ much much love

♥ ♥ ♥ much much love to you dear !

Yes...always God

Yes...To think and feel and know the presence of God all of the be completely engaged with and to God. In us and as us and through us and above and beneath us and behind and in front of us and to our side is God. How could I be lonely or confused or in fear with such a Presence? Thank you God...I have so much gratitude for you and I love you so much! Loving and blessing you always, Jim and Jimi.