One Way to Raise Consciousness

God said:

It's good to be sensitive when it comes to others, and better to be less sensitive when it comes to yourself. When you are sensitive to what occurs or what is said to you or how someone seems to devalue you, then you can count on your suffering. Every tweak in the world around you is not to affect you. You have to do something about yourself and your sensitivity and let the bruising go. When it comes to you, you must develop a thicker skin. When it comes to others only, then be thin-skinned. Be very attuned to what affects others, and not be so attuned to yourself. Otherwise, you will fight battles of self-esteem every day, perhaps many hours. The world and the people in it are not always sensitive to how you feel, and so you must not be so sensitive either.

This is how it has to be, beloveds, when it is up to you to raise the consciousness of the world. You cannot rely on others. In time to come, all this will be moot, but right now, feeling sensitive is a big factor in your life. Sensitivity is a form of looking for trouble, beloveds. When you are so sensitive when it comes to yourself, you will find no lack of cause for heartache. Countless then are the lashings to your happiness.

You know better than to think that I am putting others' feelings above your own. I am favoring you. I am looking out for you. I am telling you to be less defensive when it comes to your sensitivity. Half the time the people around you who seem to cause you pain are unaware. Most of the time they are trying to take care of themselves and don't even know about your hurt feelings. Even when you tell them, they may still be unaware.

As it is, people can only react from where they happen to be, where their consciousness is, and your pointing out the error of their ways does not raise their consciousness.

Beloveds, for a while, you will become one who is very considerate of others, and you will become one who does not take personal offense. Please do not think I mean for you to demean yourself. Quite the contrary, I mean for you to uplift yourself. I mean for you to climb higher on the ladder and not take offense to your heart the way you may have been doing.

I am saying you are so important that you don't concern yourself when others may see you as unimportant. You know you are important to Me.

I don't want to see you as a broken piece of driftwood on a river blown by gusts of wind or batted down the river by whatever debris happens to come along.

You are not a mannequin whose mobility is dependent upon others. A mannequin cannot move its own arms and legs. A mannequin cannot transport itself from one place to another. A mannequin is totally dependent upon others to position it as they will.

You are not a mannequin, nor are your feelings to be moved back and forth according to the people and world around you. You are your own mover, and your feelings are dependent upon you and not others. I know you cannot suddenly have equanimity in one day. I do not suggest that you numb your feelings. I am suggesting, however, that you can cool your sensitivity a little bit today and a little more tomorrow. And I say this for your sake and for Mine and for the well-being of the world.

Read Comments

No mean insensitive people

Our inner thoughts and feelings,
which I guess, often means our more dominant thoughts and feelings show uP in varying ways in the world we live in.

I rarely take things personally and much rolls off my back. It's a wonderful delicious by product of progressing spiritually.

Even better, I rarely come in contact with any nasty insensitive people of any sort. If I do, I know that they are in pain and crying for help in the only way they know how at that moment.

My understanding this makes it easier not to take it personally, but have compassion on them in a way that can soothe their pain in a way that they can move on in a better state, while not being attached if they don't.

In my world, mean people don't exist, except in other peoples experience and in movies and other stories. These stories remind me there is a world that has not yet caught uP to such raising of consciousness wisdom.

One Way to Raise Consciousness

Thank You God for talking right to Me today.
May this be so.
Fairfield, Iowa

God spoke to a lot of us

God spoke to a lot of us today!

Nice to hear from you, dear Bruce.

How long has it been since you lost your beautiful wife? How are you and the kids doing?

Bruce, see if you can find some of George's comments. His wife left Earth too.

Upward and Onward

This is what I hear God saying in this Heavenletter:

It's always appropriate to put our egos aside (I can tell by his “tone” he's getting bored going over this same ol' same ol') in order to be sensitive/perceptive to the gentle soul aspect of others that may be “looking” to us as an example or a "light"/touchstone on their Way.

Individuals or a group working on behalf of the Human Race and Planet Earth “can't afford” any ill-will (read offense taken/offense given) at this critical time that can derail the long-term best interests of the “whole” of the Human Race and Planet Earth.

On the other hand, if we are to be a Consciousness-Raiser it will require a more impersonal/"detached from ego" viewpoint than what has been manifested. “Getting to the bottom” of every single offense” that is taken or given is not our privilege nor is it efficient at this time. It's better to look upward and onward.

Heavenletters are messages to each of us in “present-tense”, not “past-tense” or “future-tense”. In fact it discourages the past and encourages us to “Call Home, ET” on a daily basis.

God encourages us to RESPOND (Hello!!) to the Heavenletters in order to “make him real” to us. (So, haven't you noticed that God wants us to put “fingers to keyboard”?) Gloria will be the first to tell you, what she writes down is what God chooses to reveal to us through Gloria. She very obviously acknowledges that she is not the only one God reveals Truth to. (She teaches Godwriting to others!!)

By/in responding, we will “before-all-things” nurture an on-going and ever-expanding relationship with the God that dwells in each of us as an individual in such a way that each individual will realize that he/she has their own "Creator-in-residence”. Therein is the “more magical than magical aspect” of each one of us.

Besides that, God needs the “material” from us with our “puzzle pieces” of response for upcoming Heavenletters. Hence, we might possibly broach broader subjects that make “Ego” small potatoes. (POOF! See how God “works”!!) Look upward and onward.

When/If we expand our thinking, the more interesting Life becomes. We become interested (read: aware) of Life and Creation all around us. We become wise and warm people too, people that for some strange reason (hint!) attract other wise and warm people.

(When I asked God how he wanted me to close this Comment, he referenced me this quote:
When you remember that you are on Earth for the revelation and realization of Me, you become more reasonable in life, less attached, more open. This interim life of yours is not for you alone. (In Service to Greatness/Heavenletter # 1332/July 10, 2004)

Love to All,

All beautiful! Thanks, dear

All beautiful! Thanks, dear Bonnie.

Thank you, Gloria!!

Sweet Gloria,

Thank you for your comment. It means a lot to me.
And Thank You for supplying all the inspriration as words to "bounce off of". You are a VERY courageous soul!!

More Respectfully,

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said as you will
This is how it has to be
When it comes to you

God said Beloveds
Your feelings are up to you
For your well-being

Love, Light and Aloha!

Oct. 23 Heavenletter

Beloved Gloria - Extra wonderful Heavenletter today, and perfect preparation for a meeting I'm going to have! ~ Love ... Joy (

And how did your meeting go,

And how did your meeting go, Joy?

Thank you so much for posting!