see the vastness

Get Closer to the Vastness

God said:

Love is the only way, beloveds. As I say this, I believe that you and I may not have the same definition of love. I certainly don't mean love sweety-sweet. I don't mean that love has to look a certain way. I don't mean that love always gets you the immediate result you want. It's not that you predicate love and that you love FOR something in mind. It is that you love. You love for love's sake, for your sake, and for Mine.

There Is Vastness

God said:

If you could let go of the little things that stick in your heart, how blessed the world would be. I am speaking of the little peeves, the little events that capture you. Perhaps someone snubbed you, looked at you in a way you didn't like, didn't hear you, didn't talk to you, talked too much, and so on.

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