Say No to Ego

God said:

Where do you get naughtiness from? From ego, I expect.

Where do you get the idea that you need to set others straight? Or even put them down? Where do you get the idea that you have to be above all? What makes you think so? Ego, I expect.

Although love makes the world go around, ego has been known to overtake love, push love aside and insert itself. Ego sees need. Ego wants to triumph, and you lose. The world loses when ego struts its stuff. Ego makes a lot of noise.

Ego listens to its own drummer. It doesn’t listen to Me. Ego wants homage given to it. Ego makes you forget that you are to serve. Ego is very needy. It is a pickpocket. It is a marauder. Ego is short-sighted, and yet ego twirls its baton, and you follow it. Not thinking, you get caught up in ego. You march right behind it. There are the times, no matter what, when you surrender to ego.

True, you are sorry later. Beware of what ego tells you is necessary. Ego is necessary to itself. Ego is a strumpet who leads you astray. What do you think ego really gives you? It gives you betrayal.

You never did need ego. Do not adore ego’s false promises. All its promises are false. When ego wins, when you become on top of the world, what does it matter? You have a moment of glamour, and then you are left bereft because what ego gives you is nothing. Ego is such a culprit. Ego is the con-artist of the world. Ego does a good job at what ego does.

Ego is slick. Ego is glib. When ego beckons, you do not have to be under its spell. You do not have to follow. The next time ego taps you on your shoulder, promises you rewards, builds you up, tempts you, wants to pull you away from your path, smile and say: “Thanks but no thanks.”

The only thing ego has to give you is bluster and wrong turns. You can only in the end be embarrassed at your compliance with ego. You were taken in, and now you pay the piper. Ego waltzes off to find another sap to beguile. Ego purveys a false trail. Ego will trip you up every time.

To be egotistic is to be egotistic. All ego can give you is hot air. The bubble bursts. It has been said that pride goeth before a fall. Pride is the fall, beloveds. Pride is a fall from grace. In pride you sell yourself out. You accept dross for gold. A pox on ego. Stay away from it.

And yet here I do a bio of ego. I am making ego important by my very diatribe against it. I tell you to be beware of ego, and so I call your very attention to ego. I tell you to be egoless, and yet My topic is ego. I tell you to erase ego, and I make ego important -- important that you not have it.

And yet I will continue. Ego itself has no pride. It has no shame, no embarrassment. Ego is pretty sure you will come back to it. Ego is a drug dealer on the street corner. Ego gives you a little triumph, and then takes the false joy away and leaves you panting for more. Invariably, ego pulls the carpet out from under you. It wasn’t much of a carpet. Like ego, the carpet was flim-flam.

How many countless times will you be taken in before you wise up to ego? Say No to ego.

Read Comments

How many times?

How many times? Probably many as I still don't know what ego is. If you only know some of ego's actions and reactions but not what it is, Ego will trip you up every time.

I think we can safely assume that ego has to do with perceived physicalness. Without body, no ego. Angels — no ego. My true Self as it sits with God under a palm tree reading the novel of my life (as one HL tells the story) — no ego. Ego is short for all the seeming lovelessness that comes with seeming physicalness, beginning with that primal emotion, fear. Fear is ego's most reliable lever but it has many others. Strangely, they all are emotions and their consequences. That's why I think this is also true: without imagined body, no emotions.

Ego does not only trip me up when I'm being selfish, arrogant, self-righteous, angry or any of those more glaring things I will later regret and find embarrassing. It seems to be subtly tripping me up in most of the ideas and opinions I have, in my world view and every other view I entertain, down to my victim consciousness that comprises so much more than my wailing: "Poor me!" Believing that things just happen while we have no say in them — day and night, weather, nails growing, death — that is ego playing the subtler notes on the keyboard of victim consciousness. In Heaven, I venture to say, nothing happens. Things happening, certainly things happening to me, are ego's invention. A sunset? No, that is something else. It's not possible for a sunset to happen to me.

I can look at what ego does all I want, I still don't know what it is. But if what it does comes from fear and thus fear of love, all I need to do to solve the apparent problem of ego is to love anyway. That's not one of the things that can be done, but it can be intended, desired.

Trying to educate ego to better it, on the other hand, is again ego tripping me up. When the bath tub is running over, trying to dry the surroundings is not a solution. Close the faucet! In the case of ego, closing the faucet means ending fear, not giving in to it any more. This looks like a very tall order. I can tell myself that the physical is no more than a hologram and not even a real hologram — that doesn't alter the fact that pain hurts. Pain is the strangest phenomenon there is in all of creation. If physicalness does not really exist, pain has to be unreal too. How can it be so convincing? I will stop here today, not knowing how to go on. The rest is YOUR job, God. I feel ready to step out of fear and pain and into You, so, if You please

Pain is as real as we make it feel like pain.

As a medic in WWII I often was asked by the service man to rub the sheet where the amputees leg lay before it was removed. At times the injured man would sigh in relief as though the leg were touched.

We can only think what we can think. We cannot not believe what we do believe. We can not believe what we don't believe.

It really has nothing to do with truth of falsity. Life is like that.


No to Ego and rise above to and with love

Dear Gloria and God. Thank you... I am sorry I keep thanking you for your letters. They just truly have an impact on me and the way I would like to be for the better. This is a very important Heaven letter. It's difficult to let go of our Ego self. That part of the self which truly doesn't belong to our true self. That aspect of us that draws us away from the unconditional loving nature of our true selves. Jochen, beautifully written - thank you for your comment. Your perspective on the ego and its attempts at taking us away from love. Your insights are incredibly profound and have been very very helpful.

Please dear Lord, Help us all and myself let go the hand of The Ego and walk the bridge of Love without fear and regret just with Trust.

Dear God, But where did

Dear God,

But where did this Ego come from, if not from You? Was it a mistake? I doubt it. Did you not create Ego for us to have a playmate that would teach us in the way we seem to learn best down here--experientially? If Oneness and Unity are You, rather than rail and diatribe, should we not embrace this Little Rascal and use it consciously in those instances where it can be useful within this dreamworld we inhabit? Rather than say No to anything because everything is You/I?


Whose playmate am I?

Even science of today says - there is much more about learning than learning by experience. Experience is weak and changing, temporary and tapping, suggestible and often rigid. Why would we have a weak playmate, while we ARE the strongest Union there is? Or, why would ego like to have a weak, unconscious and unaware playmate called humans and why would ego be a playmate for us, while ego knows and sees freely, that we ARE FREE in the strongest Union there is? Ego is more than ignorant, ego is, as God says, a dissembler, a con artist, a trickster, a contriver. Ego does not like to see Us in the strongest Union there is. So, ego does what it does.

When our daughter is abusing drugs, she is well advised to say No. Drugs are no Little Rascal. They cannot be used in those instances when we expect and presume them to be useful. Saying No is useful for her. There will be a time in the life of our daughter, when saying No is no more something to think about and to think of. It will be the time of her life, when she says Yes to all of life. And now, during the passage of time of most of us, willing to say Yes to everything is unquestionably accompanied by saying No to at least some things. There is pretense.

"Do not think for one moment that ego is your friend."

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Jochen keeps asking .... Why is there ego? And Jochen keeps saying ... How many questions did I put in my life, and how many are coming out, still nowadays! Questions are whys and buts. Well, let us remember, not all questions are ego's. Sometimes our questions surmount our level of consciousness. Perhaps this is the case, when we talk with some of our neighbours or while we are talking with outselves.

Is it possible, that what is around the bend is dawning on us, before we go around the corner? Unfathomableness is. And we are tapping it, and keep getting burdens called sorrows and questions, questions of the way which are not freeing. Will we be able to become clear what is unfathomableness, if we do not go beyond it or if we are not willing to enter it or if we are not falling in love with it?

Will we be able to become clear what is ego, if we do not let it go, if we do not enter territories where there is simply no place for ego, and where we had gotten out of the way of ego?

Using our mind may be only useful and fruitful, beneficient, soothing and comforting at some times, when we use it with wisdom. What is wisdom else but love?


Jansett Belovodia takes us back Home so nice.

I love to treat my hidden playmate as a partner in hide and seek. When I find that elusive friend it say boo, I'm you. You give us joy, the way you see.


Ego follows our thoughts. Egp can be made subject to spirit.

Learn that your ego is naughty because it was taught by the human person that to get its way it needed to show a fit. A loving parent will show the child a better way.

Choose your thoughts well, choose your books well, be a thoughtful, loving person and keep your ego under the control of your spirit.

Don't expect a young person to know how to control their ego. Parents lovingly guide them until they have learn how to BE.

That's what life is all about.



Reading this Heavenletter once again and adding Heaven #3701, A Thief of Love, which is also on ego, I wonder: Is creation some sort of Punch-and-Judy show with ego messing up things eternally and us clapping or booing or, if worst comes to worst, thinking about it?

I don't believe that creation is what all myths try to tell us it is, a battle between opposing forces. Or, closer to truth, I don't want it to be that.

After having said a lot of things myself, it occurs to me that there may be no need to know anything about ego but what this Heavenletter says. Does it help me to know the whereabouts of ego in the grand scheme of things? No, particularly since that "grand scheme of things" is only my idea of it and very likely wrong.

Trying to know about ego to get a handle on ego may be ego's most devious ruse.

Ego is not a problem to be understood and solved. Do not think about it. Leave it to God. Intend for love. That is what I hear now.

Jochen takes us to a very HIGH MOUNTAIN of knowing.

Jochen the way you tell us to think about Creation not being as the myths try to tell us takes us to the divine play ground to do what our hearts tell us to do like play in the sand or slide on the slides or whirl in the spinning thing until our legs wobble while laughing our lives to maturity.

Yes Jochen, love has written us a love story that has no happy ending, because our story has and ending that is but a Beginning.
