Seasons in Your Life

God said:

What are you shying away from? I will answer for you. You are shying away from love, My love. You want it, and you shy away from it.

My love shakes your very foundation. I would like that you would believe that you deserve My love, that you deserve it from the moment of your birth and through the Eternalness of your life.

What if you had never known anything but My love, how would you be feeling now? How would you walk and talk, Kings and Queens of the Universe?

How would you savor life then? What would you make of your life then?

And so may it be now. Now is of the essence, and you are of the essence of now.

Have no resistance to My love. You have said you want love more than anything. Then, take My love. Hold it deep in your heart. Dare to love Me, and dare to accept My love, for it is yours. You have been balking at love. You never thought you would, yet that’s what you have been doing.

Hold up your arms and put them around My neck. I speak figuratively, of course. Embrace Me. Hold on to Me. You are exactly where you are meant to be.

What about the anxiety you are wracked with? Look at it this way:

There is a mosquito buzzing around. A mosquito is not calamity. It is only a mosquito. Beloveds, you have God on one hand, and mosquito on the other. You tend to mix up everything together. It may even feel to you that everything weighs the same. You may even think that a mosquito, so to speak, weighs as much as God, or even more.

How much do you think My role in your life weighs? Who has been taking care of you right along? You don’t think you were going along, all alone without Me, do you? Some like to think that way, or like to hold Me accountable for everything. Some like to credit themselves with running their lives.

All the matters that assail you, what are they worth? They are not worth all your attention. They are worth none of it.

Trees bud in spring. In fall, leaves fall. Blossoms fall in summer. In winter, trees are covered with snow. These are seasons. There are seasons in your life as well, only your seasons are short. You may have all the seasons in the same day or twice a day. Seasons are short, and you have work in the world to do for Me.

I am the Doer, yet you are to do My work for Me. I am not lazy. I am not handicapped. From the silence of My heart and thought, the world erupts, and My willing children help the world along.

You are My waiters and waitresses in God’s Restaurant. Serve, eat your fill, and serve again.

Let not mosquitoes rule your happiness. Which do you choose? Mosquito or God? At this moment, which do you choose? Choose once and for all.

Say to yourself:

“God clears the way for me. He is clearing the way for me now. He pulls me in His sleigh of love. His love requires nothing of me but my awareness of it. It is always here, God’s love, surrounding me. I am so busy dealing with mosquitoes that sometimes I forget God’s hand on my shoulder.

“From now on, my first thought is God. From now on, my last thought is God. And all the thoughts in between are also God-centered.

“God is the Center of my life. Mosquitoes are not. A thousand mosquitoes are not.

“Now I consider mosquitoes like the paper napkins that accompany a meal. I wipe my hands on them and throw the napkins away. I don’t keep paper napkins. I do not analyze and diagnose them. There is need for me to get up from the table of difficulties and get going.

“Now I zoom to love. That’s it. I zoom to God’s love, and I spread it. I lay down a blanket of God’s love. I am getting ready for a picnic of God’s love. And all who want to join, come sit down with God.”

Remember God, and pass by all else. All else, you pass by. You keep nothing but My love, and you can never lose it. You can throw My love away, and still it won’t leave. My love stays with you. My love never strays. My love for you is right where it belongs.

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And that love would be my love for you. It's easy to communicate this way. I'm sorry I didn't understand what it was you were asking...I kept thinking if I posted it it would be open to all...actuallly, this is kind of 'neat'

Speaking of postings I'm getting so many on one of my sites. I'm not sure why it's happening and why it isn't happening on the other site.

How are you? I think of you each day. I am one of your biggest fans. With love and gratitude to hear your wonderful words each day, Lynne

Beloved Lynne, is it

Beloved Lynne, is it possible that your site, where you posted some of the Story of Heavenletters, and, in my response here in an earlier posting with gratitude to you -- is it possible that some of the Heaven people who read this forum went to take a look at your site? I just repeated your your URL because you so graciously and generously introduced Heavenletters there.

And what is posted here on this forum, dear one, it is open to all who choose to read it!

Beloved Lynne, remember you are God's fan and Heavenletters' fan. And I do believe you are one of the biggest.

God bless you.

Love 2

I wish I lived where you live (or visey versey) so I could go to your workshops. The Joy! Maybe I wish you lived here more because I love where I live...the thought of those weekends spent in growth--brought back so many memories. But Spiritual? We never did that back in the day. Oh, you are something...

Is napkin consciousness your desire?

This kind of Heaven Letter tells us so sweetly about the way thinking affects our consciousness. Think about the dinner not the napkin. Let the Source draw you into its beauty and wholenessl.

My trip is going well. This computer permits me to comment. Love


Stepping back

"My love shakes your very foundation".
It could be the shortest sentence that condenses all the Heavenletters, past, present and to come. That is when the ego starts fighting windmills like Don Quixote. Ego would love God to resist to its attacks but God does not know about resistance. He's always free flowing. Ego expects counter-attack from God but the ennemy doesn't show.

"You want it (love), and you shy away from it." We tend to use passive or reactive words like fear, resistance, guilt, shying away to express ego's behavior. But what about ego's attacks and arrogance against God? It seems all about the ego trying to create my self instead of accepting myself as God created me. Accepting my littleness is arrogant, because it means that I believe my evaluation of myself is truer than God's. To accept myself as God created me, it cannot be arrogance, because it is the denial of arrogance.

Arrogance is the denial of love, because love shares and arrogance withholds. Am I shying away from love or am I withholding it?

Isn't God telling me today that I should step back and let Him lead the way instead of my obstination to try to create myself as I want? Am I resisting to leave the control of my life to God? If I accept that I did not create myself but that God did, then why shouldn't I trust Him more than myself? After all, am I not the mosquito? If I trust Him, will I still try to be the back seat driver?

As I step back and let the lead to Him, the light in me will step forward and encompass the world.That is God's invitation.

Dare to love Me, and dare to

Dare to love Me, and dare to accept My love, for it is yours.
Embrace Me. Hold on to Me.
Remember God, and pass by all else.

I do. Love You.


Hi Berit, Love is so beautiful , Is it not????? Love to all Jack


Hi Jack,

LOVE IS SO BEAUTIFUL, YES !!! and so sweet and tender and soft. When the heart is full of God and God alone....that is Heaven on Earth now. much love to you and all Heavenangels. I really really love Heavenletters.
