Share Your Hearts, Beloveds
Hold onto nothing. Let everything go. Nothing belongs to you. Not even yourself. You do not own. Ownership is an illusion.
There is merit in saying that you own the sky. You own the stars. You own the planets. They are yours. They are also everyone's. Otherwise, beloveds, what do you own?
Owning is a game. Objects go back and forth. You own a house. The next moment you sell it. Someone else owns it. What can the meaning of owning be?
You do not really own your body. It is here and there for a while. It carries you, yet it is a supposition that there is anywhere for your body to take you.
You like to think you own your mind, and yet you may be unwilling to take responsibility for your thoughts. Many of your thoughts have been unbidden, and yet you received them. You took them on. Perhaps they entered your head like a stranger invading your home. What would you do with an invader in your home? It's likely you wouldn't invite invaders to stay. You wouldn't want them, and you wouldn't make room for them, yet you keep unwanted thoughts. Let go of thoughts that have invaded, or that you bought. Let go of them like old clothes in your closet. They simply don't fit anymore, if they ever did.
You don't own your own heart. You try to control it, and sometimes it gets broken. Your heart can only break when you have held on to the idea that you own something, someone else's heart perhaps. Beloveds, you don't even own your own heart. Immersed in the idea of ownership, your heart is tense. It knows deep down that it doesn't own. If you didn't imagine ownership, your heart couldn't snap in two. A relaxed heart doesn't break.
Ownership is a weight. The idea of ownership is a weight. It keeps you from being free.
What does the wind own? It blows leaves, yet it does not presume to own anything that it moves around. The wind is as free as a bird to come and go.
A tree doesn't own. It has its place. Its roots go deep, and yet a tree doesn't think of owning or not owning. A tree is open to the elements. Some trees are able to bend. Some trees are too firm to bend, yet no tree presumes to own. It stays where it is, oblivious to such a thought as ownership.
A sense of ownership may feel good to you, yet it gets you in trouble. You may go to court over it. You may go to court over a bauble.
Instead of thinking restrictive thoughts such as that you are an owner of things in space, start thinking of yourself as a sharer or even a giver. That will lighten your step.
If you have a deed to a house, I don't mean to say that you give the house away. When someone comes over, you simply share it. With or without company, enjoy your house, and yet know you don't own it. It is loaned to you for a while. You are blessed to live there, and yet you don't own it. Knowing that, you are not owned by it.
Unchain yourself from possessing. There is nothing you have to have. Enjoy all. Own none of it.
You are a nomad, beloved. There is no permanent place to settle. You are a tenant of the Universe. The Universe is your home. And yet, renter that you are, you share the Universe with a cast of thousands, really with a cast larger than you can count. You are a sharer, for you share. You live side by side with your neighbors who are transients as well. Share your heart, beloveds.
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