
And Yet…

God said:

You are an investor in life. You half-invest. You welcome life at the same time as you turn it away. You want and you don't want.

You are the same with death. You long for it, and you hide from it. You run away from it.

As you look at death, so you look at life.

You do not always deal well with change.

All of life is a transit from one moment to another. All is in transition. You slip from one moment to another. Your body changes minute by minute according to other changes. You are never the same, and yet you crave to be the same, as if a moment ago were better than this one now.

Living in a Body

God said:

Living in a body consumes a lot of imagined time. So long as you are in a body, there are many things to do. If you were not in a body, if you were your pure soul altogether, you would not be so consumed with doing.

If you will grant that your being exists along with your doing, if you will grant that you are a Human being at least as much as you are a doer of Human things, then you may come to realize the power of being.

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