Open the Window of Your Mind

God said:

All your worries are for naught. You worry if you do, and you worry if you don’t. You think of all the dangerous possibilities. You worry about worrying. You must know by now that worrying is a downer.

Substitute freedom for worry. You are free! You are a free being on Earth. You are free not to worry. Worry is getting ready for disaster, big or little. You are free not to worry. You don’t have to put yourself through it.

The well-worn process of worry takes you down a road you don’t want to go. Take a different turn in life. You have not been given a quota on worry. There is not a certain amount of worry in a lifetime that you must fulfill. If such a quota did exist, you fulfilled it long ago.

Instead of the uncertainty of what you worry about, give yourself a gift. If you are a farmer, and you worry about your crop, picture the beauty of your crop at the moment it comes up. Picture its plentifulness. Cease to picture a drought or a flood.

If you worry about illness, give yourself a gift of picturing your health. Be a realist. Of course, you have many times been unscathed from your worries. You worried plenty, and yet you had a good crop. You worried plenty, and you had good health. Turn from the disability of worrying and wondering into an ability to think of that which you look forward to.

Worry is like poison ivy. You keep scratching it. The scratching isn’t a cure. Do you want worry or do you want to walk away from worry? I say to walk away. Worry is not a pet to keep. Bless yourself and worry not.

Instead of thinking of all the disasters that can befall, think of all the blessings. Chalk them up. Blessings are on their way to you. Blessings have already arrived. Blessings are earmarked for you. They are a foregone conclusion.

Worries, on the other hand, are simply riff-raff you have picked up off the street. Or worries are vines that you have been taking care of, one after another. Look at those vines of worry grow, and yet they do not yield fruit. They just yield more worry. They are like poison ivy. The more you scratch, the more you scratch.

I say that now you are to let worries go out the window. Open the window of your mind, and let worries go. Worries are worthless. They are worse than worthless. They are painful. They are worth nothing but pain.

You may say that you can’t stop worrying about this and that. I say you can stop. Worry is not like a job you have to keep. You do not have all the time in the world to worry. You have nurtured all the worries in the world. There is not one that has escaped you. I am telling you to escape worry.

Perhaps you have too much time on hand. Then get a second job, or volunteer somewhere, or knit a sweater. If you knit a sweater, will you start worrying then about dropped stitches? Better that than all the other worries you have harbored.

Worries are like smallpox. You simply don’t want them. They are no use to you. Don’t have worries, and then you won’t have to recover from them. Worrying is an illness of the mind. There is a cure. Stop adopting worries. Worries are not meant to be a way of life for you.

They are a penalty that you are to set yourself free from. Set yourself free from worry right now. I thank you.

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Worries? What is there to worry about, I believe all is in devine order,so why worry?
Thank you God for telling us again that worries attract what you worry about. So think of all thew beautiful things you are given each day and say thank you God . See God in the beautiful flower growing in the garden,in spite of all the weeds trying to suffocate it. So get our hands dirty and clean your weeds and be happy, Feel happyness surounding you. I had a most rewarding lovely weekend with close friends and I cooked a beautifull Indonesian type meal and we all enjoyed it Thank you God I love you Jack .

How do we get you to cook us

How do we get you to cook us a beautiful Indonesian meal?

I say to walk away

You may say that you can’t stop worrying about this and that. I say you can stop. Worry is not like a job you have to keep. You do not have all the time in the world to worry. You have nurtured all the worries in the world. There is not one that has escaped you. I am telling you to escape worry.

I confess to being the one You composed this letter for, dear God. I confess I still need, and thoroughly enjoy, this kind of reassurance.

Worrying is an illness of the mind. May all be blessed who have it. May all be blessed who don't have it.

You thank me.
I thank You.

So happy that you are back

So happy that you are back from vacation, beloved Jochen.


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