
God said:

Simple. Basics. There is something charming about writing with a stick in the sand. Sound effects are not needed. Fireworks are not needed. A noisy world isn’t better than a quiet one. Meaning is important. Visual effects are not. Music doesn’t have to surround everything. Simple silence is also good.
Life itself is not to distract you from the meaning of life. Diversion is not the meaning of life. To get your mind off something is not the meaning of life.
Life isn’t something to just get through. Consider life a canoe ride that you paddle. You don’t want to miss it. Life is what you are here for. Life in the world is an avenue of life. It is not a race you run. It is not an extravaganza. Life is not meant to be a gilded lily.
How much glitter and periphery can clutter your mind in one day or one year? Try a day of life without distracting your mind. If you must listen to something, tune in to Me. Try consolidating yourself instead of separating yourself here, there, and everywhere.
Your life is not to be canned. It is to be live! Alive from within and not quite so much from without. Focus on whatever is yours to focus on and not so much on distraction. Seek peace and quiet more and distraction less.
When you walk your dog, pay attention to walking your dog and not ear phones.
When you eat, eat rather than watch television. Digest your food rather than diverting your mind.
Perhaps too much is getting in your way of simply living life. Too much may indeed be coming in on you.
Eat simply. Live simply. Easy does it. Take time to be simply and amply with yourself. Silence is more powerful than noise. When you listen to music, listen to music. One thing at a time. Pay attention to what is a habit and pay attention to what is unifying you. When you drive your car, drive your car. When you are with a loved one, focus on your loved one and not your texting. When the phone rings, you don’t have to answer it. Your life does not have to have so many interruptions.
Whatever you are doing, be aware of what you are doing and one thing alone. Don’t splinter your attention so much. You have one mind. One thing at a time.
One, One, One covers much ground, the One that We are, and the Oneness of activity. More is not always better. More can be a cover-up. Your mind is precious. Conserve it. You can think better, more deeply, when your mind is not filled with so much. Let your mind be uncrowded. Let your life be less crowded.
Let us say that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and not an ear phone in your ear! Silence is golden in more ways than one.
It is the same with eating. Eat less. See if you can. See if you can live as you truly wish to live and not as you are seemingly mandated. Be your own person. Meet yourself. Don’t run from yourself. Embrace the garden of yourself, what is growing within, and what you are planting. Look for a distance every once in a while. Pay attention to what you are doing. You don’t have to be caught up in everything or ten things. Put your attention on what you really want to put your attention on.
You were put on Earth for something. It is certainly something wonderful that you don’t want to miss out on. Find out what it is. Allow it to come to you. Let go of interference. Come to the simplicity of clarity and one-pointedness.

Read Comments

I am Happy

And I am grateful for the gift of Heaven Letters. All of my favorite things are freely given to me on this beautiful Planet named Earth and I love to converse with the Source of All. Thank you.

Christine, you are really

Christine, you are really listening to what God says, and through you, I am hearing Him more closely.

thank you

I am Grace Filled by your kind words Gloria. We are One and I feel Safe in this Truth. I Love to Breathe in Love and Breathe out Gratitude.

Breathe in Love and Breathe out Gratitude

Ahh.. This is the reminder that I needed right now.

"Breathe in Love and Breathe out Gratitude."

It sounds so simple, so easy.. and it is!

Thank you Christine, for everything. ;-)

"You were put on Earth for

"You were put on Earth for something. It is certainly something wonderful that you don't want to miss out on." After many years of letting go of all the former ideas I had of why I am here, you might say emptying myself of what I was taught I was here for by traditional standards, I have been saying, then why am I here, what now? Sort of a depression, but not exactly. This Heavenletter is very timely with the answer to this question. Just this morning I thought I am in a waiting, holding pattern. I must choose to be okay with that......and while I am posting, not only am I grateful for Gloria, but Uta has added greatly to Heavenletters.

Indeed Uta does add to

Indeed Uta does add to Heavenletters, and now you too, dear Diane. You add greatly to Heavenetters. I tend to think that everyone does by showing up and declaring themselves.

Thank you so Dianne! And in

Thank you so Dianne!
And in this HL is another synchronicity to my life. I discovered with others help some days ago, how important it is to be aware of acting mindful. So I really love to read this here again.
Meaning is important. Life itself is not to distract you from the meaning of life.
You were put on Earth for something.
It is certainly something wonderful that you don’t want to miss out on.
Find out what it is. Allow it to come to you.

Such a wonderful offer, that I only have to allow myself the meaning of life to come to me.
Much love to you all,

I love Heaven Letters

And all the words of wisdom shared by the contributors. I am blessed indeed and ever grateful. Every where I look I see Angels of Delight and know when I open my Heart to Earth and just relax and feel calm, I am a powerful Creator. "I AM the Dreamer of My Dream and it is the best Dream I have ever seen. As I look with Love and Light, I project a World that Shines so Bright." This is a song that flew into my Heart a couple of weeks ago. I love to sing and laugh and play on this most beautiful Planet named Earth. I am happy.

Dear God Thank you so much

Dear God

Thank you so much for the Graceful & Meaningful Message Today as always..!
That really spoke to my Heart and Mind and to the Busy Running Self..!
Thank you for this Reminder to be in Silence and to appreciate the Silence Within & Simplicity more and more..!
In my Heart I am so Grateful for every word in your message..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

The Busy Running Self! How

The Busy Running Self! How familiar I am with her! There is some letting go that has to be done, that I have to let go of.


Having faith is wonderful but also very difficult. We are programed from birth the only one we can really rely on is ourselves. We have been told that we ourselves can perform miracles if we had faith the size of a mustard seed. Imagine that.a mustard seed is one of the smallest seed on the planet yet it grows into one of the strongest and largest bushes we know.the roots grow deep and the branches are very strong. Let us truly take this in.

Thanks for reading,

Dear John, it is a pleasure

Dear John, it is a pleasure to read what you write and to be reminded that all the potential lies within us. How many ways can God say this?!!!

John, be sure to read the guidelines, will you kindly?

"Your mind is precious.

"Your mind is precious. Conserve it. You can think better, more deeply, when your mind is not filled with so much. Let your mind be uncrowded. Let your life be less crowded."
I couldn't agree more.

"Eat simply. Live simply. Easy does it."
God, Your words are so simple and easy to comprehend. Easy does it. Yeah. Totally. Agreed.

Felicia, thank you for

Felicia, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Oh, yes! This is just what I needed to hear today. God provides, and He provided through you today.

Has school started, sweetheart. What grade are you in actually?

How good to hear from you.

You're welcome Gloria.

You're welcome Gloria. School started. I'm grade ten. Good to be here too.

Wherever you are, dear

Wherever you are, dear Felicia, has to be good! Consciousness.

Thank You, this is just what I needed too!

Life itself is not to distract you from the meaning of life. Diversion is not the meaning of life. To get your mind off something is not the meaning of life.

Seek peace and quiet more and distraction less.

Try consolidating yourself instead of separating yourself here, there, and everywhere.

Your life does not have to have so many interruptions.

When you are with a loved one, focus on your loved one and not your texting. When the phone rings, you don’t have to answer it.

When you eat, eat rather than watch television. Digest your food rather than diverting your mind.

Eat simply. Live simply. Easy does it.

Pay attention to what is a habit and pay attention to what is unifying you.