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Thanks- can i ask god specific questions about life choices/treatments
and who to stick with an who to let go of?

I used to feel really in the flow and started having an awakening
but as i said somehow i slipped into depression...

and its 3 years of downhill and this year total sabbotage where i started deliberately
lying to people to protect my pride about what i'm doing.

its absolutely ridiculous.
i know i should be dancing and making work and living
in this beautiful city..

i have been and am surrounded by love and the most beautiful people

thank you soooooooo very much . I do feel lost and uncertain as to how to
proceed without making more of a mess.

I would liek to hand it ove r to god bc my way doesnt work at all...

much love special one..

Welcome to this forum, dear

Welcome to this forum, dear Colleen, member for 51 minutes, 8 seconds as I write this. Handing it over to God because our way doesn't work is what so many of us try to learn here. I am one of them, and the real start for me was when I asked God through Gloria. It has quite literally changed my life. So, naturally, I strongly recommend doing it.

Also, use our Cosmic Heavenletter Generator (right margin). Whenever there is something I need a solution for, even if I don't know exactly what it is, I use the Generator trusting it will find some helpful Heavenletter for me. It always does.

Much love, dear new friend,

Beloved Colleen, Jochen is

Beloved Colleen,

Jochen is exquisite in his response to your beautiful open heart. What more is there to say?

And, yet, I will add my two cents, even though I like his much better.

1. Enjoy.

2. Stop criticizing yourself.

3. Talk about what you want, and not what you don’t.

4. Do something nice for yourself.

5. Do something nice for someone else.

6, 7, 8, 9, – Enjoy!

10. Come join us on this forum often. What beautiful souls there are here, enriching all our hearts. .

11. Don't forget 1 - 10. I

11. Don't forget 1 - 10.

I seem to always do. Thanks for remindig me, Gloria. Love you.