The Entitlement of Your Heart

God said:

When you feel heartsore, know that you are the one hurting your heart. Have you not turned your heart into a scale for weighing what goes out and what comes in? Have you not felt short-weighted and held that to you?

When your heart feels pangs, there is something you are holding on to that doesn't belong in it. Let go, and your heart will ease. There is only one thing that belongs in your heart, and that is love. When your heart aches, it is trying to tell you. "Get those regrets and fears out of here!" And your heart twists and turns and tries in every way to get what is not love out of its chambers, and this you call heartache.

Your heart is not meant for cold storage. It is not meant for storage at all. Your heart is a pump that pumps out. It is the pumping station of love. It is not meant to be a pumping station of anything else. You are not meant to turn your heart into a scavenger of hurts. The pure flow of love cleanses your heart of all the past. The past is sludge to an eager beating heart. Your hold on the past — even recent past — interferes with the heart's purpose.

The heart is not meant to push things away. It is meant to love. Do not crimp the style of your heart. Let your heart be what it is, a vehicle for love. It runs on love. It can never run out of love. Only the love within it can be squashed and crammed by antibodies you inject there.

Your heart is not meant to be sour grapes. Your heart is meant to be sweet. Let your heart pour the sweet cream of love and bless all within its range. It so happens that the whole universe is within its range. There is nothing that is out of the range of your heart, yes, that heart that beats within you. It beats right now.

Your heart wants no discordant notes. Your heart wants to sing pure notes of love. Your heart wants to sing high with all of the love in it. Your heart does not want to drip drops of love. It wants to surge all the love in the world.

Your heart is full of love. Your heart is a carrier of love. It was fashioned utterly for love. Your heart is a channel of love, not a dam of it.

Yet you feel it is daring to let your heart love. Your heart is meant to dare. It is meant solely for the daring of love, but that is no daring at all. How much daring does it take to let your heart be what it is? Let it beat for all its worth.

How patient with you your heart has been! Weary with your reining it in, it has yet served you very well. It has never let you forget love. It is such a good servant to you, that when you go offtrack, its very aching is a signal to you to let go. You know, your heart is not something you are supposed to manage. Your heart is meant to be free, and so, you must free it to be what it is and not try to make it less.

If your heart is a racehorse, you have held it back. Oh, let your heart go full steam ahead. Your heart can pull so much with it when you stop directing traffic away from it. Turn off the stoplight. Give your heart the go-ahead. Your heart is entitled to soar.

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A beautiful image

Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful image: "Your heart is a heart that pumps out. It is a pumping station of love."